82 Profile Picture Captions for Instagram and Facebook

They say a picture says a thousand words, but sometimes you’ll need a few more to make sure you get the point across. That’s why you shouldn’t just update that social media profile pic. Update it with style, using a caption that says a lot with very little. A Little Mystery Just staying a mystery. Stay a mystery. Mysterious, no? Make people wonder. I’m a puzzle even I can’t solve. Be an enigma. Unstoppable I can, and I will. The view is great from here. This is just the beginning. Do the impossible. Life has no limits. I reach my…
Clever, Amusing and Funny Facebook Post Ideas

If you run a small business or a Facebook community, coming up with funny Facebook post ideas can be something of a challenge. When you run a Facebook community, you have to post well and post often which demands you are constantly on the lookout for clever, amusing or funny ideas for Facebook posts. Fortunately, Techjunkie is here to help. As someone who used to manage a marketing company that included social media marketing, I have a few ideas you can use to help keep fans entertained and coming back for more. They aren’t directly actionable as tastes and themes…