Basic Yoga Poses

Basic Yoga Poses

Are you interested in practicing yoga? Listed below are some basic yoga poses to help familiarize you with yoga. Learn basic yoga poses at any stage of your journey in order to more easily learn harder and more complex poses.

Similar to another article that I previously wrote and covers six beginning yoga poses, this article will go over some basic yoga poses. There are several poses in yoga, which is why it is important to learn the foundations of basic poses. If you are interested in learning more basic yoga poses, follow the suggested poses found below.

Warrior Pose

Description: Many people are familiar with the warrior pose, but there are actually two forms of the warrior pose. The Sanskrit name for the warrior pose is Virabhadrasana and is known for building strength. The warrior pose is especially good for your legs and ankles because it provides a deep stretch.

Warrior 1

How to: Warrior 1 is a pose that creates a gentle backbend and opens up the front of the body while strengthening the legs and core. From a standing position, take a giant step back with your left leg. Then, come into a lunge position and turn your back left heel so it touches the floor. Angle your left toes forward at about 75 degrees. Focus on your upper body by pressing your palms straight above your head and lifting your chest. Make sure to breathe in and out slowly as you feel the deep stretch. After you have held the position for a few breaths, step forward and switch legs.

Warrior 2

How to: Similar to the warrior 1 position, warrior 2 involves a lunge-like position. First, start in standing position. Next, take a step back with your left leg. Your feet need to be at least one leg’s-length apart. Make sure your front right leg is bent so that your knee is directly over your right ankle. Keep the back left toes angled at 45 degrees. Focusing on your upper body, stretch out your arms and place them straight from your sides. With your right hand stretched out in front, direct your soft gaze towards your fingertips. Stay in the warrior 2 position for at least a few breaths. When you have completed the position, straighten your front right leg and turn your feet to the other side and repeat the steps previously described.

Bridge Pose

Description: The bridge pose stretches the front body while strengthening the back body. This position acts as a great basic pose for beginners because the back bend is not too strenuous. In fact, the bridge pose is quite comfortable for some.

How to: Lie down on your back and place your feet about hip width apart. With your legs bent, press your feet into the floor as you slowly begin to lift your butt off of the mat and ground. Then, interlace your fingers and hands together under your raised lower back. In order to open up your chest even more, press your hands down into the floor. Stay grounded through your feet and hands, and try not to let your shoulders tighten. Hold the position for at least eight breaths before slowly lowering down. Repeat the steps at least two more times.


Description: Although it may sound easy, the plank position helps build strength and can be challenging for some. The entire body stays engaged as you balance on your on your hands and toes. The plank position allows you to also practice focusing on your breath while staying in a challenging pose. If you are trying to strengthen your abdominals, this pose is perfect for you.

How to: With your knees and hands on the ground, slowly transition into the plank position by tucking your toes under and extending your legs straight back. Slide your heels back until your back creates a straight line. Press into your hands and keep your gaze downward so as to not hurt the neck. Make sure to keep your shoulders away from your neck and ears. If your wrists begin to hurt, either lower your knees down or place your elbows on the floor. Hold the plank position for a few breaths before lowering your body completely down.

Other Basic Yoga Poses

There are several other basic yoga poses like triangle and the seated forward bend. It will take time and practice before you conquer more complex yoga poses. The best way to approach any yoga pose is to first learn the basics and familiarize yourself with beginning yoga poses.

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