Stop Using tobacco Industrial

Cigarettes are disgusting.

28 comments on “Stop Using tobacco Industrial

  1. Zumma Gonzalez

    This is going to sound very insensitive but because the commercial shows pictures of her in high school and then jumps to her being ill with no photos of her in her 20's-40's it seems like they had something to hide. To me she looked like the people that I saw in my old neighborhood who fell apart from drug addiction and HIV, so her cancer may have been caused by a number of factors not just cigarettes.

  2. Cika Pera

    Hello there! Have you heard about – banfan quit smoking genie ( search on google)? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my partner got great results with it and has quit smoking.'; 

  3. Jannsmith

    Unfortunately, it's real. The brave woman in the PSA (public service announcement) most likely had a laryngectomy which is a partial or complete removal of the larynx (voice box). That was probably done to remove cancer growths. She now has to use a hand-held electronic device so that others can hear her speak. Just an fyi for anyone, in addition to "smokefree", Nicotine Anonymous may have a local free 12-step meeting to attend for those with a desire to quit using nicotine.

  4. GaReThThEpErSoN1

    This video is really effective but does make you feel really sorry on all these people because back when they started smoking was advertised and health care centers said it was good for your lungs when they then found out that it wasn't but the ads are really effective.

  5. homegrowenaussie

    i stopped smoking at around eleven pm last saturday night, i will never smoke again, my daughter worked out i had smoked just over 547,000 cigarettes, i started when i was 14, stopped at 51. smoked around 50 cigarettes a day. all these ads portraying all the side effects of smoking, must have the tobacco companies laughing all the way to the bank, any moron knows, put a smoker under stress, pressure, or guilt trips, and what are they going to do….smoke, smoke, and smoke a lot more.

  6. Kathy Piscitelli

    I quit 19 years ago…a 3 pack a day habit. Then 10 years ago I had weight loss surgery and lost more than 100 lbs. I'd take back the weight over the ciggaretts any day…


  7. timmycan1

    She is to be commended for being brave enough to show her wrecked life to others. Maybe she will help save lives. God have mercy on her and reveal yourself to her so she can finnish well.

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