Health Food
The Superfoods You Need in Your Life – Some May Surprise You!

What is a “Superfood?” Dr. Oz describes his favorite superfoods as “short on calories and dense in nutrition.” Although some so-called “superfoods” may or may not always contain the powerful nutritious punch their advocates suggest, others are highly recommended by doctors and nutritionists alike. We’ll examine the benefits of each of Dr. Oz’s (and some of Dr. Axe’s, WebMD’s, and other sites’ favorites) recommended superfood list, which is as follows: Garlic – According to an interview with NaturalNews, Director of North American Institute of Herbal Medicine Paul Bergner states that “garlic is anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral, as well as anti-protozoan,” which Bergner…
The Top Magnesium-Rich Foods for an Increasingly Deficient World

A Widespread Worldwide Magnesium Deficiency is Growing in Awareness Some estimates suggest that almost 90 percent of humanity may be magnesium deficient. But how could that be true? According to Wellness Mama, only the populations closest to the oceans are likely to get enough magnesium, since the seas and surrounding land/water are usually sufficient in the nutrient. However, elsewhere, depleted soil conditions lead to magnesium-depleted plants and then the animals which eat the plants are also low on magnesium. Of course, the humans who eat the plants or animals are then, in turn, magnesium deficient as well. Stress and the…
5 Herbs for Easy Peasy Use at Home

If you’re ready to try a few herbs out to see how they work for you, we recommend starting with these. Of course, a doctor’s care is always essential to make sure you’re making the right decisions for your body and household, so consider that before using anything recommended here. Also, herbs can be quite potent (sometimes even more potent than a prescription alternative!) so make sure you consult the current research and packaging instructions (if you purchased a pre-packaged herb) before you take anything. It is possible to take too much of a good thing, so always keep that in mind too!…
The Health Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms

Did you know there are several health benefits of reishi mushrooms? The reishi mushroom is also known as “Lingzhi” in Chinese and many consider it to be the “mushroom of immortality.” Reishi mushrooms are super healthy for you, and you should definitely think about incorporating it into your diet. Although you may not like the taste or texture of mushrooms, reishi mushrooms can be consumed in several ways, including teas and some protein powder blends. In fact, there are several varieties of the reishi mushroom and it tends to have a bitter and woody taste. The reishi mushroom has been…
What in the World is Wakame?

What is Wakame and Why Would Someone Want to Eat It? According to Wikipedia, wakame, or ワカメ, also known by its scientific name, Undaria pinnatifida, is a sea vegetable, or an edible form of seaweed. Its subtle salty sweet flavor makes it perfect in seaweed salads and miso soups, and Japanese sea farmers have grown it since the Nara period (or the years spanning from AD 710 to 794). It is also found useful as a wrap for sushi in many restaurants. Flavorful, well-preserved in sea salt, and packing a powerful nutritive punch Unlike nori, which most commonly adorns sushi rolls,…
Is Buckwheat Gluten-Free?

Are you trying to maintain a gluten-free diet? If you are, try incorporating buckwheat into your diet. Buckwheat can be gluten-free and is a great option for those of you who are looking for food that does not contain gluten. Buckwheat is also known by the name “kasha.” Kasha is simply buckwheat when it is toasted and becomes a darker red and brown color. With a nice toasted nut scent, kasha is a great ingredient for incorporating into other recipes. On the other hand, raw buckwheat tends to be a light brown or green color and do not necessarily have…
Healthy Fall Breakfasts for Busy Folks

Get the Fall off to a Healthy Start with an Arsenal of Creative and Easy Breakfast Recipes! Whether it’s getting the kids off to school, yourself off to work on a brisk morning, or just looking at a busy autumn day in general, most of us could use a few healthy and easy options for breakfast. But what can we do besides the same old dry cereals and grab-and-go granola bars? We’ve gleaned the best food blogs for a glimpse into the magic of a nutritious and hassle-free morning meal. Come check it out! Crock Pot Creations For starters,…
Is Corn Gluten-Free?

If you need to maintain a gluten-free diet, you may want to stay away from corn. Is corn gluten-free? Yes, corn is gluten free when it is consumed in its natural form. However, you need to be aware that there are other forms of food that are corn-based but are not necessarily gluten-free. Sauces and foods that contain several other ingredients, which is why you should check the label or list of ingredients in order to be sure the food you are consuming is gluten-free. Listed below are tips and information about corn in order to help you learn when…
What Occurs During a Woman’s Monthly Follicular Phase?

What is the “follicular phase” of a woman’s cycle, and why should she care about it? Out of the four phases of the overall menstrual cycle, the follicular phase comes second, after the menstrual phase, and leads directly into ovulation. It normally comprises days 1-14 of an average28-day cycle. Three primary areas comprise the focus of the activity during this phase, which include 1. ovogenesis (translation: generating of the ovum, or producing the egg), 2. production of estrogen, and 3. determination of the length of the rest of the cycle. A follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH, increases in the woman’s blood early in the days…
The Whats and Whys of the C-Diff Diet

What’s C-Diff and Why Should I Need a Certain Diet to Treat It? Also referred to as C. difficile, C-diff is considered a ‘superbug’ by many, and is officially termed Clostridium difficile. It is a bacteria which causes the irritation and swelling of the large intestine or colon. Known as colitis, this type of inflammation can result in loss of appetite, dehydration, fever, weight loss, diarrhea, nausea and cramps. It can be transferred between people on door knobs, telephones, or bed rails when the ill individuals do not wash their hands thoroughly after using the bathroom. Diagnosed mostly in those being…
What is Histamine and How Can I Treat Its Effects?

A body chemical found in and released by certain cells, histamine has a role in the immune system protecting against foreign bodies and germs. It also results in various symptoms depending upon where the release occurs (and in these situations, it is usually considered an excessive release in response to dust mites, insect bites, pollen, foods, or medications), including itchy and watery eyes, sore and scratchy throats, a runny nose, and/or a tightness of the chest, shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing. Increased histamine levels are a sign the body is using its natural defense systems, producing issues within minutes…
What is a Lentil?

What is a lentil exactly? Lentils vary in color, shape and size. They are pulses, or more specifically there are dried seeds of legumes. Although they are similar to split peas, lentils are more various because they come in several colors and sizes. In fact, lentils can range from the color red to green to even black, all of which are different shapes and sizes. If you are interested in consuming lentils, there are many health benefits like being low in calories and high in nutrition. Lentils are especially beneficial for those of you who are interested in becoming vegetarians.…