Master Cleanse Recipes: Detox Like a Boss

Master Cleanse Recipes

There are several detox and master cleanse recipesdoing the rounds on the internet. Some are endorsed by people in the healthcare industry, some have been handed down for generations in ancient cultures, some have been concocted in kitchens on a whim, and yet others have come about by niftily mixing known ingredients for great health. Detox recipes have been around for ages. After the holidays, one of the world’s go-to detox recipes is eating green and drinking green for a few days after to help the body get back into active metabolism. Others have surprise ingredients in them that now have scientific backing. Cultures all over the world have long since practiced detox in their own unique ways: Lent, Ramadan, intermittent fasting, Ayurvedic cleanses, yogic breathing, etc.

Bear in mind that detox doesn’t necessarily mean detoxing your digestive system. It is a detailed process that helps our body’s cells get rid of junk and waste and spring out of lethargy owing to many reasons. Detoxing is something that the body does naturally: the kidneys help flush out toxins through the urinary tract, skin acts to get rid of toxins through sweat, the digestive system egests waste matter, the respiratory system keeps the passages clean through a sneeze or a cough, the liver is your defacto detox factory. But sometimes, you might need to do a little extra from the outside to help keep the fire burning, as it were.

Master Cleanse Recipes: The Classic Version

The classic version of master cleanse recipes was developed in the 40s. The recipe itself is simple: water, lemon juice, maple syrup, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and salt to taste. Make a lemonade out of these ingredients and drink for up to ten days, with no solid food intake for as long as you are drinking this. If while on this cleanse, you get constipated, (which you most likely will, as there is no fiber or bulk in your food intake), a laxative tea is allowed at the end of the day to help with regulation. You drink up to 12 glasses of this drink for as long as you are on the cleanse.

However, because of the severity of calorie restriction, this version of the recipe is not as popular as it was before. There are concerns about the efficacy of the master cleanse. Newer and less severe recipes have been developed, with all of the results that the master cleanse recipes promised. Increased metabolism, sustainable weight loss, and optimally functioning organs. Who doesn’t want that?

More Detox Recipes to Try

Detox Recipes use ingredients that are known for their anti-inflammatory properties: fresh herbs, greens, lemon, turmeric, pepper, ginger, berries, and more. These are loaded with vitamins and minerals, and are high in nutritive value. Their benefits are not just on weight loss and metabolism, though. These can be considered superfoods in that their impact on the human body, especially when consumed regularly, are wide-ranging and sustained. Here are some tried and tested detox recipes that we found and have tried, with great results.

  1. Jillian Michaels’s Detox Recipe: This seven day detox recipe that Jillian Michaels recommends is darn tasty! Usually added at that stage of the diet when those last stubborn five pounds need a nudge, or as a 7-day cleanse after a binge season. The key ingredients are water, cranberry juice (antioxidant properties), lemon (alkalizing liver stimulant), cinnamon (promotes metabolism, and is a blood sugar regulator) and dandelion root tea (promotes digestion and urination, and kidney cleanser). Sometimes, ginger juice is added to this to up both the anti-inflammatory benefits and taste.
  2. Dr. Axe’s Secret Detox Recipe: Dr. Axe recommends drinking this twice a day for two weeks, and then tapering off to one cup a day. He claims to have made drinking this a regular habit with great results. The key ingredients are cinnamon, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, ginger, and cayenne pepper. You could call this detox tea a sister recipe to the classic master cleanse recipe.
  3. Ginger Turmeric Detox Tea Recipe: Again a variation of the recipes listed above. This recipe uses ginger, turmeric (turmeric in everything!), cayenne (or a crushed habanero or jalapeno), lemon juice, stevia, and water.

Whichever detox recipe you decide to try, know it is not a cure-all. A few cups can help sluggish metabolism, elevated blood sugar levels, kidney issues, et al, as part of a healthy diet. There is no shortcut to good health, but a cleanse or detox week after a cheat meal or the holiday season might be a good idea to get back on the road to health and well-being.

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