The Coffee Enema: How is it Done? And…Why?

coffee enema

An ancient form of hydrotherapy, enemas have been used for thousands of years to detoxify the colon. Although the technique was previously used in hospitals on a regular basis, it has become less popular in recent years. The coffee enema in particular was originally recommendedas part of a cancer-fighting diet created by Dr. Max Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute and Gerson Diet Therapy Program. It is Dr. Gerson’s method through which toxic bile is eliminated via the liver at increased rates. This procedure, tested endoscopically was found to almost immediately produce desired results.

Unlike coffee drinking, coffee enemas’ dilation and relaxation process with blood vessels and smooth muscle contributes further to the increase in detoxification. The premise is that poor digestion causes the sugars and proteins from consumed foods to collect in the colon walls and rot, which in turn generates toxicity within the liver. The coffee enema disrupts this collection of toxins, preventing further liver absorption, which may induce further health ailments if left unchecked. The process overall alleviates a sluggish liver, contributes to the alkalinizing of the small intestine, thus aiding digestion, as well as having astringent effects on the large intestine which helps scour the colon. Scientifically speaking, coffee contains choleretics which are key to implementing the detoxification process from the gallbladder. This is present in modern medical literature as safe to use several times per day without negative side effects. Dr. Gerson noted that coffee enemas also stimulate increased enzyme activity which decreases free radicals in the body, subsequently diminishing their activity in the development of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and the overall aging process. This enzyme activity, called the glutathione-S-transferase enzyme system, is measured at 600% above normal after a coffee enema has been utilized.

The best time to do a coffee enema is following a regular bowel movement. If this is not possible, try doing a plain water enema first to properly cleanse the colon. The individual may feel a slight rush from the caffeine, so this should not be done just prior to bedtime as sleep may be disrupted. Dr. Gerson recommends one enema daily for the average user, with increased daily enemas up to several for very sick persons (such as up to six daily for those fighting cancer). These can be done over the course of several months for optimal results.

The process involves the preparation of (preferably organic) coffee with purified water ahead of time, which is then cooled in the refrigerator overnight. An alternate method involves stove preparation, after which the pan of coffee is allowed to cool over time, adding a few ice cubes to speed up the process. Once properly cooled, the coffee is placed through a strainer with additional purified water into a clean 2 quart enema bag. It’s important to then carefully remove any air from the bag and sufficiently lubricate the tip prior to rectal insertion.

The rest of the process should be done cautiously and gently, retaining as much comfort for the user as possible. The liquid, after fully inserted, should be kept inside the colon for about 15 minutes, although some users may not be able to do the full amount of time. The liquid can be eliminated on the toilet after an adequate amount of time has been completed. If you notice some liquid is retained inside the colon, this is likely

For those with gas problems, try exercising a little bit first. This may help you to relieve the gas prior to attempting the enema. Also, try to fill your entire colon with the liquid if possible. It may help to massage the abdomen if this doesn’t seem to be happening, or try changing your position from right side, to lying on your back, to left side (at five minutes in each position). If the enema makes you feel too much of a rush or too jittery, you can reduce the amount of coffee to water proportionally. If you feel particularly light-headed, it may be because the enema can lower your blood sugar. Try eating a light snack prior to or just after attempting the enema. Make sure the liquid is not too cold or hot and try placing a pillow or towel roll under your bottom to promote the liquid flow upward. Blackstrap molasses is known to have a positive effect for those who have trouble too, but only a tablespoon or two should be added to the liquid.

Have you ever tried a coffee enema? Would you try a coffee enema? Let us know in the comments!

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