Why do I Crave Salt?

Why do I Crave Salt?

According to MindBodyGreen, salt cravings are brought about by pleasure-chemicals. When you eat salt, the brain lights up with pleasure-chemicals, making us want to further pursue the pleasure it gives us. Our bodies need salt, but too much of it is unhealthy. Most salt we eat comes from processed and pre-package foods, which can be considered as bad salt.

Apparently, there is good and bad kinds of salt. Studies have shown that 90% of Americans eat too much salt, but according to Body Ecology, we need to be eating more salt. That is, we need to be eating more of the right kind of salt, which is the mineral-rich sea salt.

Good Salt vs. Bad Salt

Good Salt

The term “good salt” simply means salt that is healthier for you than the bad or processed salt you find in foods like chips or other snacks. When you eat good salt, or sea salt that is rich in minerals, you are nourishing your thyroid and adrenal glands. Additionally, sea salt is known for alkalizing your blood and reduces the chance of getting diseases like candida. There are medicinal uses of sea salt as well, such as balancing acidic foods, such as animal proteins, nuts, seeds, and grain, and it helps add contracting energy to vegan or vegetarian diets.

Bad Salt

Unlike good salt that is healthy, bad salt is unhealthy and is usually found in processed foods. The wrong kind of salt is not salt at all. It is actually refined sodium that contains added bicarbonates, chemicals, sugars, and preservatives. Refined salt offers no health benefits and is extremely unhealthy for you due to the added chemicals and the reduced minerals. Not all salt is bad, just the refined sodium you find in processed foods. In fact, the good kind of salt or sea salt is good for you in healthy amounts.

Why do I crave salt?

If you are craving salt, you are craving foods high in sodium chloride. There are several factors to take into consideration when you are craving salt. You may be craving salt due to dehydration, missing minerals, or habit.


One reason why you may be craving salt is that you are dehydrated. Sodium helps keeps water in our bodies so that the electrolytes we need can nourish and hydrate our cells. Activities including drinking alcohol, urination, diarrhea, sweating, and vomiting can contribute to the loss of body fluid and therefore the loss of the electrolytes we need. In order to curb your salt craving if you are dehydrated, drink lots of water. About eight or more cups of water a day should help.

Missing Minerals

Because our bodies need minerals, such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, and zinc, your salt craving may simply be a mineral craving. Many minerals have a salty taste, which is why you may be craving salt. In order to get your mineral needs met, you will need to increase your mineral intake by eating more foods, such as nori, kelp, dulse, and seeds like hemp and chia.


Your salt craving may also be a result of habit. You may be used to the flavor of salt and cannot get enough of it. Salt is found in many foods and most people are familiar with having salt on the dinner table, which is why it is difficult to get away from bad salt. Try to notice your salt habits and make an effort to cook meals with no salt. If you are looking for flavor, try adding lemon, garlic, mint, or thyme to your recipes.

The factors listed above are only a few suggested reasons as to why you may be craving salt. There may be other reasons not listed above, such as kidney disease, Addison’s disease, or you have slow adrenal glands.

What can I eat instead of salt?

If you want to stop your salt cravings, you may want to replace salt with one or all of the following:

Black Pepper – Fresh ground pepper has a great taste and is much better for you than table salt.

Garlic – As a more natural option, garlic boosts the flavor of your meal.

Citrus – Lemon and other fresh citrus fruits adds flavor to meats, vegetables, and sauces.

Vinegar – White, red wine, and apple cider vinegar is a great way to add flavor to your meals.

Although large amounts of salt are unhealthy, you need a certain amount of sodium that can perform proper nerve and muscle functions and maintain a balance of fluids within your body. Therefore, there is a need to eat sea salt, not processed salt to help your cravings your cravings subside.

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