Relieve Sciatica Pain With These Easy Stretches

Relieve Sciatica Pain With These Easy Stretches


If you are experiencing sciatica pain, you should consider stretching to relieve the pain. Certain stretches target your lower back and lower body, which can inevitably help ease and soothe your pain.

What is sciatic pain?

Sciatic pain occurs in the sciatic nerve that runs through the piriformis, which is located in the lower spine and buttock. Tightness causes the pain because the sciatic nerve affects your lower body tremendously. Most often, sciatica is caused by a sedentary lifestyle that involves a lot of sitting. The following stretches listed below can help with your pain and relieve any tightness or tension. Try practicing the following stretches at the beginning and end of each day for the best results, and do what feels best to you.

Piriformis Stretch

The piriformis stretch is perfect to relieve sciatic pain because it targets the piriformis. First, lie on your back and put your feet flat on the floor. Your knees should be bent and your back should be flat on the floor. Place your left ankle over your right knee and intertwine your hands around your right thigh. Begin to gently and slowly pull your right thigh towards your chest as far as you can. Hold this stretch for at least 30 seconds and then repeat with the other leg. Make sure to keep your top foot flexed so that you can protect your knee as you stretch.

Pigeon Pose

The pigeon pose is great for stretching the lower back and opening up your hips. Begin by starting in a downward facing dog yoga position with your feet together. Then, bend your right leg in order to draw your knee forward. Turn your right knee out so that it is facing toward the right and your foot is on your left. Your right leg is bent and your left leg is straight behind you. As you slowly lower your legs down to the floor, be gentle and keep your hands on the ground for support. You can either stay in the pose with your chest up or your face can rest down on your hands, bending your back in the process. Hold this pose for about 30 seconds or more before switching to the other leg. Make sure to breathe slowly and deeply.

Seated Hip Stretch

The seated hip stretch feels super good on the lower back and can definitely help relieve your sciatic pain. Stay seated on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Cross your right leg over your left leg. The left leg stays straight as your right leg is bent. Wrap your arms around your right knee and hug it towards you with your left arm as you twist. Hold this stretch for up to a minute and then switch to the other side. Make sure to keep your back straight and breathe deeply.

Self-Trigger Point Therapy

The self-trigger point therapy is very effective for providing sciatica pain relief. Use a lacrosse or tennis ball as long as if it is something small and round. Place the ball where your painful spot is in the glutes and then relax. The ball is between your body and the floor. Hold for up to a minute unless you need to spend more time in areas that hurt more than others. Rotate and move the ball to the other painful spots and areas for the same amount of time. Make sure to keep your body relaxed.

Other Ways to Relieve Sciatica Pain


Have you considered trying yoga? Strengthen your muscles and stretch your body to become more flexible by practicing yoga.


If you are tired of stretching, try acupuncture. However, it may not provide immediate relief because it can take up to 12 sessions of acupuncture before you experience sciatica pain relief. There is another form of acupuncture that is also effective and is called warming acupuncture in which the needles are warmed.

Chiropractic Care

People who see a chiropractor usually attend up to three times each week to experience pain relief. If you prefer not to have surgery, chiropractic care can be just as effective.


Set up an appointment to see a licensed masseuse in order to soothe your tense muscles along your lower back and glutes. Make sure to space the appointments at least a week apart.

Relieve Sciatica Pain

Observe the suggestions listed above, whether it is a stretching exercise or other forms of relieving sciatica pain. Take advantage of the possibilities that can help relieve your pain.

Healthy Tips