Robert Hayes
Funny Group Chat Names—Liven Up Your Online Hangout

Online group chats are becoming the trend in social media and messaging apps. It’s a convenient way to get the group together to discuss things, without leaving anyone out.
Maybe you’re getting together the raid buddies in Discord to create your next campaign strategy. Perhaps your work group has a group SMS so that everyone can share schedules, behind the scenes details, important information, and trade jokes. You might even have a family’s Facebook Messenger group, where you make arrangements for family family gatherings, or simply share wonderful moments online. Surely, we’re all part of an online group chat somewhere or another.
Group chats can feel a lot more like a conversation in the real world, with the in-jokes and friendly banter that we’ve come to expect. They’re a great way to quickly make plans, talk about your day, and share information that your entire friend group, colleagues, or family need to know.
One of the coolest things about some group messaging platforms, including WhatsApp, GroupMe, and Facebook Messenger, is the ability to rename and change what your group chat is called. Unlike SMS threads, where you can only see the names of people displayed, some applications can completely change the name of the group for all users. This is great for keeping multiple threads organized. For instance, this could come in handy if you want to make sure you make arrangements for Grandma’s birthday in a thread she can’t see! This also means you can make the name of your group something fun, or something that truly describes what your group is all about. You can usually change the group name on a dime, so that study group can become a party planning group after the last final exam is turned in.
Whether you want to make the name something funny, clever, cute, or something that’s a bit of all three, changing your group name—assuming you can within your app—is a fantastic idea. But for the non-creatively inclined, this can be just as stressful as letting slip that Grandma’s getting an exotic dancer for her 90th.
We’ve got you covered – we’ve put together a list of literally hundreds of group chat names, broken down into categories. Whether you’re looking for something that fits your family, your friend group, or a combination of both, these are some of the best group names we’ve come up with and come across online. Take a look, and feel free to borrow, blend, or flat out steal these ideas!
Family-Based Chat Groups
As usual, we love to put family first. Whether you’re in a group chat with your parents and siblings, your extended cousins, or your politically-charged aunts and uncles, you’ll want to name the chat something to properly fit your family members. So no matter if your family is a perfect textbook representation of the nuclear family, or a bit more dysfunctional like The Simpsons or The Bundys from Married with Children, you’re bound to find something that fits your group well in our list below.
Immediate Family Members
Consider these perfect for your immediate family members, including your mother, father, and any siblings that might stick around your side no matter what.
- 24-Hours of Drama
- Drama That Includes My Mama
- Family Secrets
- The Chamber of Secrets
- Full House (or, if you prefer, Fuller House)
- Family Ties
- Yes, We are Family
- The Madhouse
- I Don’t Have Friends, I Have Family
- Silence Isn’t Golden Here
- We Talk a Lot
- The Folks
- The Invincible
- Fantastic Four (if there are exactly four of you)
- The Incredibles
- The (surname) Family
- The Herd
- Married… with Children (for the fathers and mothers out there)
- Fabulous Five (if there are exactly five of you)
- Best Family Ever
- We are Family
- The (surname) Bunch
- Family Club
- The Bloodline
- Family Matters
- My Clan
- The Family Squad
- Don’t Show Mom
- The Happy Family
- The Mad House
Families have their own little quirks and ways of showing their love to one another, wouldn’t you agree? Your group chat name should definitely showcase those quirks and personalities.
Chats with Your Cousins
Cousins can be an odd group of people. Depending on the makeup of your family, you might have limited contact with your cousins, or they could be some of your best friends. Cousins are magical to some people because, unlike siblings, you can truly control how much they appear in your life. So whether you have a zany cousin you like to keep in touch with, or you have some cousins that act like best friends, here are some great group chat names for your cousin crew (hey, that’s a good one right there!).
- What’s up, Cuz?
- Cursing Cousins
- The Grub Club
- Family Gang
- Across Borders
- World of Cousins
- Only Mildly Related
- Weekend Kings
- Heirs Apparent
- Splitting Heirs
- Always Together
- Colonial Cousins
- Chats with Brats
- Kin of Good Times
- Cousins Colony
- Cousin Quest
- Final Fantasy Cousin Chronicles
- Couch Cousins
- Comfy Cousins
- Cuz Muzz
- Cousin Rants
- The Pretty Bunch
- Party Cousins
- Cousin Talks
- Cousin Confessions
Cousins definitely can be like sibs from another crib, so stay in touch with the help of these funny and catchy group chat names.
Friend Chat Groups
Sure, you might have some good group chat names with your family members, but some of the most frank and honest (and hilarious!) chats are those with your friends. Here, there’s nothing to stop you from chatting about whatever you want, whenever you want. No matter if you’re making plans for the weekend, sharing memes, or gossiping about the world in general, group chats with your friends are often some of the most fun you’ll have in messaging, of all time.
Of course, to go along with those good times, you’ll need some fantastic group names for your messages. No matter what type of friend group you’re in, we think one of these will fit you nicely.
- Nonsense Group
- Lucky Charms
- Ride or Die
- Busted Minds
- 3 Idiots (or however many idiots you have)
- The Five Musketeers (or however many Musketeers you have)
- That One Time We Got Lost
- Gibberish In Neutral
- The Burn Book
- Devils vs. Angels
- We Tie Until We Die
- Life and Music
- Chor Bazaar
- Funky Bunch
- Bachelor Crew
- Teenagers Scare Me
- Counter Strike Batch
- Dil ke Dost
- Wandering Minds
- Where’s the Party
- Those Manic Thoughts
- The Fashion Thing
- We Don’t Gossip
- Great Mates
- Chatter Box
- BFFs
- Dream Team
- Non-stop Chat
- Rock Stars
- Friends Forever
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
- Birds of the Same Feather
- Without Borders
- All Night Long
Friends are so much fun, and with that comes some of the best group chats around. We’re sure you’ll have a splendid time chatting it up with your pals in those friendship group chats.
Sister Group Chats
You and your sister(s) have probably been thick as thieves since the moment you all came into each other’s lives. What better way to stay in touch when you’re miles apart in distance but not in heart than with a group chat? Here are some funny sister group chat names.
