Relationship Quotes


What is your relationship status? Do you have a soulmate or still searching for your second half? In any case, regardless of the answer, we have some really great quotes and sayings for you. They are universal, actually. These wise sayings will inspire you if you are happy, encourage you if you are trying to get over a breakup and help you understand what you really want if you want to find someone to start a new relationship.
Even a great relationship is a rocky road. We all are different, and even if you love your girlfriend or boyfriend most in the world, your couple, like any other, is not immune to problems, conflicts, and, of course, tough life circumstances. Probably, making a choice between staying with the person of leaving him or her is the hardest one. However, the wise sayings below will help you understand if your efforts and struggle are worth it.
If you and your soulmate are very happy now, and want your relationship to move further, the gorgeous quotes we collected will help you express your feelings and tell your second half how much he or she really means to you. They are even better than simple sweet “love you” messages. By sending them you will show that you are not only enjoying the feelings you two share, but also think of them, analyze them, and appreciate them not only with your heart but also with your mind.
If you are only waiting for love, these awesome quotes will show you what kind of person you should choose and what kind of relationship you should build. Just take a minute, relax, and read the amazing sayings below. They will inspire you, encourage you, and motivate you to stay happy and make your second half smile every day!

The Best Quotes about Serious Relationships

Frankly speaking, we all are afraid of commitment at some period of life. Starting a serious relationship is one of the most important steps in life, so it makes sense that a person can be scared of making this step. Whether it’s an engagement which is followed by a marriage or a decision to move in together, there’s nothing wrong about having second thoughts. We are here to tell you the naked truth about all of the aspects of any serious relationships. And the quotes below might give the answers to your questions.

  • If there is no communication, there won’t be any relationship. If there is no respect, there won’t be any love. If there is no trust, there won’t be any reason to continue.
  • You have to be with someone who really understands how rare, unique, and deep your love is.
  • Any successful relationships require two people to keep falling in love over and over again, but always with each other.
  • True love isn’t supposed to be found. It’s supposed to be built.
  • If you’re trying to mean something to everyone, you will never be everything to that one special someone.
  • How can you expect a love message to be heard, if you have never sent it out? It’s like with an oil lamp, if you want it to keep burning, you have to keep pouring oil in it.
  • I don’t know how it happened, but you turn out to be the only oxygen my lungs need to keep functioning.
  • Find someone who can’t be mad at you for too long, the one who can’t stand even the illusionary idea of not talking to you, the one who is scared to death of losing you.
  • Everyone can become a poet at the touch of love.
  • We should forever be grateful to the people who can make us happy! Who are they if not the gardeners who water the plants in our souls to make them blossom?
  • At the end of the day, you don’t need someone who understands you. You need someone who wants to understand.
  • One way or another real quality love should be built through the hard work. It may seem like an old-fashioned way, but it’s the only way.

Quotes about the Power of Being Together for Couples

To start with, there is no a magic spell which could give you the power to turn your relationship into something perfect. Every happy couple knows that a loving and healthy relationship is a hard work which requires sacrifices, understanding, honesty and a lot more. But we want you to read these sentences to ensure yourself that the power of being together as a couple no matter what obstacles are there on your way isn’t something made up. It’s real and it works.

  • Believe it or not, there are couples who are meant to be together. These couples can go through everything, through thick and thin. And most importantly, if there is something on their way that was supposed to tear them apart, real couples will survive this and come out even stronger.
  • If two people first become best friends and only then a couple, their relationships are always stronger.
  • It happens that if two people want to understand how much they love and care for each other, they need to get apart because it takes time to realize the necessity of getting back together.
  • If you want to make your relationship strong, remember that in times when you find it hard even to like each other, you have to choose to love each other anyways.
  • For those of you who thinks that “happily ever after” is just a fairy tale, here is a friendly reminder that it is a matter of a choice and it’s always your choice.
  • Here’s the naked truth – want it or not, but everybody you know is going to hurt you. The whole point of it is to find the ones who are worth your suffering.
  • I don’t want you to think that I love you because I need you. It’s quite the opposite, I need you because I love you.
  • Look for someone who would look at you as if you weren’t real, magic.
  • Our love isn’t just mutual, it’s divine. It’s me in you, and you in me.
  • If you get to live to be 100, I am hopeful to live 100 minus 1 day, so that I never have to live without you.
  • If you like being different, you have to fall in love with someone who is okay with that and is glad to help you to be different.
  • You can’t create closeness with someone who don’t desire it as much as you do… But you can make the effort to change yourself so this person wants it. Any person can become close to your heart, if you make the effort. It’s true for both your existing relationships and the ones that yet to be formed.

