Weight Loss
How to do Bridge Exercises

If you are looking to workout your buttocks, then the bridge exercise is a wonderful option. The bridge exercise specifically strengthens your gluteus muscles and your hamstrings. Not only does the exercise focus on your buttocks and the back of your upper leg, it can also improve the core and provide spinal stabilization. There are several variations of the bridge exercise, including the single leg bridge, inverted bridge, bridge pulses, and more. In order to complete more complex and complicated variations of the bridge exercise, you need to learn the basics of a simple bridge position and bridge exercise. Follow…
What is a Lentil?

What is a lentil exactly? Lentils vary in color, shape and size. They are pulses, or more specifically there are dried seeds of legumes. Although they are similar to split peas, lentils are more various because they come in several colors and sizes. In fact, lentils can range from the color red to green to even black, all of which are different shapes and sizes. If you are interested in consuming lentils, there are many health benefits like being low in calories and high in nutrition. Lentils are especially beneficial for those of you who are interested in becoming vegetarians.…
Practicing Baby And Me Yoga

Baby yoga usually involves a parent practicing yoga with his or her child. If you are interested in baby yoga, then follow the suggested poses below. Here are some tips and yoga poses to practice with your baby. Of course exercise is important for your overall health, but how can you find time to exercise when you have a little one constantly by your side? Baby yoga is a great to exercise both your mind and body while staying connected with your baby. You are able to bond with your child on a physical and spiritual level while practicing baby…
Is Salmon Unhealthy for Me?

Many of you are familiar with the health benefits of fish. However, you may not be aware that salmon is not the best option for your health. Salmon is known for the Omega-3s and the ability to boost brain function, but it can be bad for you. According to studies and research surrounding fish consumption, there has been a steady decline in marine ecosystems. Do you know if you are buying wild or farmed salmon? Do you know the difference between the two? Below is some information about wild and farmed salmon. Wild vs. Farmed Salmon There are several different…
6 Ways to Lose 40 Pounds

Losing weight can be difficult for some people, especially if you want to lose up to forty pounds. It takes time and dedication to stay fit and healthy. If you are serious about losing forty pounds, here are a few tips and suggestions to help you along your weight loss journey. Make a plan and set a manageable goal. In order to lose weight, you will need to make a plan and set a goal. Yes, your overall goal is to lose forty pounds. However, you need to set smaller targets throughout your journey. By making a plan that fits…
The Pros and Cons of Protein Powder

From Slimfast to Visalis, Mercola Pure to SunWarrior, we’ve all had a protein shake, and chances are — we kinda liked it. Who doesn’t love a tasty and refreshing shake or smoothie made with their favorite protein powder? Toss in some fruits, a few ice cubes, and a spoonful of chia seeds and you’ve even got a healthy meal, right? Well, actually, some people might disagree – and strongly. Let’s check out what the experts have to say about the pros and cons of protein powder. First, let’s look at the pros: You’ll lose weight and/or gain lean muscle Research…
The Weight Loss Secrets of Apple Cider Vinegar

Yep, you caught me talking about apple cider vinegar again. This time we’re checking out the weight loss properties inherent in the stuff – can this stuff get any better? I’m pretty sure it can and will. But before I get too far into bragging about it, let’s focus on why it makes a fantastic addition to any weight loss regimen. What’s the Secret to Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss? There are numerous theories on how the apple cider vinegar actually works to promote weight loss – although nobody knows for sure. Some believe it is a natural appetite…
The Healing Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

Why Try a Raw Food Diet? Although some refer to the raw diet as the “anti-diet”, and prefer to call it a lifestyle promoting the consumption of whole foods in their natural state, the raw food diet has in any case spread like wildfire since its inception. Raw food in its purest form, fresh-picked from the tree or pulled out of the garden, is believed by advocates to brim with naturally present enzymes and nutrients easily absorbed by and beneficial to the body. In their opinion, it is and has always been the ideal food for the human body. In addition…
Why and How To Do The Optimal 3-Day Cleanse

The Optimal 3-Day Cleanse What is a 3-Day Cleanse and How Can I Do It? While numerous types of “3-Day Cleanse” detoxification diet variations exist today, the most well-known type is considered to be a structured program best done either on a long weekend (from Friday through Sunday) or otherwise during vacation time or similar “off days.” The premise for the cleanse in general is that the body needs a chance to take a break from the normal diet’s toxins in order to “relax the liver, detox the kidneys and adrenals, and enhance digestion.” Although some detox programs recommend longer periods of…
The Jennifer Lopez Diet

How does J-Lo still look so good? Have you ever wondered how Jennifer Lopez keeps in shape for the countless singing and dancing performances and even acting roles she has on her schedule — while being over 40 to boot? We did, too. Being diehard fans since she started her career as a Fly Girl on MadTV’s In Living Color, we had to know how she kept it all together so well. So we checked it all out and found her secret: it’s eating right and exercise, y’all. Sorry! She also makes sure she gets enough sleep — about 8 hours…
Easy Partner Yoga Poses

Welcome fellow yoga lovers! If you are wondering about how to do partner yoga poses, follow the steps below. They are intended for friends and/or lovers, so feel free to have fun with it. The couple yoga poses listed are intended for beginners, but if you want something a bit more challenging, visit Yoganonymous. Practicing yoga with a loved one or a friend can allow you to deepen your stretches as well as allow you to deepen your connection with your partner. If either one of you or both of you are inexperienced in yoga, no worries. The suggested poses…
How Many Days a Week Should I do Yoga?

For all you yogis out there—or if you are a new yoga lover, welcome—a question can arise when doing yoga: How many days a week should I do yoga? Is there such a thing as too much yoga? Is there such a thing as not enough yoga? In my experience, I’ll admit to only having at most two classes a week, but recently I have only had the time for one session per week at home. So, how many days a week should I do yoga? The answer really depends on your lifestyle and what works best for you. According to…