- My Second Mother
- My First Friend
- Best Group for Sharing Feelings
- God Made Relations
- My Dear Sister
- My Blood Share
- Share it with Sister
- Hearts Without Holes
- My First Instructor
- Guiding Sisters
- Sister Sentiment
- More than a Sister
- Rakhi Group
- Best Guides
- Syncing Cycles
- Blood Is Thicker Than Pettiness
- Princess Group
- Sister Gang
- Hey Soul Sisters
- Mean Girls
- Sibling Dynasty
- Sisterly Love
- Birthright Besties
- Our Parents’ Headache
Ah, sisters… The people that can drive you the craziest, but also the ones who will still love you no matter what.
Group Chat Names for the Guys
Don’t worry—we didn’t forget about the guys! These are some really great group chats for the boys, men, and all you cool dudes out there. Whether you went to high school, college, or work together, these are perfect for your group of guys just hanging out, being total bros. Take a look!
- Knights of the The Round Table
- Game Changers
- The Jumping Jacks
- The Alpha & Omega
- Protectors of Superman
- Nunya Business
- The Insomniacs
- Mountain Movers
- Rock Stars
- Twenty First Century Cavemen
- The Awakening
- Bachelor Party
- Only Singles
- Bros Forever
- Don’t Spoil It
- The Big Dogs
- The Men In Black
- Secret Service
- Gentlemen’s Club
- Mi Amigos
Remember: Guys chat too, so these are some funny group chat names for the boys and men out there.
Some Just Plain Cool Group Chat Names
Unfortunately, not every group can be labeled as “just family” or “strictly friends.” Some group chats are huge, with a focus on friendship that goes beyond just guys and girls, immediate family members, or cousins. These are perfect for your groups that can’t be categorized easily. Check them out below!
- The Troublemakers
- The Foodies
- Glowing Stars
- Walkie Talkies
- The Now-Married
- The Posse
- The Public Square
- All Us Single Folks
- Awesome Blossoms
- Blockheads
- Chunky Monkeys
- Sports Lovers
- Hackers
- Don’t Join
- Civil Disobedients
- Gossip Geese
- The Woodchucks
- The Spartans
- Phone Pals
- Crazy People
- Tech Ninjas
- Play Your Way
- The Alter Egos
- Recycling Bin
- Swag Partners
Sports-Themed Group Names
A lot of us are sports fans, whether we’re playing on a real team or happen to be five-time National Champions in our Fantasy league. Here are some great sports-oriented theme names. If you want to take things up a notch, try adding descriptors, like “Mighty,” “Fighting,” “Mad,” or “Invincible.”
- The Terrific Crocs
- The Grave Blazers
- The Spirit Cubs
- The Proud
- The Heroes
- The Exalted
- The Incredible Hedgehogs
- The Pumas
- The Big Orangutans
- The Stingers
- The Spirit Bulldogs
- The Angry Gophers
- The Boars
- The Calm Beluga Whales
- The Silver Crunchers
- The Merry
- The Stark Vipers
- The Haunting Zombies
- The Royal Blizzards
- The Lucky Buffalo
- The Hungry
- The Kings
- The Thunder Krakens
- The Bright Sabretooths
- The Majestic Heroes
- The Patriots
- The Hippos
- The Silver Yetis
- The Steel
- The Thunder
Dramatic Group Names
Does your group produce a lot of drama? If they do then maybe some of these over-the-top group names will be appropriate.
- Clover Deuce
- Miss Piggy and the Oh Kermies
- Atom Smasher
- Fear Theater
- Prawn Beat
- Lincoln Blvd
- Earth is Good Food
- The Muttnicks
- Hope and Hell
- Bone Clone
- Butter Butt
- War Bonnet
- Malic Acid
- Bile Pile
- Flyboyz
- Mirtha
- The Cyclemen
- Dr. Moody
- Moral Less
- Virginia Sweet
- Plonk’s Constant
- Red Shift
- Botoxic
- New Farm Culture
- Habitrail Hole
- Aura Imploring Alice
- Cthulhu Tupperware Party
- Sum Bum
- Drama Trauma
- Queen Conundrum
Food and Drink Themed Names
Looking for a name for your dining club, coffeehouse clique, or other foodie-based group? See if any of these names could go on your menu. With any luck, you can score a cafe deal while you’re at it!
- Elmo Lounge
- Shakedown Diner
- Bloat Bar
- Krill Tavern
- Earthpure
- Candyapple Trattoria
- Before Coffee Bistro
- Nana Banana Café
- Café Stuffed Shirt
- Homeland Coffee
- Peace Meal
- Fringe Bar and Grill
- Coffee Beacon
- Django Roadhouse
- Le Metro Steakhouse
- Poultry in Motion
- Bee Salt
- Bloomers
- Derail Fish & Chips
- Samsam
- Godka Bagels
- Pretzel Logic
- Chunk City Café
- Earth Picnic Grill
- Mystic Kitchen
- Crawdaddy’s Bar and Grill
- Retroville
- Café Toggle
- Mondo Bocci
- Shank Bar
Just Plain Weird
If none of the above names match your quirky (not to say bonkers) group dynamic, then how about this list of just plain weird group names?
- All The People Who Get Slashed in a Horror Film
- Alpa Rats
- Friends from the Midnight Society of Squids
- The Squad of Peaceful Chaos
- Corps of the Ubernuber
- Lights of Day
- Sinners in Silence
- The Party from the Coffee table
- Fiends of Programming
- The Gods of Explosives
- Voltages Creators
- Moose of Python
- The Party of Ganymedes
- The Force of Pax
- Devils from Compton
- World Beasts
- The Alliance of Ladok
- The Eagles of Silo
- The Monsters of Badek
- Taigas Force
- The Daimons of Burnout
- Masses from the City
- The Rebels of Mountains
- Raiders of the Lost Calculus
- Rickroll Superfans
- The Sons of Future
- North sides Monsters
- Falcons from the Asia
- The Apotheoses of Dorn
- Saints of City
Animal Themed Names
Get in touch with the wild side with these animal-themed group names! They may not necessarily make sense on first glance, but have you ever heard of someone unleashing the gerbil in their brain? Exactly.