Good Quotes about Healthy Relationship and Love

Love is a nourishing source of strength for any healthy relationships. Without love what would be the point of starting one? Just to make it clear, you can understand and express love whatever you want, but it’s definitely the most moving power when it comes to being in a relationship. This and other ideas will be explained in the quotes below.

  • Silence can tell more than you think. Some hearts can understand each other without a word.
  • Even if there are a few faults, you shouldn’t abandon a true relationship because of them. The truth is, no person is perfect, no person can always be right, and in the long run, affection is more powerful than perfection.
  • To find someone to live with isn’t love, to find someone you cannot live without – this is what love is.
  • There will always be situations far from ideal which can make you want to just give up on someone, because it is the easy way out. But good relationships aren’t called good because there are no problems with them. They are good because both partners care about each other and love each other strong enough to always find a way to make everything work.
  • How to tell the wrong person from the person who’s right for you? If the person you are in a relationship with always makes you beg for their affection, attention, commitment and love, they are they are not right for you. The right person will give you all these things because they really love you.
  • There are way too many people out there who are looking for the right person while they could try to become the right person themselves.
  • True love is not something fleeting, it is eternal. Unlike the aspects that might change, the essence of love never changes.
  • What is a healthy relationship? First, it is when you can confidently share the way you really feel without the fear of the end of the relationship. A relationship can also be called healthy if you sometimes need to let the things that bug you go. You’ll become wiser and sure in yourself and one another after such tough moments.
  • The whole point is to find someone who treats you as if you are perfect even though they know you are not.
  • Often the quality of your relationships depends on the quality of your life.
  • Happiness is finding someone who can make your heart explode.
  • People who love always live in a loving world.

Quotes and Sayings about Bad and Troubled Relationship

Unfortunately, toxic relationships aren’t something out of ordinary. On the contrary, they have become widely spread among people of different age and nationality. The thing is, any relationship may have some ups and downs, and if you have entered the ‘downs’ period, it doesn’t mean that it’s a bad and troubled relationship and that you have to cut it off. We collected a few interesting quotes about toxic relationship so you could see the difference.

  • If you feel lonely in love, you should let it go.
  • You can be sure that someone really loves you only if they don’t make you feel like there is a need to constantly fight for their attention.
  • Healthy relationships never drag you down. What they do is inspiring you to be better.
  • There’s always a big difference between somebody who just wants to have you and somebody who would do all possible and impossible things just to keep you. Remember that.
  • To avoid disappointments, you shouldn’t love something so much that you cannot let it go.
  • If you feel like you’re giving everything and more and it’s still not enough, the chances are, you are giving it to the wrong person.
  • When the one you love is both an author and a director of your relationship, it’s always difficult and challenging.
  • I don’t want to deal with a person who only wants to take advantage of a relationship, or make you go backward, or say they need space so they just could cheat on you.
  • We have to accept the fact that sometimes each of us just falls in love with the wrong person.
  • You shouldn’t give your love to anyone who treats you like you are an ordinary person.
  • If you are looking for some reasons to get a bad relationship fixed, don’t believe that there are such reasons. All you have to do is to learn how to let things go sometimes.
  • Here are a few rules that can help you with your relationships. First, don’t play games with the ones you love. Second, always be genuine because that’s what nurture a growing relationship. Third, never try to idealize others, because you will see that they will never live up to your expectations. Last but not the least, over-analyzing your relationships leads to nowhere.

