Loren discusses diet and the artwork of finding anything we will need from our diet plan by finding the system clean up and then seriously discovering how to hear to it.
Beans are one of my favorites for complete nutrition. Loaded with anti oxidants, potassium, magnesium, protein, etc etc.
Loren are you okay with eating mushrooms what do you think of them?
I love me an avocado . . . Though sometimes I seem to get brain fog from it, so I am careful with them. Not sure what the deal is but I have a few ideas. Anyway just lovely.
You are the future! Hopefully we'll catch up in your lifetime!
You are awesome man! I love the way you think. I observed the same, that if I become more present with what my body needs the food that I choose makes me happy and my digestion is perfect. Sometimes I think in terms of calories or nutrients and I eat foods without awareness of whether my body wants them at that moment.
We have completely lost the contact, the sense of presence with our body and the world around us by choosing to participate in a crazy lifestyle and be identified with it!
When you say that green peppers are not ripe – does that apply to all peppers that are green, or just bell peppers?
Does that mean most of the fruit in Costa Rica isn't organic or do they just not certify it? When you are re-feeding people after fast, is it all organic?
What's best Lythya is whatever works for each person. Some change gradually, others are fine cold-turkey. Each situation is different.
this makes sense 🙂 thanks.
So is it better to make a "cold turkey" with the meats and proteins or to do a graduate change?
Hi Lythya, Some thoughts 1) Sounds like they may not have had enough calories & if so, than they would detoxify much more rapidly than usual & might have felt weak because they needed more energy. The lobster would have shifted that. 2) if eating concentrated protein before they arrived (meat, etc) than their systems were likely Not efficient @ getting protein from fruit & they may have been protein deficient before the lobster. An efficient system needs little protein & feels better w/fruit.
Yesterday I watched a program where two people were left alone on an island for 21 days. They ate coconuts, java apples and a few snails. Durings nights they got a lot of insect bites. They both grew fatigued and hungry and undernurished. They caught a lobster two weeks in and immediately felt better.
Any thoughts?
You're very kind & I appreciate the generous compliments, but I can assure you that what I — or anyone — know(s) is but a fraction of what there is to know. But 'cause I'm clear that we don't Need to understand every the body's functions to "operate it" perfectly any more than we need to know engine/computer science to operate them, the focus is on getting in touch w/what's natural to us & listening to the body…much easier than bio-chem or physiology. Every species does this & so can we.
I'm seriously convinced at this point that you know everything. Very impressive, and thank you for all of your responses, my brain never stops.
The idea of eating fruit seeds stems from the misguided view that we should be getting as many nutrients as possible. Seeds are loaded with nutrients (to feed the sprouting seed) so many say we should eat them. But plants invest heavily in getting seeds into the ground — the whole reason they make fruit, so they make their seeds toxic to insure that they're Not eaten. Swallowing rmelon (et al) seeds whole is fine as they pass through the system undigested. But don't chew them up!
Im looking at it now. Have to wait until my tax return though. 🙂
PS Can we eat the seeds of fruit. Had my first Papaya the other day and they were exotically distasteful. The rest was great though. But W.Melon seeds are okay, right?
Some guac is fine, but processing this way loses value. Soaking nuts eliminates enzyme inhibitors so they're active & digestion is much easier w/more energy available. Even soaked, nuts & seeds are too dense to be optimal foods. Pumpkin, while a fruit, is also v. hard to digest. Stick to things that are tasty on their own & not starchy.
You might consider investing in the Creating Perfect Health System; it teaches everything you need in easy to follow format & is guaranteed. On TWC website
The "science" of nutrition is laughable; focused on individual nutrients & ensconced in nonsensical medical paradigms. It understands little about how the body really functions & interacts with whole foods. It recommends oil 'cause there are fat soluble nutrients but every living cell contains fat so concentrated fats aren't ever needed and oils aren't optimal, actually impeding assimilation. Whole foods are always superior to blended/juiced. Some avo w/salad is fine if you enjoy but un-needed.
We currently only offer the Permaculture course once each year, and not necessarily right at the end of a fasting session, so you'd have to check the schedule. The Permaculture course usually runs between $1500 and $2000 depending on accommodations, etc. And given the Permaculture started right there in Oz, you can surely find courses close to you and maybe less expensive if you can drive back and forth each day.
Also, why do dietitians/nutritionists suggest mixing some oils for fat in with there juices/blenders. They claim it helps assimilation. Is this true, and how does it work? And are there any foods you can eat in conjunction, ie avacados & tomatos are supposed to have a sinergistic effect. Even Avacado on your salads?
Damn, I was about to ask about mashing as I love to make avacado dip. Why should one soak nuts before they eat them if they do eat them? Can I guess it makes them more easily digestible? Is this why 'activated' nuts have a better looking nutritional profile? Does it affect their energy value? Also, is pumpkin a healthy fruit in your opinion. When I eventually meet you, I will probably bring a notepad full of questions. Just a heads-up. 🙂
So if I came for a fast(which I will eventually) it would probably be a 3 week fast with a one week re-feed, then 2 weeks on top of that? weeks all up. Is the course expensive?
Hypoglycemia isn't an issue w/fasting; those who come in w/it, resolve it, and those who didn't don't get it. The common signs of dehydration are in fact signs of extremely severe dehydration; the common dehydration that most walk around with isn't noticeable w/out measuring or until one is old enough for the signs of aging to show. Oxidation is a huge issue & so blending, juicing & processing food makes it much less valuable. Cut/mash as little as possible to maximise nutrition.
Folks consciously seek out many things they don't need, incl $50,000 cars, $1000 suits & others things that they only Think they need. Those who think they need meat will consciously seek It out too.
There is a % of folks who's systems function so poorly that getting their miniscule protein and B12 needs met without eating meat may be impossible. These folks need to fast. In fact anyone who appears to need B12 needs to fast to allow their system to cleanse & heal to improve their efficiency.