How can I get More Energy?

How can I get more energy?

Are you wondering how to get more energy? Exhaustion cannot always be cured by caffeine or energy drinks. In fact, according to WebMD, a lack of energy makes it difficult to concentrate, focus on tasks, and be patient even with simple challenges.

If you are struggling with reduced levels of energy, you may want to follow the suggestions listed below.

Get Enough Sleep

Falling Asleep

Getting enough sleep seems like an obvious solution, but it is significant. More sleep means more energy. Try getting between seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Any more or less can make you more tired. For most people, falling asleep is difficult. If you have trouble falling asleep, consider purchasing an app or radio that plays different music or sounds to lull and soothe you asleep. Another suggestion is to turn off your electronics before bed, including your cell phone, computer, and television. Instead, get ready for bed like brushing your teeth or washing your face and then lay down with your eyes closed. Breathe in and out slowly as you count down from 100.


Sometimes we need more than a good night’s rest. Taking a nap can also help refresh you and make you feel more energized. A nap that lasts between 15 to 20 minutes is usually enough to help you feel more energized. However, if you feel like you need more, try a nap that lasts up to 60 minutes, which not only helps boost your energy, but also has the power to help you focus and concentrate. Sleep is very important and if you are feeling tired, try taking a quick nap during the day if you have time or get enough sleep at night.

Stay Hydrated

More Water

Dehydration has many effects, one including a loss of energy. Drinking more water throughout the day will help you feel better and more energized. Water is important, especially after exercise. When you are getting enough sleep and are still tired try drinking more water. Not only is drinking water a useful suggestion, drinking tea is also beneficial. Tea has many health benefits and helps keep you hydrated.

Less Alcohol

In addition to drinking more water, you need to drink less alcohol. Alcohol may initially help you fall asleep, but it does not allow you to get the deep rest you need. Cut down on alcohol in the evening and before bed in order to wake up more energized.

Take a Walk


By taking a walk, you are increasing energy. Although it seems absurd that moving around can increase energy when you are exhausted, it is true. Increasing physical activity, including walking, can help you feel more energized. Even taking as little as ten minutes to walk around can increase your energy and lift your mood. Walking does not take money or equipment, making it accessible.


Taking a break can also help you by decreasing your levels of stress and boosting your mood. Using your time to stretch, walk, eat, or drink some water, will refresh your mind. Overworking leads to stress, which in turn leads to exhaustion. Too much work and not enough breaks will force you to lose energy. Your break can consist of simply five minutes, but should be done every thirty minutes or so. Consistent breaks keep you focused and more energized.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Eat Breakfast

If you are still feeling fatigued after following the suggestions listed above, you should consider eating a hearty breakfast. Skipping breakfast, or any other meal for that matter, will leave you feeling moody and tired. Starting the day off with a nice meal helps keep your energy up throughout the rest of the day.

More Whole Grains

Consuming more whole grains and less sugar helps maintain balanced blood sugar so your energy remains constant. When you eat sugar there is a spike in blood sugar, which leads to a quick and rapid drop. The burst of energy you feel from sugar is soon followed by exhaustion, or a sugar low. Therefore, you need to consume more whole grains and less sugary foods.

Power Snack

Power snacking involves eating a snack that has protein, some fat, and some fiber. Snack between meals to stay energized throughout the day. Examples include peanut butter, nuts, or yogurt.

Overall, how can I get more energy?

By following the few suggestions listed above, you can gain more energy. Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, take a walk or maintain a healthy diet in order to get more energy.

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