Quotes about Difficult Relationship Problems

As we were saying, any person may face some problems while being in a relationship. Sometimes these problems are a bit more difficult as they seem at first. Does it mean that it’s time to quit? Well, it’s your call. Problems are often given to you to test your intentions and true feelings. So don’t jump into conclusions and read these quotes to find out if your relationship problems are that big.

  • Whatever relationships we are talking about, there’s only one law. It says that we should never make the ones we love feel alone, especially when we are around.
  • To avoid hurt feelings, never start loving someone too deeply before you know for sure that they love you with the same depth. Because the depth of your love today will be the depth of your wound tomorrow.
  • If there’s no need in chasing, or begging, or making an ultimatum to a person you are in a relationship with, then it is really a person you were meant to be with.
  • If there are mutual feelings, the effort each partner puts in will be equal.
  • The right person for you knows how to find the seeds in your wounds and make them grow into beautiful flowers.
  • How to figure out that this is the death of a relationship? It always starts with the little misunderstanding and arguments, then grows into constant suspicions and secrets. And in the end, the relationship is killed by coldness and indifference.
  • Courage can’t be developed if you are happy every day. The only way you can become courageous is by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.
  • If you don’t know how to be happy and content by yourself when you are alone, don’t hope that you will be happy and content by yourself in a relationship.
  • Being courageous means that you keep working when it comes to problems in a relationship. It means that you don’t give up seeking solutions to these problems. It also means that you stay calm and focused in stressful periods.
  • If you have ever been married, you know that there’s no other time when you would apologize more than in a marriage. Even if you don’t feel like apologizing, you should do that because this is what keeps any relationship together.
  • As soon as one partner start concentrating on what is missing in the other partner, the problems in relationships begin to occur more and more often.
  • Each person deserves to find someone who would be endlessly obsessed with them.

Beautiful Quotes about Happy Relationship

Though happiness is a subjective feeling and each of us put their own meaning into it, we all want our relationships to be happy. Once you get what you want, it seems that the whole world needs to hear about how happy you are right now. Share your happiness with others with the help of these beautiful quotes about happy relationship.

  • What a wonderful thing love is. One day someone enters your life, and, the next thing you know, you can’t even remember what your life was before you met them.
  • Every time I look into your eyes, I can’t imagine that there was someone who thought you weren’t enough for them. For me you are everything!
  • All the best things in life happen unexpectedly. Relationships are no exception. Nothing can beat the excitement and the astonished feeling when everything that is so sweet begins so suddenly. This is the reason why people should not look for love. When the time is right, it will come to you by itself. This is the time you never thought it would have.
  • It’s okay that I am not your first date, first kiss, first love or first sight, because I will be your last everything.
  • You won’t find love is there is no forgiveness. As well as that you will never find forgiveness of there is no love.
  • Frankly speaking, there’s nothing I can do because you have already stolen my heart and it’s yours forever and ever. I don’t this that there is any way I will ever be able to take it back from you!
  • The stories about true love don’t know the word “end”.
  • Relationships are not something that is given to you; you build them up on love, forgiveness and compassion.
  • Neither poets nor artists have ever been able to measure how much love the human heart can hold.
  • Sometimes all you can do with someone you really love is to set them free. If they come back, you belong to each other. But if they don’t, it means that they have never been yours.
  • One small glance is enough to fall in love with, but even eternity isn’t enough to be with you, my love.
  • If husband and wife are the closest friends, there are no such problems, they couldn’t have overcome.

Great & Strong Relationship Quotes

When starting a new relationship each of partners want this bond to be as strong as possible. Guess, there’s no need in telling you that the strength of any relationship depends on the amount of effort both partners put into it. Love, trust, openness – these elements and many other are the essentials of strong relationships. Keep reading and you will discover what other things can strengthen your romance.