- The Squeaky Seals
- The Roasted Worms
- The Gagging Guineapigs
- The Most Pathetic Panthers
- The Hyper Hippopotamus
- The Obsequious Porcupines
- The Special Hedgehogs
- The Meaty Crabs
- The Bookworm Bears
- The Watery Moles
- The Smart Salamanders
- The Normal Donkeys
- The Boisterous Buffalo
- The Perfect Elephants
- The Slimy Squirrels
- The Chivalrous Shrews
- The Sudden Gazelles
- The Cuddly Antelopes
- The Huge Wolves
- The Wrathful Turtles
- The Raspy Chimpanzees
- The Lamentable Koalas
- The Quaint Sheep
- The Cold Eagles
- The Guiltless Dogfishes
- The Thick Hamsters
- The Living Turkeys
- The Nebulous Stinkbugs
- The Yielding Louses
- The Mysterious Monkeys
- The Subdued Flys
- The Wiry Lobsters
- The Bright Mules
- The Toothsome Jellyfishes
- The Far-flung Walruses
- The Absorbing Magpies
- The Disillusioned Penguins
- The Apathetic Whales
- The Stingy Anteaters
- The Certain Boars
- The Quixotic Finches
- The Amazing Dragonflys
- The Stormy Pigeons
- The Remarkable Deers
- The Spooky Leopards
- The Striped Foxes
- The Debonair Snails
- The Married Ostriches
- The Condemned Cougars
- The Grotesque Crocodiles
Here are some names that, well, just don’t fit into any other categories.
- Petty Privilege
- Handsome Thugs and Hooligans
- Aberrant Power
- Gentle Criminals
- Uncovered Vigor
- Slippery Domination
- Defiant Slayers
- Evanescent Devils
- Wasteful Tyranny
- Knotty Hoodlums
- Sticky Punks
- Ready Strategy
- Innate Squad
- Jittery Exterminators
- Misty Prestige
- Shocking Admirals
- Aback Perpetrator
- Secretive Mafia
- Imaginary Soldiers
- Excellent killers
- Hellish Noobs
- Wakeful Superpower
- Acid Bureau
- Well-off Delinquents
- Aboard Movement
- Rainy Execution
- Nutritious Yet Unquenchable
- Alleged Corps
- Barbarous Cadets
- Drunk Enforcers
- Disturbed Committee
- Scandalous Warriors
- Enthusiastic Agency
- Therapeutic Militants
- Pointless Military
- Jealous Victors
- Aromatic Antagonists
- Wacky Masters
- Unknown Crew
- Penitent Invincible
- Adjoining Dominance
- Concerned Havoc
- Imperfect Angels
- Cloistered Commanders
- Likeable Guerrillas
- Inconclusive Marksmen
- Savory Troublemakers
- Splendid Vandals
- Broad Authority
- Unbiased Desperado
These are some of the cool group chat names out there that include a variety of different topics and types. These are some of the ones that stand out to us that definitely include a mention. Give us a shout out with your favorite group chat name that you use!
Need to help your older family members to navigate the world of online chat? Here’s a thorough guide to using the WhatsApp app!
Any of these can be used in conjunction with your group of friends, family members, loved ones, and everything in between. No matter whether you’re just shooting the bull with your friends within your group, or you’re making plans for the weekend or night out, it’s great to have a reliable group chat you can come to when you need to vent, cry, laugh, and anything else you rely on your loved ones for.
Did you find a favorite in the list above? Do you have your own group chat names that you use for your family and friends? Let us know in the comments below!
You are so Beautiful Quotes for Her: Delight Your Woman with a Surprise Text Message

One of the most crucial things for any relationship is to let your partner know how beautiful they are to you. That one compliment is an important part of making your partner feel desirable and loved.
Women generally want their partners to show interest in what they feel, and for them to show how they are cherished. Most women feel delighted when their significant other tells them how beautiful they are. That is why it is very important to routinely remind your girlfriend that you find her attractive and that you care about her.
It is vital to be loving and caring, so never miss a chance to tell you woman how beautiful she is and how much you admire her. Be appreciative not only of her appearance, but also of her inner strength, capabilities, and talents. After all, real beauty transcends what the eyes can see.
Be sure to not go too long without reminding her of how you feel. Most women love romance and affection. Even little sweet words and gestures, when done consistently can make her feel happier; thus, making your relationship better and stronger. Making a woman feel loved and beautiful gives her that glow that only love can forge.
When you see your love come walking down a flight of stairs, do you delight in the sight of her? Do you feel proud and happy to have her by your side? When you gaze at her does she sometimes strike you speechless? Does her beauty take your breath away? Go ahead and tell her! This kind of affirmation builds her up emotionally and this will have a lasting effect on your relationship. It is true that action speaks louder than words, but every woman surely appreciates if her man expresses it in words. Indeed, words have a special way to warm a woman’s heart.
Let her know how you feel by sending her one of the poetic quotes we have gathered for you here.
How Do You Say To A Girl That She Is Beautiful?
What is beauty? It is a question that has perplexed philosophers and entranced poets since we have had words in which to discuss the idea.
Even though beauty itself is quite subjective, mankind did evolve a set of standards, which are not necessarily always a good thing. These so-called “beauty standards” have caused many women to doubt their appearance, which can strain a relationship in many ways. It’s important to remember that every person is beautiful in their own way. A woman’s uniqueness is what makes her stand out from the rest.
When you want your partner to know how beautiful you find her, these quotes will help you discover and express the truths in your heart. These quotes will help you tell her that she’s beautiful.
- Your beauty blinds me. It comes from your heart and is reflected in your eyes.
- I wonder how I never noticed such a magnificent flower like you before.
- You are beautiful. You’ve made me believe that this world is worth living in.
- Your beauty captures me, but what amazes me most is how wonderfully is combines with your amazing soul.
- There is nobody more beautiful in this world that a woman in love, so there is nobody more beautiful than you.
- Magic is when our eyes meet and we feel the spark between our hearts. You are wonderful.
- Do you know what I like the most about you? That you are beautiful inside and out.
- Even if I were blind, I could still see your beauty, because it is in your soul and can be seen only with a heart.
- When you walk by, you turn heads. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend!
- It’s a pity that it’s impossible to hold a beauty contest among the angels. It would be the only competition that you could compete in fairly.
- In my eyes, you are the most beautiful and tender woman in the whole world. I love you.
- Your beauty cannot be ignored, it is something unbelievable. It not only pleases my eyes but also warms my heart.
- You are beautiful for the way you think, for the way your eyes sparkle, and for the way you make me smile.
- You are beautiful from the tips of your toes to the depths of your soul.
What To Say To A Girl To Make Her Feel Special?
Everybody, at times, feels unattractive or even ugly. There are times when we say to ourselves, “Gosh, I am not beautiful at all! My nose isn’t small enough, my eyes are too small…” We could just go on and on with all the imperfections we notice in ourselves.
