The Jennifer Lopez Diet

How does J-Lo still look so good?

Have you ever wondered how Jennifer Lopez keeps in shape for the countless singing and dancing performances and even acting roles she has on her schedule — while being over 40 to boot? We did, too. Being diehard fans since she started her career as a Fly Girl on MadTV’s In Living Color, we had to know how she kept it all together so well. So we checked it all out and found her secret: it’s eating right and exercise, y’all. Sorry! She also makes sure she gets enough sleep — about 8 hours every night. But the good news is that she thinks you can do it, too — even without an expensive trainer or personal chef. Let’s find out how!

There are no shortcuts to looking great — you’ve got to work out and keep the calories low, even when you don’t feel like it

Jennifer herself told Us magazine there’s no easy shortcut to looking that great, “You got to work out, you got to watch what you eat. It’s a job — you’ve got to buckle down.” When on the wrong path recently, Jennifer ended up doing a 22-day full vegan challenge reportedly to “reset her eating habits and lose weight.” She works out with her trainer at the gym even when she doesn’t feel like it, keeps her caloric intake at around 1,400 calories daily, and does cardio and consistent full body workouts with the Tracy Anderson Method. She also insists you don’t have to criticize yourself if you make a mistake, “Everyone wants a cookie or a piece of cake or fried chicken every once in a while,” she says,”It’s not about that. It’s about consistently and always trying to be better and trying to do good.”

Her love of dancing doesn’t hurt, either. Lopez shared in 2014 that she enjoyed daily 6-hour dance routines to get some unwanted pounds off — and loved every move of it. And when she’s not dancing or working out with Tracy, Jennifer keeps it moving doing assorted other exercise routines such as Zumba classes, Triathlon training (swimming, running and biking), and a variety of competitive sports.

Eat as clean, non-processed and organic as possible

More specifically, according to her trainer, Tracy Anderson, “I have her eating very clean because she needs really good fuel for all the things that she’s doing. It’s all organic and it’s all very well thought out, with the balance of very high quality proteins and a lot of nutrient-dense food. Everything is fresh, and there’s nothing processed – just [protein powder] in a shake if we do a protein shake one day.

Pay close attention to portion control and divide meals up into 5 – 6 smaller meals daily

In addition, Jennifer is strict about portion control. She eats what she wants (within reason, and according to her trainer’s guidelines), but she keeps the portion size small. She eats, on average, between five to six small meals every day. This strategy serves J-Lo well as it curbs cravings, keeping her feeling satisfied throughout the whole day and evening.

Keep an eye on those carbs — and order in help when necessary

And when dropping dress sizes is needed to score a great new role, Jennifer doesn’t miss a beat. Cutting the carbs is first on her list, as is keeping the largest meal first in the day to ensure the ongoing optimal metabolism. In a pinch, Jennifer uses a meal delivery service called Freshology, which ensures the healthy balance and nutrient content she needs, while continuing to keep her daily calories between 1,200 and 1,400. And when she needed a little extra help after getting her pregnancy weight off, she consulted the popular celebrity Dukan Diet for tips.

J-Lo loves being fit and active so much, she even started her own program — BodyLab

A comprehensive plan featuring workouts, a diet plan, prepared meals and even some of her favorite recipes, Lopez insists she created her plan “by women, for women.” The website adds her message, “In all of my work—my music, my films, my book, my foundation—I always strive to inspire women to be the best and happiest versions of themselves. I joined the BodyLab family not only because of their commitment to creating great health and fitness products for women, by women, but also because of their approach to the holistic lifestyle. It’s not a solution-in-a-bottle. It’s not a fad diet. It’s part of a health regimen that makes your metabolism work as hard as you do. It’s a way to love your body.”

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