Reiki Master: Usui/Tibetan Master Attunement

reiki master

Want to be a Reiki Master in the Usui tradition? The grand Usui ttradition was founded by Japanese Buddhist, Mikao Usui. Reiki became popular as a spiritual practice, complementing other forms of mainstream therapy for physical and mental wellbeing. Reiki is a form of healing therapy that ascribes the powers of healing to universal energy or Qi. This can be both hands-on and remote, where Reiki channels, through the powers of intention, help send or transfer healing energies into those who might need them.

The Usui method helps “attune” these Reiki channels to be able to communicate with the universal life force energy through several levels of initiation. Traditionally, there are four levels of attunement as follows:

Reiki Level I: An aspiring Reiki channel receives the first level of initiation or attunement from a Reiki master. This level bestows upon the channel to receive the life force energy from a Master, which enables him or her to practice hands-on Reiki healing. In this level, you learn the hand positions to properly channel the Qi, the basic Reiki techniques, how to cleanse negative energies, and to help energy recipients to clear energy blocks.

Reiki Level II: The second level is also initiated by a Reiki master, but the channel now receives initiation into Reiki symbols and distant healing. In addition to the basics and techniques during initiation level 1, Reiki II channels learn to harness Qi and send it out into the world where it needs to go. This doesn’t require the recipient to be present in the physical realm, though it is recommended that you use a picture of the person to whom you are sending the healing energy: it is believed a picture helps in connecting the energies.

Reiki Level III or ART (Advanced Reiki Training): This level is considered to be a necessary precursor to receiving the Master level attunement, which is the next level in Reiki ascendancy. This level is believed to allow your Usui Master level energies to manifest with clarity. Energy consciousness and compassion are said to expand multifold in this level, so as to enable the channel to aspire for the next level. Along with hand positions and symbols, the channels are energized to also use Reiki materials like stones and crystals to enhance the healing process. Some of the other techniques that are bestowed are the ability to perform psychic surgery, constructing the Reiki grid to connect different energies into one field, and guided meditations that help you visualize healing energies and fields. This level finishes with an exercise that prepares you to ascend to the next level, i.e., that of a Reiki Master

Reiki Level IV or Reiki Master: If you have completed the first three levels of attunement, then you will now stand at the threshold of being a Reiki Master. The healing attunement bestowed in this level is at the highest level, empowering you to attune yourself and other prospective Reiki channels. As this is an intensive attunement, this could usually last up to two days. At the end of the attunement, you will be able to harmonize your seven chakras (we go into detail about the seven chakras here, and the sacral chakra here) and will be recognized as a Reiki Master in the Usui/Tibetan tradition at the end of the attunement.

Beyond these four levels, there is another level of Reiki mastery, known as the Karuna Reiki. This is an advanced class, and only attuned and practicing Reiki Masters can teach this level. This system was developed on the foundation of Reiki by William Lee Rand. This is said to focus more on the spiritual and emotional levels, helping you to harness your spiritual energy more powerfully. Some Reiki institutions also offer this level of attunement as an add-on to the Usui/Tibetan tradition. Karuna Reiki or Compassion Reiki is said to enable communication with your spiritual guides and those that have crossed over to the next realm.

Have you tried Reiki, and/or are an attuned Reiki Master? We would love to hear about your experience from you. Drop us a note here in the comments section.

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