How to do Bridge Exercises

How to do Bridge Exercises

If you are looking to workout your buttocks, then the bridge exercise is a wonderful option. The bridge exercise specifically strengthens your gluteus muscles and your hamstrings. Not only does the exercise focus on your buttocks and the back of your upper leg, it can also improve the core and provide spinal stabilization.

There are several variations of the bridge exercise, including the single leg bridge, inverted bridge, bridge pulses, and more. In order to complete more complex and complicated variations of the bridge exercise, you need to learn the basics of a simple bridge position and bridge exercise. Follow the steps and tips below for how to do bridge exercises.

Steps for Bridge Exercises

Step 1: Lie Down

First, lie down with your back on the floor. Place your hands palms down by your sides and bend your knees. Then, keep your feet flat on the floor with your heels equally spread apart. Set your feet under your knees. If you wanted a more complicated bridge exercise, try the single leg bridge exercise in which one leg is lifted instead of both of your legs being bent. However, for the purpose of this article, we will continue going over the basics of the bridge exercise.

Step 2: Raise Your Hips

Tighten your buttock muscles and slowly begin to raise your hips. Maintain a position in which you keep a straight line from your knees to your shoulders and make sure to not let your shoulders tense or tighten up. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and focus on tightening your gluteus muscles and core. If your hips begin to lower or sag, slowly situate yourself back to the floor by dropping the hips down. When you are ready, start again.

Step 3: Hold

Hold the bridge position for about twenty to thirty seconds, or more if your prefer. If you want a more challenging bridge exercise, try bridge pulses that involve keeping the hips raised then lowered in a steady rhythm. Do not worry if you are having trouble holding the position for the bridge exercise. Take your time and do not get frustrated. Start with ten seconds or less if you need to at first, and then work your way up from there.


There are several benefits for completing the bridge exercise. It is meant to target and strengthen your buttocks. However, it can do even more than simply helping you strengthen your gluteus muscles.


Although you may be interested in practicing bridge exercises for the purpose of strengthening your glutes, bridge exercises also have a great impact on your core as well. By strengthening your core with bridge exercises, you are tightening up your muscles. Even holding the basic bridge position for a period of time will strengthen your core muscles if done correctly. If you continually practice the bridge exercises, you will engage all of your core muscles like the transverse abdominous and your obliques.


Practicing bridge exercises also help with improving your posture. Because you are strengthening your glutes and stretching the spine, you are also improving your posture. When you are sitting or standing, you use important muscles like those located in the buttocks and spine. Keeping and maintaining a nice posture is easier when you practice bridge exercises, especially because they locate and strengthen a specific area of your body. As previously mentioned, in addition to strengthening your glutes, the bridge exercises also strengthen your core. Strengthening your core also helps with maintaining a nice posture for long periods of time.

Reduce Pain

Bridge exercises bring balance to the body because we tend to overwork one part of the body like the quadriceps. By solely focusing on one part of the body, it is more likely that you will experience pain and possibly an injury. The posterior chain, which includes the glutes and hamstrings, are fully engaged during the bridge exercises. Reduce knee and back pain by practicing bridge exercises and bring balance to your body.

To sum it all up…

Bridge exercises are simple exercises meant to target your buttocks and strengthen your core. Take a few seconds each day to practice bridge exercises if you want to strengthen your gluteus muscles and hamstrings. There are several benefits from practicing bridge exercises, which is why they are highly recommended. Make sure to keep your feet and shoulders completely on the ground. If you need extra support and stability, spread your arms out wider from your sides. Have fun with it and enjoy yourself!

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