Women are even more prone to feel conscious about their appearance. Imagine how often your wife or girlfriend has had doubts about her looks. Your constant reminders that you believe her to be beautiful will strengthen your bond and build her self-esteem. The simple phrase, “You are so beautiful,” can do wonders for your woman. Here are some quotes to make her feel special:
- If you do not believe that you are beautiful, look into my eyes and be surprised by your pretty reflection.
- To wake up every morning and see your beautiful smile is one of the great sensations of my life. You are fantastic.
- Everything and everyone in this world can be replaced except you, my wonderful wife!
- I still can’t understand how God could create such an ideal woman like you, you are perfect from your head to your toes.
- Even thousands of orchids can’t compare to your beauty. You are truly unique.
- Your soul is like an ocean. It doesn’t matter how deep I dive into your depths, I will never reach the bottom.
- Never forget that you are a talented, amazing, and wonderful woman, a beautiful rarity in this world.
- Even when you are sad, remember that you are beautiful. The whole world is yours.
- You are more than beautiful. For me, you are the best woman in the world.
- Let yourself start each day with these words: “I am beautiful, I am lucky, I deserve the best in this world”.
- Each side of your appearance and each trait of your character are beautiful. You are the most stunning person I have ever known.
- I am so blessed to have such a stunning friend. You see beauty everywhere and have taught me to love this world. Thank you for being with me.
- God must love me a lot to let you – a perfect creation – stand by me.
How Do You Compliment A Woman?
A sincere, specific compliment can make someone’s day. Make your woman’s day as often as you can!
Your lover needs to be reminded that she is beautiful inside and out. If your relationship is new, then you want to tell her this every moment of every day. If you have been around the block together a few times, then you know how important it is for you to keep telling her. Being in a relationship for quite a long time does not mean that the spark of romance should die. As you spend more months and years together, it is all the more important to rekindle the love and keep the fire burning. Just get into the habit of telling her how sweet, smart, funny, and beautiful she is to you.
These quotes will help you compliment her and brighten up her day:
- I hope that one day you will see yourself with my eyes: confident, beautiful, successful.
- The moon and the stars don’t glow as bright as your eyes, you are extremely beautiful.
- You have found a way into my soul and a key to my heart. You are divine.
- I was once told that I would fall in love with a gorgeous woman, but I could never have imagined that this woman would be fantastically pretty with the most extraordinary personality I’ve ever seen.
- Your beauty is in your optimistic attitude towards life, in your generous heart and honest thoughts.
- I still can’t believe that there can be such beauty in this world. Baby, you are the sweetest and most beautiful girl!
- I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful and completely unaware.
- To my lovely girl, you may not be the most perfect girl in the world, but you are the greatest and no one can replace you!
- You are the most awesome lady I have ever met. You make my life complete.
- I wanted to tell you that you are beautiful so that you will see that you are.
- While my eyes see how beautiful you look outside., my heart feels how perfect you are inside.
- I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone unafraid to be herself.
- I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am because of you.
Admiring Beauty Quotes
You already know why you need to praise her beauty – now comes the question of how to tell her. It seems like anything you can say sounds cheesy; but to her, these words are electrifying and delightful to her heart. Nothing feels better than to know that someone loves you and that you are appreciated. If you want to give a woman a beautiful phrase to make a meaningful statement about her beauty, you can get inspired by these quotes.
- Keep your chin up! You are young, beautiful, and independent – so enjoy this life!
- When I saw you for the first time, I noticed your bright appearance, but then I got to know your beautiful soul, and I understood that you are the one.
- You are the light of my life, keep shining!
- Remember that your lovely face is for smiles, not for wearing frowns.
- Distract yourself from the bad and good is bound to happen! You’re wonderful!
- Believe in yourself, you are strong inside and marvelous outside.
- You are the woman of my dreams. You’ve made my mediocre life bright and full of emotions.
- You are a fairy. You create beauty everywhere and share warmth with others and it makes me crazy about you.
- I’ve been dreaming about you my whole life, and I finally found you.
- Only a few things are priceless in this life: your love, your smile, and your faith in me.
- I am sad because even the entirety of a lifetime is not enough to love such a gorgeous woman like you.
- You are perfect exactly as you are – with all your flaws and imperfections. I love you just as you are.
The Cutest Quotes To Make A Girl Feel Special
Women expect you to be romantic – and by that she means whispering sweet nothings in her ear, spoiling her with presents, and of course, giving her compliments. Your words should always be coupled with actions; otherwise, they will be meaningless. Here we have collected some very cute phrases that will have her excited to know you’re coming home.
- Your innocent and beautiful soul has forced all the shadows of my doubts to leave. Thanks to you, I have become happy.
- Without you, I am nothing. With you, I am something. Together, we are everything.
- I have fallen in love many times, and it’s always with you.
- I adore you. I have never seen more sparkling eyes or a more dazzling smile than yours.
- Will you be my beautiful princess? I may not be a prince charming, but I will do my best to become one for you.
- I will love you even when you are no longer young and beautiful because your beauty is inside you; it is eternal.
- Your beauty is not showy or vulgar. It is sweet, gentle, and modest. It is in your gestures, in your words and eyes. You have won me over.
- Darling, I can’t stand the cruelty and hypocrisy of other people, only your beautiful smile, and amazing, deep eyes help me to live.
- Even Aphrodite is a pale copy of your beauty. You are one in a million.
- The smell of your hair is more pleasant than the scent of thousands of roses, I dream to plunge into its warmth and to spend eternity in your arms.
- You are worth millions of compliments and I will spend my entire life telling you how wonderful and stunning you are.
- Sweet, unique, modest, kind, honest. These words describe only one percent of your personality. I dream to discover you for the rest of my life.
- The stars, the moon, and the sun are minor to me because you shine brighter than all of them!
- You’re remarkable. You make me perform feats purely for your sake.
- You are more beautiful than spring flowers. If I were more talented, I would write hundreds of poems dedicated to your beauty.
- Seeing you at the end of the day is the most exciting part of my day.
Inspirational Beauty Quotes For Her
Nowadays, ladies are more conscious of their beauty. They try to follow all the latest beauty trends; they often go through hell to look like the latest it girl on the glamour magazine covers.
Interestingly, a lot of girls do that just to impress the man in their life. Don’t wait for a perfect moment to let your lady know how beautiful she is and how much she means to you without all the extra pain she puts herself through; this moment should be every moment you spend with her. Let her know that even without all the makeup, she is beautiful in your eyes.
