Monday is a hard day only for those who perceive it negatively. Try to think positively and don’t let unhappiness and sadness be related to Monday. Share your enthusiasm, hope and good expectations with others and send inspirational, motivational, positive or good morning Monday quotes, and wish them a happy Monday.
Inspirational Monday Quotes:
- Monday won’t be so gloomy if you believe that something good is always bound to happen.
- Every Monday is a chance to start a new life, so use it.
- The perfect life is when you have your second half and you are in love with your work. Congratulations, you have it all! Happy Monday!
- Forget about the traffic, stressful work and business meetings today, be happy that the sun is shining and stay positive.
- If Monday is strong coffee, don’t despair and add a few pieces of sugar to make it tasty and sweet!
- Have a wonderful Monday and make the saying by Dennis P. Kimbro: “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it” your motto.
- Attack Monday with enthusiasm, laughter, thousands of smiles and cheerfulness.

New Monday. New Week. New Goals
Monday Motivation Quotes:
- Make Monday the day of your triumph, stay brave, strong, and reach success!
- Let this Monday be kind to you: be happy with what you have and accept the things which you cannot change.
- Each Monday is a canvas and only you choose with which colors you’ll paint it, you create your own mood.
- This Monday is the beginning of your happy journey throughout the whole week, so enjoy it.
- Life offers you so many doors, it is up to you which to open and which one to close.
- Start a new week, you are unstoppable, invincible and powerful today!
Happy Monday Quotes:
You can dislike Monday on only two occasions: when you had a really fun-filled weekend or when you have boring work that you don’t want to do. Since the arrival of Monday is unavoidable we offer you a selection of quotes. Maybe they’ll help you meet the new week with a wave of optimism. Have a happy Monday!
- Have a blessed Monday, remember that it is the first day without mistakes.
- Your Monday gift is ready: open a box with joy, laughter, and happiness.
- Let this Monday be the beginning of the week, full of new opportunities, and kept promises.
- The art of being happy incorporates the ability to see the beauty everywhere and to be able to enjoy simple things. Start your Monday with this art.
- Don’t waste your time, Monday is a new opportunity to change your life for the best. Have a nice Monday!
- Meet a new Monday and remember that happiness is a choice. You are as happy as you decide to be.
- It is Monday, so wake up & shine! Let a disarming smile and kindness in your heart be your armor today.
- Monday is the dragon of the week, defeat it and enjoy the spoils!
- Let your Monday be filled with unbearable happiness and joy! Happy Monday!
- Keep head towards you goal, even if it is Monday.
- Forecast for Monday: 50% laughter and 50% joy. Have a wonderful Monday!
Positive Monday Quotes:
- Life offers so many great choices, all you have to do is to see them.
- Meet this Monday with positive thoughts and you won’t face negative things throughout the week.
- Feel good vibes today and let them guide you. Have a nice Monday.
- Monday is a perfect day for the expansion of boundaries and the implementation of all your greatest plans.
- Keep your heart open for kindness and mercy, remember that God is always with you. Happy Monday!
Monday Good Morning Quotes:
- Let the best accomplishments wait for you today! Good morning!
- Good morning, meet the first day of the week with a smile and it will respond to you the same in return.
- Wake up! Shine and smile today because it’s Monday!
- Even if you need a double portion of coffee, use all your energy and imagination to make it a great one! Good morning.
- Start anew and don’t forget to put a part of your heart in everything you do today. Happy Monday!
- Mondays are tough only for those who don’t know how to spend them cheerfully. Get up and have fun today!
- Good morning! The sun is shining and the birds are singing. Grab some coffee and get on going!
- Today is a gift from God, use it wisely. Good morning.
- Do what you love and what makes you happy and Monday will become your favorite day. Good morning.

Good Morning. Have a Beautiful Monday!
Monday Work Quotes:
- Love what you do, forget that you’ll meet your boss today and Monday will be kind to you.
- Meet this Monday with a smile. Work hard and remember that you don’t have to impress anybody.
- Don’t think that Monday is another working day, consider it as a chance to show a good result.
- Every Monday is a gift, so don’t be impolite. Gifts cannot be returned, so accept it and spend with pleasure.
- Monday is the hardest day of the week if you haven’t finished your work on Friday, but you are a hard worker and Monday will be a relaxed day for you.
- Sleep on Monday is the sweetest, but you gotta get up and get back to your work. Have a productive week!
- Don’t allow anyone to mess up your day. Handle your business and be successful today. Happy Monday.
- It’s hard to work after the weekend but do your best to make this day stunning. Have a great Monday.
Happy Monday Images:

Happy Monday. Beautiful
New Week Quotes
What else can you do on Monday morning in the office, if not looking for a new quote for Twitter or Facebook? With our quotes, you’ll meet the beginning of a new week in high spirits and finally stop hating Mondays.
- Every Monday is a chance to start a new fabulous week!
- A day of worry is more exhausting than a new week of work.
- Monday is too hard to start a new week with it.
- Find a job you like and you add five days to every new week.
- Before deciding to retire, stay home for a week and watch the daytime TV shows.
- Try to feel more optimistic about Monday – do not create a problem at the very beginning of the new week!
- Do you really think that Tuesday would be easier if it were the first day of the new week?
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