In this movie we will give you five ideas on how to maintain and keep a healthy head of hair.
Adler Dry Shampoo:
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Instagram: @teachingmensfashion
Fb: teaching men’s manner
Can you put baby powder on your hair?
Thanks for the tip man, works just fineSubbed + Liked
Thanks Bruh.
I have that shirt
can i wash my hair with water 2 times a day?
information is nice but English used is a bit difficult for different parts of the world. use universal accent. thanks
what's the name of the dress he wear..! I want tat one..
thank you for the wash tip. it's really true. i tried it my self.
I'm 14 and my hairline is kinda wierd I've done theses and my hairline is straighter. Idk what happened
so it fine to use conditioner everyday then shampoo?
Can tou traduction in french please
If I pore water on my hair without shampoo is that still bad?
You else is a girl watching this in 2016
so i am working out every day so could i wash my hair with water only in day1 then in day2 wash it with shampoo and i should use the conditioner every day right ????
What's the opposite between Shampoo and conditioner?
How does one "pat dry" their hair?what does it mean?help!
When i use conditioner i see some strands of hair on my hands after doing it, any tips?
Is regular use of condishner good for our hairs?
If yes then what type of a condishner should we use?
great video but should've given video visuals too
thanks I appreciate it
What does conditioner do? I thought it was only to be used after using shampoo
I wash my hair every week and sometimes weekends
I'm a chick what am I doing here
And conditioner helps keep the vitamins in your hair.
Washing your hair often is actually good for your hair.
Whats the haircut u got in this video?? Its awesome.. And also how long is ur hair from the front/top?? Thanks
I can't wash my hair but it can get wet tho right?
How do u pat dry your hair? Never heard this term before.