Not only will you find great examples below of what to tell a girl to make her feel beautiful, but also interesting quotes about beauty and what meaning people put into this notion.
- You are a dream that has become reality, your unearthly beauty deprived me of my reason, my heart belongs to you.
- I’m extremely happy that you have fascinated me with your beauty and have stolen my heart.
- Your graceful and delicate facial features should be perpetuated by the most talented sculptor, you are an ideal woman.
- When I look at you, I believe that beauty will save the world.
- The beauty of a woman is not in the face, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. You are this woman to me.
- Your hair is softer than silk, light in your eyes is brighter than the sun and your skin is more delicate than satin.
- You are the queen of my dreams, I am ready to strew the path, on which you walked, with hundreds of peonies.
- Beloved, do not be sad, on such a charming face there must be only emotions of joy and happiness.
- Sweetness flows from your appearance and your beauty makes me fall more in love with you.
- You’re one in my head, in my heart and my life, you are the most charming woman in the universe.
- Minna Antrim once said: “A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul”. I am lucky since you please my eyes and my soul.
- You are the sunshine that brightens my day. Having you on my laps is like having all the goodness of life all in one place. Sometimes I get lost staring at your beautiful face. Even if I had the chance to change anything about you, I would leave everything about you the way they are because you are just perfect.
- I adore you. I have never seen more sparkling eyes or a more dazzling smile than yours.
Tell Her That She is Beautiful with These Quotes
If you are still looking for quotes about the charm and beauty of your beautiful girl, these sayings won’t disappoint you. They are sweet enough to put a smile on her face, but at the same time, they are deep and meaningful. They are pretty much everything any girl wants to hear.
- You are beautiful, never forget that, even when you think you are not.
- You are the most beautiful and wonderful idea God had, He drew you to complete me and make me the happiest man in the universe, I love you beautiful!
- You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.
- You are like those clouds. Nice and tender. Whenever I look at you, I can delete all my stress and enjoy my happiness with you completely.
- You make my world the heaven many people pray for, and I am grateful for all the good times we share, they remind me of how lucky I am to have you in my life. With you in my life, I am ready to face whatever life throws at me.
- Is it me or are you getting more beautiful as each day passes by?
- A beautiful girl like you is hard to find, easy to like and impossible to forget. Since the day I met you I have no other wish but to want you! Love you cutie-pie!
- In a room full of art, I’d still stare at you, because you are so beautiful, my girl!
- You are sweet as candy and careful as a mommy. I must be the luckiest guy in this world when I had you in my life!
- There is no going back on having you in my life because you are amazing in every aspect. You are a miracle, and I realized this from the first moment I set my eyes on you.
- You are beautiful even when you think you are not as long as somebody sees the beauty in you.
- Today, especially today, your skin is more radiant than ever and you have always been tempting. Your look ennobles the world view and your smell ashamed the most fragrant flowers.
If words end up failing you, then get her flowers or fall back on a classic gift: nice perfume. Here’s a lovely little number from Estee Lauder called Beautiful.
We Have More Quotes To Send To Her In These TechJunkie Articles:
Saying goodnight is another opportunity to remind her how you feel. To help you find the right words, read TechJunkie’s guide to cute goodnight text messages and quotes for her.
Don’t forget to send her sweet good morning texts!
Be sure to see this collection of the funniest love memes for your beloved.
Anyone in a new relationship should check out our New Relationship Memes.
Do you have some favorite quotes to remind your girl how beautiful she is? If so, please tell us in the comments below!
345 Funny Instagram Bios — Liven Up Your ‘About Me’

Instagram continues to grow in popularity as a place to share and view pictures, short videos, and stories. It’s transformed from a simple site for sharing photos to a place where users can interact with one another in countless ways. People can connect instantly with their friends, families and coworkers, as well as with countless celebrities, brands, and influencers. Some users use Instagram to just share intimate photos with their inner circle, while others are trying to catch the public eye and build a following or a fan base. Regardless of why you created your Instagram account, you’ve undoubtedly this platform to be a great place to keep and curate a content stream of vibrant and interesting photos and videos.
But for all of us, the photos that build our Insta accounts are only part of the picture – after all, you need your captions to be compelling and entertaining, and you want your bio to grab the attention of potential new followers, while truly reflecting who you are.
If updating your bio is part of your Total Instagram Overhaul, then TechJunkie has you covered. There are lots of articles on getting better photos; in fact, we posted some good ones on fixing pixelated pictures, how to post multiple pictures at once, where to find great Android apps for editing and annotating your photos, and how to edit your images using Paint and the Photos app on Windows 10. If words aren’t your friend, we’ve also created a whole slew of great articles featuring fun and hilarious caption ideas, like our list of funny Instagram captions, using song lyrics for captions, and holiday-themed captions for Christmas or Valentine’s Day, and pretty much every other scenario, too. If you’re looking on techniques to help you rule Instagram with your new profile, like finding out how to see who read your profile, and we recommend the purchase of some helpful professional books about Instagram marketing tips.
How do you make your Instagram bio more attractive?
Start at the beginning! Unfortunately, Instagram limits your bio to only 150 characters, which is exactly the number of characters in this paragraph.
What is a good Instagram bio quote?
So you’ve got maybe 30 words (less if you like to use big words) to make an impression. Bad news – there’s no room for your life story, your personal philosophy, or even that list of your favorite bands (well, maybe if you like U2 and REM). What do you have room for? Humor. Humor can be short and sweet, it gets people’s attention, and when properly executed, everyone finds it attractive. You can really show off your personality with your sense of humor, whether it’s witty wordplay, sardonic sarcasm, or goofy jokes.
So with that in mind, here is our list of 345 clever, funny, and amusing bios you can use to revitalize your Instagram bio. Note that all of these are less than 150 characters and most are much shorter than that, leaving you some room to work in your own personal ideas or emojis… just in case folks can’t tell you’re just joking around.
Fun Bios and Funny Instagram Bios
- The shovel was a ground breaking invention.
- By the way, I’m wearing the smile you gave me.
- My teachers told me I’d never amount to much because I procrastinate so much. I told them, “Just you wait!”
- How much does a hipster weigh? An Instagram.
- Sausage puns are the wurst.
- Did you hear about the guy who lost the left side of his body? He’s alright now.
- I woke up this way.
- One person’s LOL is another’s WTF.
- I haven’t failed, my success is just postponed until later.
- Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?
- There’s a fine line between the numerator and the denominator.
- Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.
- I’m a glowstick – I had to break before I could shine.
- Scratch here to see my status.
- A Buddhist walks up to a hot dog stand and says, “Make me one with everything.”
- Life happens. Coffee helps.
- Putting the “hot” in “psychotic.”
- One hat says to the other, “You stay here, I’ll go on a head.”
- I’m not indecisive. Unless you want me to be.
- The bags under my eyes are Gucci.
- I’m the result of a natural 20.
- A caffeine-dependent life form.
- I’m reading a book on the history of glue – but I’m stuck on this chapter.
- Being weird is the side effect of awesomeness.
- Hey there! Instagram is using me.
- Me: Did you get a haircut? Dad: No, I got them all cut.
- Throwing shade like confetti.
- I was at a funeral and the widow asked if I would say a word. I said “plethora.” She said “Thanks, that
means a lot.” - Why did the blonde stare at the orange juice container? It said concentrate!
- What would the honey badger do?
- I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
- I was addicted to the hokey pokey, but I turned myself around.
- The future, the present and the past walked into a bar. Things got a little tense.
- If we’re not supposed to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?
- Professional procrastinator.
- The wheel’s still turning but the hamster is dead.
- Cartoonist found dead in home. Details are sketchy.
- Why don’t some couples go to the gym? Because some relationships don’t work out.
- WiFi, food, my bed. Perfection.
- Sarcasm: a way to insult idiots without them realizing it.
- If everyone on Earth joined hands around the Equator, many of them would drown.
- What did the ocean say to the shore? Nothing, it just waved.
- Save 50% on pictures: 500 words only. Limited-time offer.
- I told the doctor that I’d broken my arm in several places. He said not to go to those places.
- I’d tell a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn’t get a reaction.
- Gonna be a great day. But first: coffee.
- I deserve a medal every day I don’t stab someone with a fork.
- You’re right, I’m not perfect. But I’m unique!
- My relationship status? Netflix, Oreos, and sweatpants.
- My life is about as organized as a $5 DVD bin at Walmart.
- Beware of the dog…the cat is also pretty shady.
- What did the green grape say to the purple grape? “Breathe, man! Breathe!”
- I dreamed about drowning in an ocean made out of orange soda last night. It took me a while to realize
it was just a Fanta sea. - I hold the key to world peace, but somebody changed the lock.
- I wouldn’t trade one stupid decision for another five years of my life.
- I only drink on two occasions: when it’s my birthday and when it’s not.
- Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? Because they’re so good at it.
- Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
- If you can’t say something nice, come sit by me.
- i dont beleife in spele chek.
- When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming and terrified, like the
passengers in his car. - If I had a dime for every book I’ve ever read, that would be an amazing coincidence.
- Oh, I’m sorry, was my sass too much for you?
- You drink too much and gossip too much. Let’s be friends.
- The show was called Spongebob Squarepants but everyone knows the star was Patrick.
- Why do scuba divers fall backwards into the water? Because if they fell forward they’d still be in the
boat. - I need to go to Wal-Mart but I can’t find my pajamas.
- The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
- What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? One is really heavy, the other’s a little lighter.
- Why does a chicken coop only have two doors? If it had four doors, it would be a chicken sedan.
- Good Samaritan, washed-up athlete, especially gifted napper.
- Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
- I will go into survival mode if tickled.
- Asking me if I want another drink is like asking me if I want some money.
- I recently gave up Warcraft, so my productivity and drinking have increased dramatically.
- We go together like drunk and disorderly!
- Nice guys finish lunch.
- My last words will be “I left a million dollars under the…”
- Living vicariously through myself.
- I’m not actually funny. I’m just really mean and people think I’m joking.
- After Monday and Tuesday, every calendar says WTF.
- I like long, romantic walks down every aisle of Target.
- Not all men are fools; some stay single.
- Just keep swimming.
- In search of sleep, sanity, and the Shire.
- Born at a very young age.
- I’m the world’s best dentist. I have a little plaque.
- Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny.
- What did the mountain climber name his son? Cliff.
- If you message me and I don’t message you back, it’s because I fainted from happiness.
- Time flies after you hit the snooze button.
- I like hashtags because they look like waffles #.
- Secretly a wizard.
- It’s 2020, where’s the “Fold” button on my dryer?
- I used to be indecisive but now I’m not so sure.
- The best things in life are not things.
- The earth’s rotation really makes my day.
- I would avoid the sushi if I was you. It’s a little fishy.
- What did one snowman say to the other one? “Do you smell carrots?”
- I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
- Without me it would just be aweso.
- Did my opinion offend you? You should hear the ones I don’t say out loud.
- I’m an aspiring grown-up.
- I’m not sure how many problems I have, because math is one of them.
- I still don’t understand Instagram, but here I am.
- There will be no adulting today.
- A man sued an airline after it lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case.
- Spread love as thick as you would spread Nutella.
- I’m on Instagram, like you!
- I feel sorry for shopping carts. They’re always getting pushed around.
- Does eye-rolling count as cardio?
- If you wear cowboy clothes are you ranch dressing?
- You know, people say they pick their nose, but I feel like I was just born with mine.
- I’m 99% angel… but oh, that 1%.
- I’m so open-minded, my brains might fall out.
- Eat right. Stay in shape. Die anyway.
- Here to serve the cat overlord.
- Insert something pretentious about me here.
- I’m too pretty to work.
- Bad decisions make good stories.
- I’m not smart, I just wear glasses.
- Did you hear about the circus that caught on fire? It was in tents.
- I read a book on anti-gravity. I couldn’t put it down.
- My road to success always seems to be under construction.
- You had me at “we have to make it look like an accident”.
- Instagram bio is loading.
- The hardest part of business is minding your own.
- Atheism is a non-prophet organisation.
- Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read.
- Benjamin Franklin wasn’t a president. Just so you know.
- A man walks into a library and orders a hamburger. The librarian says, “This is a library.” The man
whispers, “I’d like a hamburger, please.” - Duct tape can’t fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound.
- Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I could do it with my eyes closed.
- Don’t worry if plan A fails; there are twenty-five other letters in the alphabet.
- Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.
- The older I get, the more everyone can kiss my ass.
- People can change. Just make sure you change for the better.
- I’m not special, I’m limited edition.
- How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles.
- The scarecrow got promoted. It was only fair. He was outstanding in his field.
- It would be irresponsible not to make house cleaning a drinking game.
