Quitting Using tobacco is a Journey

Dr. Mike Evans explores what operates and what doesn’t work when considering about quitting using tobacco. Funding presented by Wellbeing Canada (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca) and the Canadian Motion Network for the Development, Dissemination and Adoption of Observe-educated Tobacco Therapy – Canadaptt (http://www.nicotinedependenceclinic.com/English/CANADAPTT/Web pages/Dwelling.aspx).

30 comments on “Quitting Using tobacco is a Journey

  1. charlotte purnell

    omg thankyou! im trying to quit and i was haveing troubble thinking id kill for a ciggrette now i couf just go shop but trust me this is way less hassle and more easyer and cheeper and better for me and my job to quit

  2. scottishfisherman1

    Keep saying it over and over………I rule my body,my body does not rule me!!!! Smoked for 20 years quit now for 9,this mantra helped me……..oh and youtube videos lots of youtube videos :-)

  3. José Miguel Monge

    ** AVOID READING THIS IF YOU'RE IN YOUR FIRST 3 WEEKS OF QUITTING ** I had quit before, and picked it back up to go through a rough patch in my life. The idea of quitting again terrifies me, for some reason. I could definitely do it (even if it means only sleeping every other day) if I weren't so afraid. I don't understand and feel very guilty after every attempt. Now I smoke from 15 to 30 a day, depending mostly on how much trouble I have sleeping. I'm not sure of course, but I do feel like quitting again would be the hardest thing I've ever done.

  4. NeedMoreCoffee

    This video is amazing apart from one thing… you said you don't understand why people are more bothered by temporary medication than by a lifetime of smoking. My friend used medication to quit smoking and it made him so depressed he was suicidal. As soon as he got off those meds he was fine. The health of my body matters a great deal, but not at the cost of my mental health, also not knowing if medication like that leaves any permanent damage. I've seen what psychological drugs can do (I have family members with severe mental health issues) and I don't take that lightly AT ALL either.

  5. Jurriaan Witteman

    I'm working in addiction science, and I think this clip is simply brilliant; it is evidence based and conveys al lot of relevant information in such an insightful manner in such a short time. I tip my hat to Dr Evans!

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