Using Olive Oil as a Makeup Remover

Using Olive Oil as a Makeup Remover

Although you usually find a bottle of olive oil in your kitchen, you may want to put a small bottle of olive oil in your makeup bag. It may sound counterproductive since some people struggle with oily skin, but olive oil is a great way to remove makeup. Here are some pros and cons for using olive oil as a makeup remover.

Pros for Using Olive Oil as a Makeup Remover


Olive oil has the same fats that are found in an avocado, and these fats help moisturize your skin. Keeping your skin moisturized is important, which is why olive oil as a makeup remover is beneficial. If you have dry skin located elsewhere besides the face, you can apply olive oil on the hands, feet, or anywhere else. With ingredients like vitamin E and vitamin A, olive oil helps keep the skin moisturized.


Believe or not, olive oil can also be considered an anti-aging product when applied to the skin. Containing at least four antioxidants, olive oil brings balance to the skin. The antioxidants found in olive oil helps neutralize free radicals that are believed to make skin look aged and wrinkled.

Save Money

By using olive oil as a makeup remover, you are saving more money. There are several companies try to sell you their products based on their efficiency and high prices. However, olive oil is cheaper and lasts longer than most products.

Efficient and Simple

Olive oil is also natural and does not have added ingredients that may be harmful to your skin. As a makeup remover, olive oil is effective and efficient because it works as well as other makeup remover products. If you wear makeup frequently, olive oil is much simpler because it works on everything. From mascara to foundation, olive oil is an easy and efficient way to remove makeup.

Helps Bring Balance to Your Skin

When you use too many harsh products on your skin, you are stripping it of its natural oils and may even cause irritation. Without its natural oils, the skin will be unbalanced and can become too dry or oily. Olive oil does not clog pores and brings balance to your skin.

Cons for Using Olive Oil as a Makeup Remover

Depends on Your Skin Type

Using olive oil as a makeup remover may not work best for some people. You may not want to use olive oil as a makeup remover if you have sensitive skin and get breakouts easily. If you have an oily skin type, olive oil may not be the best option for you to use as a makeup remover. However, olive oil is still worth giving a try.


You may feel uncomfortable with the way that olive oil leaves your skin. For some people, olive oil will leave your skin feeling greasy or oilier than you would wish. Olive oil does not make your skin feel as clean as regular soap would. So, to compensate for the discomfort, you may want to wash your face after you use olive oil to remove your makeup.

Not 100% Guaranteed

As previously mentioned, olive oil may not work with your specific skin type. In order to find out whether or not olive oil would be a great makeup remover for you, try experimenting. Apply only a little bit of olive oil to the skin and then work your way up to using more so you can more easily decide what works best for you. If your skin needs other skin care products and makeup removers, then listen to what your body is telling you.

That all being said, the pros and cons listed above are meant to inform you about the benefits and the disadvantages for using olive oil as a makeup remover.

To sum it all up…

If you find that olive oil feels great on your skin, then that is wonderful! Olive oil is natural and has essential ingredients for improving your skin’s health. However, if olive oil does not work for your skin type, try finding a product that works best for you with more natural ingredients and less chemicals. Some people have more difficulty finding what works best for them, but do not give up on your skin. In order to get the results you want, you need to put in the effort. Start with olive oil and work from there.

For more information and tips, visit MindBodyGreen and research the benefits of using olive oil as a makeup remover.

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