- I’m not online, it’s just an optical illusion.
- God bless this hot mess.
- Living proof that pobody’s nerfect.
- Accept who you are, unless you’re a serial killer.
- What’s the difference between an African elephant and an Indian elephant? About 5000 miles.
- Recommended by 4 out of 5 people that recommend things.
- BAE means Bacon And Eggs.
- I have this new theory that adolescence doesn’t end until your early thirties.
- Time is precious—waste it wisely.
- I’m on a whiskey diet. I’ve lost three days already.
- You may see me weak, but you will never see me quit.
- I saw a movie about how ships are put together. It was riveting.
- We’ll always be BFFs…because you know too much.
- Where am I and how did I get here?
- Life would be so boring without me.
- I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving mode.
- Why shouldn’t you trust atoms? They make up everything.
- What do you get when you pour root beer into a square cup? Beer.
- I’m so fresh they call me Febreze.
- Did you hear about the man who stole a calendar? He got 12 months.
- What was Forrest Gump’s email password? 1forrest1.
- There’s a new type of broom out, it’s sweeping the nation.
- What should you do if you are cold? Stand in the corner. It’s 90 degrees.
- My laziness is like the number 8. Once I lie down it’s infinite.
- I prefer my puns intended.
- I am unable to quit, as I am currently too legit.
- Not a complete idiot–there are some pieces missing.
- Ask me about my ADD. I saw a rock. Look, birds!
- Relationship status: Looking for WiFi.
- Don’t drink and drive. You might hit a bump and spill your drink.
- Making the Snuggie look good since 2009.
- I wish I were an octopus so I could slap eight people at once.
- My password had to be at least eight characters so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
- I used to be afraid of hurdles, but I got over it.
- I owe a lot to the sidewalks. They’ve been keeping me off the streets for years.
- I named my iPod “Titanic.” It’s syncing now.
- I told my friend she drew her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.
- Stop the earth from spinning, I want to get off.
- If you’re happy and you know it, share your meds.
- Your life doesn’t get better by chance. It gets better by change.
- A cement mixer and a prison bus crashed on the highway. Police advise citizens to look out for a group
of hardened criminals. - Papercut survivor.
- I can’t sing. I’m going to sing anyway.
- People will stare. Make it worth their while.
- I thought I wanted a career, but it turned out I only wanted paychecks.
- Did you hear about the guy who dipped his junk in glitter? It was pretty nuts.
- Do you know sign language? You should learn it, it’s pretty handy.
- I heard that the post office was a male dominated industry.
- What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
- Pray. Slay.
- So what if I don’t know what apocalypse means? It’s not the end of the world!
- I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me.
- The wedding was so emotional even the cake was in tiers.
- I’m here to avoid friends on Facebook.
- God is really creative. I mean, just look at me.
- Don’t ever have multiple people wash dishes together. It’s hard for them to stay in sink.
- Often unreliable. Easily distracted.
- Did you hear about the crime in the parking garage? It was wrong on so many levels.
- I shot a tiger in my pajamas. How it got in my pajamas, I’ll never know.
- Are you a banker? Because I’d like you to leave me a loan.
- Sarcasm connoisseur.
- All I ask is that you treat me as though I were Queen.
- What’s brown and sticky? A stick.
- In some cultures, what I do is considered normal.
- My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- An invisible man married an invisible woman. Their kids were nothing to look at.
- How many apples grow on a tree? All of them.
- I hope one day I love something the way women in commercials love yogurt.
- The best part of my job is that the chair spins.
- A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.
- A man of mystery and power, whose power is exceeded only by his mystery.
- Did you hear about the two antennas who got married? The ceremony was nothing special, but the
reception was amazing! - Don’t blindly follow the masses. Sometimes the M is silent.
- I couldn’t remember how to throw a boomerang but it came back to me.
- Do you love me because I am beautiful or I am I beautiful because you love me?
- Why is itthat everything I love is unhealthy, addicting or has multiple restraining orders against me?
- I don’t understand why people get attacked by sharks. Can they not hear the music?
- If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive, they would eventually find me attractive.
- I am not a vegetarian because I love animals. I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.
- Everything happens for a reason; unfortunately, sometimes the reason is you.
- I can totally keep secrets. It’s the people I tell them to that can’t.
- My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
- The first time I got a universal remote control, I thought to myself “This changes everything”.
- I’ve found there’s only one way to look thin: hang out with fat people.
- I’ve just written a song about tortillas – actually, it’s more of a rap.
- When I found out that my toaster wasn’t waterproof, I was shocked.
- I’d like to see things from your point of view but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass.
- You know you’re ugly when it comes to a group picture and they hand you the camera.
- Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
- Never ask a woman who is eating ice cream straight from the carton how she’s doing.
- I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.
- I’m at the age where I have to make a noise when I bend over. It’s the law.
- My wife and I always compromise. I admit I’m wrong and she agrees with me.
- I think sex is better than logic, but I can’t prove it.
- Few women admit their age; few men act it.
- If a child refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?
- If you’re going through Hell, keep going.
- The human brain is one of the most complex objects in the universe. Is it any wonder that so many people never learn to use it?
- You sound reasonable. It must be time to up my medication!
- I saw a sign that said “Watch for children” and I thought, “That sounds like a fair trade”.
- Where do they get the seeds to plant seedless watermelons?
- Your life doesn’t get better by chance. It gets better by choice.
- I think it’s wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.
- Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.
- I’m not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.
- Eat right. Stay fit. Die anyway.
- My kids are at an age now where they are beginning to understand embarrassment. This is my time to shine.
- I’m really good at stuff until people watch me do that stuff.
- My doctor advised me to kill people. Not in so many words, he just said that I need to reduce the amount of stress in my life.
- I hate peer pressure and you should too.
- How long have I been working for this company? Ever since they threatened to fire me.
- I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
- Having nutrition information on a bag of Cheetos is like having dating tips on a box of Crocs.
- My boss told me to have a good day. So I went home.
- Always identify who to blame in an emergency.
- A straight face and a sincere-sounding “Huh?” have gotten me out of more trouble than I can remember.
- Last time I got caught stealing a calendar I got 12 months.
- Nothing is fool proof to a sufficiently talented fool.
- I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
- Children in the back seats of cars cause accidents, but accidents in the back seats of cars cause children.
- Everything always ends well. If not – it’s probably not the end.
- If you had friends like mine, you’d be the luckiest guy in the world!