  • Sometimes sex isn’t the best kind of intimacy you can have. Sometimes it’s when you two just lay back and laugh together at the weirdest things. Sometimes it’s when you hold hands and enjoy each others’ company.
  • The one who truly loves you will love you despite your imperfections. They see what a mess you can be or how moody you can be, or how hard you can be to handle, but they still want you as you are.
  • You need to find someone who will agree to go out of their way for you.
  • Most of the times the best relationships are those you have never expected to be in. These are the relationships that sweep you off your feet and doubt every view you’ve ever had.
  • Love isn’t something that can be compressed into a lifetime because it is eternal. Even if we are not together physically, we are never separated mentally!
  • I don’t need the whole world to love me. All I need is one person who will be my world.
  • If you know how to put love first, above all the laws of life and marriage in particular, you will be able to pass by small insignificant details and see what really is important.
  • As it is impossible for a flower to blossom without sunshine, as it is impossible for a man to live without love.
  • The more joy and happiness you give to others, the more of it you get for yourself.
  • Despite what has happened to both of us, despite everything we both have done, despite everything me or you will do, one thing is sure – I will always love you.
  • Love can’t be lost. Even if it is not reciprocated, love will find its way back to soften and purify the heart.
  • If you think that the grass is greener on the other side, maybe it’s time to start watering yours.

Amazing Inspirational Quotes about Relationship

Being in a relationship, it is really important to be on the same page with a partner. And it’s not only about having the same interests and goals, it’s about understanding the feelings and needs of the other person. The inspirational quotes about relationship will help you to express how you feel towards your loved one with the help of just words.

  • Those people who keep loving you at your worst and those who keep holding you at your weakest are the only hearts worth loving.
  • Even a sea full of whiskey couldn’t have intoxicated me as much as only a drop of you.
  • In the long run it isn’t those who hurt you or broke you down that matters, but those who managed to make you smile again.
  • If it’s meant to be, if two hearts are made to be together, there won’t be any distance too far, or time that is too long, or any other love that can break these two hearts apart.
  • They say love hurts, but it is only true if the person you are in love with isn’t right for you. But it doesn’t mean that you need to give up loving.
  • I’ve stolen your heart and you’ve stolen mine. That’s what I call committing the perfect crime.
  • If you are loved deeply by someone, it gives you strength. If you love someone deeply, it gives you courage. Together these two things can overcome anything.
  • I want to be your most desired hello and your most difficult goodbye.
  • If someone wants to have a successful relationship, they have to remember about such things as love, appreciation, communication and mutual understanding.
  • Love can be compared to a two-way street that is constantly under construction.
  • Respect, trust and honesty are usually the essential elements needed to build healthy relationships of all kinds.
  • To be happy in life, we have to treasure relationships that we are building, not the possessions we are collecting.

Perfect Motivational Relationship Sayings for Strong Couples

What is the meaning behind a collocation “a strong couple”? If you want to know our opinion, it is a couple who constantly work on their relationship in order to keep up the fire. No relationship will flourish, unless the two people work as one. Of course, there must be some motivation to work the things out when something goes wrong. Take a look at the quotes below and find out if you have what it takes to be called a strong couple.

  • What man can be called a real one if he doesn’t bother when his woman hurt. Real men are careful with their actions and decisions; they are ready to take responsibility.
  • In any relationships, if you want them to know no end, keep doing what you did in the beginning of a them.
  • Even if there are only a few hours I can spend with you, they are worth the thousand hours I spend without you.
  • Do you know what kind of people make a happy relationship? These are two people who are good at forgiving.
  • You won’t find more lovely, friendly, charming and better relationships than a good marriage.
  • To build a lasting relationship, we need to listen. It’s a pity that most people never listen. We can learn a great deal from listening carefully.
  • To love with a love that is more than love – that’s the whole point of relationship.
  • We are the only ones who are responsible for our relationships, for their successes and their failures, for all of the good and bad times. If you want a relationship, be ready to take responsibility for them.
  • Don’t forget that the effort someone makes reflect the interest they have in you.
  • When you happy with someone just because you are with them – that’s the relationship worth your time.
  • But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
  • If there are no arguments in a relationship, be ready to discover a lot of unpleasant secrets.

Positive & Brainy Relationship Quotes

Staying positive no matter what obstacles occur on your way is one of the main rules about happy and healthy relationships. And if you need a bit of inspiration to keep positivity, you just can’t miss these wonderful quotes.

