From the DVD application “Coronary heart of the Mission,” a training application for crisis being pregnant centers. Hosted by the creator of the “Window to the Womb” video, Shari Richard.
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From the DVD application “Coronary heart of the Mission,” a training application for crisis being pregnant centers. Hosted by the creator of the “Window to the Womb” video, Shari Richard.
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How far along is she in this video?
In response to C. Toney below, yes seriously! They are trained for the proceedure they are doing and they are nurses and Doctors who just happen to be mostly Christians who care about the killing of preborn children. So, yes, they do know what they are doing. Ultrasounds have given a window into the womb, and it can no longer be argued whether this is a child or just a "blob of tissue, like having your appendix out.", the lie that used to be told. But then there are those who would rather have a woman go through Post Tramatic Stress Syndrome, where the mom grieves for years for the child she could have had. Lies can only exist when secrecy is present. Truth always dispells secrecy and ignorance and can stop tragic decisions based on faulty and sometimes intentionally misleading information. Those who make a living on abortion do not want the truth known. What a difference a single ultrasound picture can make to enhancing "informed consent"!
Seriously? Doctors and nurses should be doing ultrasounds. Not a bunch of Christians for the purpose of stopping abortions. They have NO IDEA what they are doing.