Recommendations on the Thruster CrossFit with Jason Khalipa

50 comments on “Recommendations on the Thruster CrossFit with Jason Khalipa

  1. gatewaystudents

    i know this is old and you are busy but i have seen only a small improvement on mobility and my wrists take the grunt or my elbow/triceps. how can i improve it? i love how you can keep 4 fingers on the bar at all times.

  2. grehan19

    hey jason. just wondering what your opinion is on thrusters with a false grip? cause i feel a lot of strain on my wrists when thrusting on a true grip. and havent thrusted with a false grip yet cause were supposed to lock our wrists out when thrusting the bar over our head right? so just weary about locking my wrists out on a false grip incase the bar falls on my head! haha

  3. Denny Kim

    FINALLY. Some someone has actually explained how to transition the wrist from the rack to press.  Seriously, even my box can't even explain this.  Well done.  

  4. Ramana Ravishankar

    Yep I agree. even i was very sad since i workout well for abs but nothing was coming.

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  5. Angelo Trejo

    The problem is that I can't have my entire left hand wrapping the bar without it hurting. I think I might of done something wrong or strained it by chance. Thanks for the tips though. I appreciate it.

  6. Trent Edwards

    Number one, get wrist wraps at any local sporting good store. Second, your grip changes for each of these lifts. A push press requires your wrist to be aligned with your elbow. For a thruster you need to have your entire hand wrapping the bar, but also be able to rest the bar on your shoulders. In a front squat you can use just a few fingers to help balance the bar on your shoulders.

  7. Trent Edwards

    The rack is just setting the bar bell on your shoulders. You should almost be able to take your hands off the bar and balance it on your shoulders at the bottom of a front squat. It also changes a bit for the thruster becuase you need your entire hand to be on the bar. In just a front squat you can make your wrist more comfortable and just use a few fingers to keep the bar in place.

  8. Angelo Trejo

    My wrist hurts when I do thrusters, front squats, push presses, etc. Any advice on my grip? When the bar comes down, are you suppose to have full hand grip or partial grip like with the fingers tips? If someone can answer these questions that would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  9. Karthya VeerarJun

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  10. Edwin Luckhoff-Amador

    do pushups with your hands the opposite way… so instead of all your fingers facing forward, make the face backwards. But you dont wanna over do this cause you might end up hurting your self

  11. Rob Bretz

    Great video! I posted a 3:17 fran yesterday which is a pr a games competitor (now in masters division) mentioned to me about keeping the bar in front rack position for more power and efficiency i never even thought about that just muscle thru it lol. cant wait to see how much improving my front rack flexibility improves my times! Great video Jason!

  12. Greta

    the exercise I was taught that helped me IMMENSELY was rolling my shoulders with a lacrosse ball. Place the ball on the ground and put it in between your spine and shoulder (yes, it fucking hurts) take your arm and put it behind your head then straight in the air. Do it 10x on each side. It's uncomfortable but it works!

  13. Gerrolt Steketee

    Check out Kelly Starretts youtube channel (sanfranciscocrossfit)… there is probably something there that will help you with it. Also his book supple leopard is amazing I highly recommend it!

  14. Bob Gill

    All of these stupid videos do not go into DETAIL about how to rack the damn barbell on your shoulders. From the crossfit cult to the powerlifter videos to the olympic lifters, not a single one goes into details of the most important thing about this type of lifting which is racking it on your shoulder and the PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS for people who are having trouble. Some may hold the bar too narrow, some may be trying to stretch their shoulders and mess everything up. Explain the rack!

  15. Naomi P

    I'm not an expert but from my own personal experience…whenever I racked a weight, I was feeling it all in my arms which means I was muscling it. You should feel muscles strain around your scapula – super frustrating. Anyways, If that is the case, you need to get your neck, shoulders and scapula region loosened up. I'm fortunate to have a "massage guy" at our box so he knows exactly what to look for. My range of motion has improved greatly so good luck!

  16. Cuong Vu

    For mostly all workouts, you never want to push off your toes. Your body is off balance and it won't give you the drive you need. Squats, thrusters….HEEL ALWAYS!!

  17. SublimeDD

    Wider grip for a Thruster??? NO! I don't know where you learned that, you actually want your grip just slightly wider than your shoulders, that's where the most energy will be focused at.

    I've been a crossfit instructor for 7 years now and this is how you'll get the most efficiency without fatigue so fast.

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