  • Don’t concentrate on the reasons why it may not work out! Even if there is only one reason why it will work, grab it and stick to it.
  • Great relationships are great because there are two people who know all of the imperfections and insecurities of each other and still love one another more than anything.
  • There are no such relationships where there would be only sunshine all along, but what makes a strong relationship is two people who share one umbrella and survive the rain together.
  • Great things in life start as a small seed. It can be a marriage, a business, a relationship, a church, etc. But nothing will ever grow if the seed is not planted.
  • The best things can be seen only with the heart, since the best things are invisible to the eyes.
  • One of the oldest human needs in this life to find someone to worry about when they don’t come home in time at night. This need is called love.
  • To fall in love is one thing. To see someone else falling in love with you and to feel a great responsibility toward that love is another.
  • Healthy relationships are supposed to make each of the partners feel good and loved.
  • You don’t have to worry when we have fights, because they always end. Start worrying when I don’t want to fight anymore because it means that there’s nothing left for us to fight for.
  • If only I could give you a star for every time you’ve made me smile, the entire universe would be in the palm of your hand.
  • Two of the most important things in any relationships are trust and communication. If you don’t have them, nothing will ever fall into place – whether it’s your affection or emotional connection.

Long and Meaningful Quotes about New Passionate Relationships

To start new relationships is always so exciting. Those feelings each of the partners experience when they get to know each other are priceless. And we are not telling that new is always better. It’s just everything is so interesting and full of fresh emotions at the very beginning of a love story that it is hard not to share these emotions with others. And you know what? You don’t have to keep it inside. Let the whole world know about your new passionate relationship thanks to these quotes.

  • Real relationships aren’t perfect, and perfect relationships aren’t real. There’s this theory which says that couples who often fights have more chances to stay together longer than couples that don’t fight at all. But don’t jump into conclusions, thinking that this is fighting that makes such couples stronger. It’s what follows the fight – it’s making up. What is more, the realization about the importance of respecting differences shows only after the fight. The making up brings the acts of acceptance and forgiveness. You can learn a lot about the other person as you have arguments with them. That’s how everything works.
  • Always walk carefully when it is just the beginning of love relationship. Because if you aren’t sure about the trip in general, you don’t need to run across the fields just to be in the arms of your lover.
  • You have probably heard from someone that Love is blind. But sometimes it isn’t so, sometimes love is the only thing that is all-seeing and accepting. It is love that sees the flaws, but still accepts them. It is love that makes its peace with the bad habits or tries to work around them. It is love that recognizes all the fears and insecurities, yet knows how to comfort. it is love that works through all the challenges and painful times. Love is strong and it get only stronger if it is real.
  • New love may fly high fast and fall down even faster, but the things that two people have discovered about each other will always remain. I would go through it all again because what we had before led us to this love we share today.
  • You’re one of those people who would rather talk about nothing than something. But I just want you to know that I cherish all of your sweet nothings you say more than many somethings from others.
  • The successful marriages as well as all other love relationships depend on the readiness of two people to open up and create a space that welcomes all kinds of words.
  • We all can love a thing “because”,  since this is as easy as putting a penny in your pocket. But there only a few who can love something “despite”.It is a rare, pure and perfect thing to find someone who knows your flaws and love them too.
  • I believe that it is possible for two people to become connected at the heart despite what they do, who they are or where they live. Love doesn’t boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.
  • When you are in a relationship, you don’t show off. You know that the relationship isn’t just dates and kisses in public. Real love means to appreciate someone who makes you happy like no other person can.
  • You are two of my greatest weaknesses. They are everything you say to me and everything you do to make me happy.

Quotes about a Very Special Relationship Bond

The bond between two people is always something special, isn’t it? After all, any relationships have different stories to tell, which makes them special each in its own way. The quotes below describe all of the unique things that happen to a person once they fall in love. And they are beautiful.

