Heal Burns with Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil for Burns

Coconut oil is great for burns because of its healing properties. It has many benefits for people with burns or who have skin conditions. There are three different types of burns: first-degree (minor), second-degree (moderate), and third-degree burns (severe). While coconut oil can help soothe first and second-degree burns, you should see a professional for third-degree burns.

What are some benefits of coconut oil?

Coconut oil has vitamin E, lauric and capric acid, which helps fade scars caused by cuts and burns. Because coconut oil has vitamin E, it can help speed up your skin recovery due to the antioxidant ingredient.


If you use coconut oil, it will moisturize your skin and defend against damage from future additional cuts. Penetrating the skin deeply, coconut oil is effective for first and second-degree burns. Apply coconut oil to the burned area as soon as possible for faster relief and provide moisture to exposed areas.

Pain Relief

It also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and soothing properties that help with pain relief from burns. When applied generously and consistently, coconut oil helps keep the skin from peeling and blistering and also has a cooling effect on the skin. Tocopherol, or also known as vitamin E, found in coconut oil specifically helps with pain relief.

Immune Protection

Medium-chain fatty acids like lauric acid, capric acid, caprylic acid, and myristic acid found in coconut oil have antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-fungal properties. These properties help to enhance the immune system, which also helps you heal faster and reduce your susceptibility to secondary infections.

Healing Acceleration

Accelerating skin regeneration, coconut oil activates the collagen fiber and increases the rate of growth and healing of damaged skin cells. By stimulating the flow of blood to the affected areas, coconut oil allows for oxygen and nutrients to accelerate the healing process and make a quicker recovery.

Scar Reduction

As mentioned earlier, coconut oil penetrates deeply within the skin, which serves as a great source to locate the affected area and make for a faster recovery and reduce scarring. High in antioxidant vitamins and polyphenolic compounds, coconut oil provides tissue re-growth and minimizes the appearance of scarring from burns.

Burns and Coconut Oil

Burns that fit under the categories of first and second-degree burns can be aided by applying coconut oil to the skin. These burns include sunburns, water burns, rope burns, and some minor chemical, acid and radiation burns.

First-Degree Burns (Including Sunburns)

Depending on how much surface of the skin is affected, you can use coconut oil to soothe first-degree burns. Sunburns and water burns can be categorized under first-degree burns. Sunburns can be very painful and can cause the skin to swell, redden, and blister. In order to protect your skin from peeling, you will need to apply coconut to the burnt area every day.

Second-Degree Burns

Although second-degree burns are usually burns that affect the outer layer of skin and penetrate the flesh, coconut oil can be greatly beneficial for the healing process. You should be aware that some second-degree burns will require additional assistance and will need professional care and advice. However, there are minor burns that can be treated at home with the use of coconut oil. Some burns like rope burns can be treated by coconut oil due to its penetrating properties.

Third-Degree Burns

Severe burns that include third-degree burns cannot be cured by coconut oil. You should seek immediate help from a proper doctor or professional if a third-degree burn does occur. Third-degree burns not only damages the skin but they also damage body tissues, blood vessels and organs. Although third-degree burns cannot be cured by coconut oil, they can be soothed at first with the oil. It can soothe the pain and fight off infection.

Minor Chemical, Radiation and Acid Burns

Causing peeling of the skin and irritation, minor chemical, radiation and acid burns are very painful. Coconut oil helps soothe these types of burns by moisturizing the skin. The oil’s ability to accelerate skin regeneration and activate collagen fiber is especially beneficial for these burns. A little coconut oil goes a long way. Again, be aware that some burns are very extreme and require further professional and medical care.

How can I use and apply coconut oil to my burns?

There are several methods you can use to apply coconut oil to your burns and affected areas. For more information, visit DIY Remedies and learn about how to use coconut oil correctly.

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