Meditation Techniques for Beginners

meditation techniques

The benefits of meditation have been in evidence for centuries now. Meditation techniques have been tried and tested for decades, and continue to evolve. And ways to meditate are now more innovative than ever before, thanks to technological advancements. For example, even if you don’t stay near a gurgling stream or a waterfall, you can go online and just look for an audio or video file to help you in your meditative process.

But if you have never tried meditation before, it can seem daunting. How do you get to that state of stillness, where your mind is emptied of conscious thought, and your focus turns inwards? How do you enter that state of bliss that those who meditate can’t seem to stop talking about? In this post, we simplify a few of the most popular meditation techniques to

Meditation Techniques

Modern science has proven time and again the rejuvenating effects of medicine on chronically ill patients. Harvard’s study, entitled “Now and Zen“, reaches deep into the benefits of meditation techniques like mindful meditation, where one makes conscious choices for physical and mental wellness. Health professionals all over the world recommend meditation as part of their treatment for physical, mental, and emotional ailments. A study by Harvard clearly demonstrates that through meditation, it is possible for the brain to grow new grey matterin as small a period as eight weeks. One of the most popular ways to meditate, as the example above, is meditation with music. This has been found to be profoundly beneficial in treating memory loss in early stages in older people. What’s more, there’s proof that it might actually reverse memory loss.

Here are some of the more popular techniques in meditation that you can try.

  1. Mindful Meditation: This technique is by far the most recommended. The focus of this technique is to be open and accepting of everything that comes your way without judgement, and mindfully making choices to help ease the process of decision-making. All internal and external perceptions and factors are accepted as they are, and active non-reaction is the cornerstone of this. You learn to live in the moment, with the moment. As you learn to let things be as they are, your worldview expands, and you start becoming kinder on yourself. This is especially beneficial for ADHD, anxiety disorders,
  2. Transcendental Meditation:Think of Transcendental Meditation and you can picture the Beatles sitting with Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of this technique. This is highly popular in the west, and has attracted its fair share of controversy. Moreover, the initiation into this meditation technique is given only by a licensed practitioner.
  3. Zen Meditation:Think of the Buddha: straight back, serene look, elegant posture. In the Zen meditation technique, the practice involves focusing on the breath and practicing stillness. During the process, you are encouraged to not engage with the thoughts that enter your mind, allowing them to come and go as they please. The focus on the breath and stillness help achieve inner equilibrium with regular practice.
  4. Vipassana Meditation:The Vipassana technique usually accompanies a retreat of silence and non-verbal and non-written communication. When in company, no direct communication is allowed. The foundation of Vipassana is introspection. Retreats usually last a couple of weeks, and artists, writers, and musicians swear by this method as at the end of the retreat, they say that their creativity is greatly enhanced.
  5. Nature Meditation: For ages, people have turned to nature to get away from the chaos of modern life, work stress, and relationships. Finding a quiet spot on a mountaintop or under a tree, or a quiet beach, and slow and measured breathing is all the tools you will need to practice this meditation technique.

Benefits of Meditation

The list of long term benefitsof meditation seems to continue to grow: better awareness, better focus, deeper engagement with society, restful sleep, improved socio-emotional skills, etc. When meditation becomes a daily practice, it has been found to also beneficially alter metabolic pathways as also reduce cortisol levels. All of this leads to greater energy and mental acuity during the working hours of the day. What’s more, just a few minutes of meditation has been found to be helpful for kids in school, leading to improved academic performance.

Meditation has been proven to be the most effective, non-invasive method to help alleviate emotional conditions such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Neural pathways to the brain have been found to be altered through regular meditation and breathing exercises, helping to reduce cortisol levels in the body. Even a week’s practice for a few minutes each day improves concentration, alertness, and attention spans.

Try one of the meditation techniques listed above. Seek out your local yoga or meditation club. A few moments of stillness might be all the medicine you need in this always busy world.


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