  • To fall in lovewith someone just because you feel lonely or lost isn’t right. You know that you fell in love with someone when after getting to know them, you realize that this is a person you have always wanted to make a permanent part of your world.
  • Everyone wants to find someone who would go out of their way just to make it clear that they want you in their life.
  • If you want a great relationship, you need to find someone who would be scared to death to lose you. You deserve to have this person.
  • There are two things you can do to create a great relationship. The first is, you have to appreciate the similarities you and your partner have. And the second one is, always respect the differences between the two of you.
  • If you walk in front of me, the chances are I won’t follow you. If you walk behind me, the chances are I won’t lead you. So if you want to be my friend, don’t do anything but just walk beside me.
  • Whatever path I choose to go, I always know how to find my way back to you.
  • In a true love relationship, there shouldn’t be anyone who feels like they have to give up on an essential part of themselves in favor of relationship so that it would be viable.
  • If you have someone who can accept and understand your past, who can support and share your present, who can love and encourage you to not be afraid of the future, this someone is your true relationship.
  • Love never stands above you. It never stands below you. Love always stands beside you.
  • I love you and this love is the only air which makes my heart fly like a balloon.
  • What does being in love mean? It means that you find yourself smiling for no particular reason.
  • One of the most functional ways to deal with the difficult emotions in love relationships is by sharing them, not hiding them.

I Want a New Perfect Relationship Quotes

If you caught yourself thinking, “hey, I want a perfect relationship”, we need to stop you right there. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, since people are not perfect in the first place. Everyone has their own drawbacks. Striving for perfection isn’t something bad, but you have to start from yourself.

  • What makes a perfect relationship? It is when two people can play like small kids, argue and make it up to each other like husband and wife, have long talks like best friends and stand up for each other like siblings.
  • Having a relationship which is serious all the time isn’t what everybody wants. On the opposite, the relationship should be silly. You need to have someone you can laugh with, because it is a true blessing to find someone who not only understands your weird sense of humor, but also finds you hilarious.
  • All I want is to be that special someone who always makes your bad days good ones. I want to the girl who can make you say, ‘My life has changed for better since I met her.’
  • May it be years instead of weeks or days. May it be something real instead of fake. May it be arguments with passion instead of secrets with indifference. May our relationship hold us together and never let us down.
  • Forgiveness is the oil which any relationships need in order to keep burning.
  • The only one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and making it stronger and deeper every time you are in conflict with someone is the attitude – yours and theirs.
  • Every time we work the conflicts out, we make a  more honest and flexible, stronger and deeper connection in a relationship.
  • If you don’t want something to be done to you, don’t you ever do this to others. This is the golden principle of any relationships.
  • No matter what kind of relationships you are in, it is important to have arguments every now and then since this is a way to prove that the relationship is strong enough to survive.
  • The meeting of two personalities either similar or different often resembles the contact of two chemical substances. Both are transformed if there is any reaction between them.

Short Encouraging Quotes about Past Hard Relationship

Did you break up with your gf/bf? Or it is you who has been dumped? Well, we all have been there. In fact, each of us has been in one of the situation described above at least once in life. The fact that you ended up the relationship means that there were hardships in them. Now you need to read something encouraging in order to get over the break up and move on.

  • You don’t have to constantly tell someone the same thing about your feelings. If they don’t change or don’t want to change, they just don’t respect you, that’s all.
  • You shouldn’t settle down until you find someone who sees you as an investment; not a test drive. This person should inspire you to be the best version of you… It should be someone who sees not only your outer beauty but the beauty of your soul too.
  • You deserve to build a relationship with someone who never puts your feeling under a question.
  • Sometimes the greatest love in your life comes right after you made the worst mistake in your life.
  • You should never give up your love because of your pride. It’s better to give up on your pride in the name of love.
  • There are the termites of relationships. They are called assumptions.
  • To keep going on is the only thing you can do in this world. And you should do that in spite of how strong the current beats against you, in spite of how heavy the burden you carry, in spite of how tragic your love story.
  • You are lucky if you have found someone who looks at you as if they won the lottery. And if they look at you like that every day, you are twice as lucky.
  • Some compare relationships to traffic lights. There’s this theory according to which a person can only be happy in a relationship that always show a green light.
  • Relationships are immortal. The so-called ‘separation’ signifies just another chapter in the relationship. And it often happens that letting go of what you thought the relationship was becomes a lesson about what the pure love is. The thing is, if the couple stayed together, they would never learn it.

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