- Beauty is only skin deep …but ugly goes all the way to the bone!
- Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
- There may be no excuse for laziness, but I’m still looking.
- Don’t be irreplaceable – if you cannot be replaced, you cannot be promoted.
- The reward for a job well done is more work.
- My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned: couldn’t concentrate.
- If you can’t remember my name, just say ‘donuts’. I’ll turn around and look.
- The deeper the pit you’re falling into, the more time you have to learn how to fly.
- My superpower is making people laugh. Which would be great if I was trying to be funny.
- Don’t put a question mark where God put a period.
- Let me make this simple, I want to be invited but I don’t want to go.
- Books are just TV for smart people.
- Wise people think all they say, fools say all they think.
- You know that tingly little feeling you get when you like someone? That’s your common sense leaving your body.
- If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?
- Have hope for the future, but maybe build a bomb shelter anyway.
- If you see me smiling it’s because I’m thinking of doing something evil or naughty. If you see me laughing it’s because I’ve already done it.
- I’ve been repeating the same mistakes in life for so long now, I think I’ll start calling them traditions.
- My wife told me to stop impersonating a flamingo. I had to put my foot down.
- I’m like a candy bar: half sweet and half nuts.
- My doctor told me that jogging could add years to my life. He was right—I feel ten years older already.
- Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas.
- Some of us learn from the mistakes of others; the rest of us have to be the others.
- Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.
- Sleep is my drug, my bed is my dealer and my alarm clock is the police.
- Middle age is when work is a lot less fun and fun a lot more work.
- Sometimes the first step to forgiveness, is realising the other person was born an idiot.
- My psychiatrist said I was pre-occupied with vengeance. I told him “Oh yeah, we’ll see about that!”
- I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now.
- Crowded elevators smell different to short people.
- I don’t engage in mental combat with the unarmed.
- I’m not a doctor but I know adding cheese to anything makes it an antidepressant.
- If a guy remembers the color of your eyes after the first date, chances are you have small boobs.
- When I was young, I always felt like a male trapped in a females body. Then I was born.
- Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.
- If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
- It’s always a good idea to make friends with babies. That’s free cake once a year for a lifetime.
- If Bill Gates had a penny for every time I had to reboot my computer …oh wait, he does.
- Waking up this morning was an eye-opening experience.
- Grandma’s been staring through the window ever since it started to snow. If it gets any worse I’ll have to let her in.
- No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.
- Comedy is tragedy plus time.
- Always select the right one. How long have I been working for this company? Ever since they threatened to fire me.
- Isn’t it scary that doctors call what they do “practice”?
- The best time to open a gift is the present.
- I’ve been repeating the Everything becomes 100 times louder when you’re trying not to wake someone upsame mistakes in life for so long now, I think I’ll start calling them traditions.
- When is a door not a door? When it’s ajar.
- I was going to share a vegetable joke but it’s corny.
- The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it’s still on the list.
- Alzheimer’s can’t be that bad. You get to meet new people everyday.
- My wife was furious at me for kicking dropped ice cubes under the refrigerator. But now it’s just water under the fridge.
- Sometimes I wish life had subtitles.
- I bet you I could stop gambling.
- You do realize makeup isn’t going to fix your stupidity?
- The downside of dating intelligent women is having to Google the names they call you when it ends badly.
- I told the cab driver that I thought we were lost. He said, “Don’t worry- I’ve been lost before.”
- Do German cats have multiple lives? Nein.
- There is only 4 inches distance between 2 holes.
- Sometimes I wake up grumpy; other times I let her sleep.
- I’m at the age where I have to make a noise when I bend over. It’s the law.
- Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world’s population.
- Ok, what’s the latest possible date that I can still make something of my life?
- I used to work at a fire hydrant factory; you couldn’t park nowhere near the place.
- I bet you $10,231.89 you can’t guess how much I owe my bookie.
- I got a part in a movie called “Cocaine.” I only have one line.
- It takes patience to listen.. it takes skill to pretend you’re listening.
- I’m at the age where I have to make a noise when I bend over. It’s the law.
- Hard work never killed anyone, but why take the chance?
- The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it.
- Chaos, panic & disorder – my work here is done.
- I don’t know what makes you so stupid, but it really works.
- I Googled “how to start a wildfire.” I got 48,500 matches.
- One bird can’t make a pun. But toucan.
- Hung a picture up on the wall the other day. Nailed it.
- What if there were no hypothetical questions?
- I wanted to lose 10 pounds this year. Only 13 to go.
- On the other hand, you have different fingers.
- Progress is made by lazy men looking for an easier way to do things.
- If a person told you they were a pathological liar, should you believe them?
- Why is “abbreviation” such a long word?
- If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
- I’m in shape. Round is a shape isn’t it?
There you have it. We’ve gathered this list from the widely varied realms of the Internet, and we hope it gives you some ideas for creating your own funny Instagram “About Me” bio. (Alternatively, you can just pick something from our list that works for you. We’ll never tell.)
We’ve got a lot of other Instagram caption resources available for all you influencers out there.
Check out our list of Instagram captions for waterfall pictures.
Listening to music? Here’s our guide to Instagram captions for musical events.
Visit the Mouse and get some great pictures – then read our list of great Instagram captions for Disney World.
If you’re posting about your love life, be sure to scope our Instagram captions for couples.
…or if things have gone the other way, we’ve got Instagram captions for your ex.
62 Romantic and Love Text Messages for Her

One of the nicest things someone can do for the special woman in their life is to surprise her with a romantic text message. Most women love hearing about their partner’s feelings, at least every once in a while, and nothing will bring her more happiness than knowing that she is loved and desired. If you send her one of the sweet text messages that we’ve compiled here, it’s guaranteed to make her day.
Surprise romance remains the best way way to impress your girlfriend – and the cold technology of SMS actually adapts pretty well to the poetic language of love. If you don’t believe us, just do a quick copy/paste of a few of these messages, and see how she responds. Spoiler alert: She’ll be thrilled.
- Do you know why my world is so perfect? Because you are my world! I love you.
- I asked God to send me the best girlfriend in the world, and He sent me a wonderful woman who has become my true friend, a passionate lover, a caring partner and the only one for me! Thank you for being in my life.
- My darling, what can be better than looking into your eyes and seeing there the reflection of your soul? You made me the happiest human on Earth.
- Hello Sweetheart! I hope that this cute message will make you smile: I want you to know that while the world keeps spinning and the times are changing, my love for you will last forever.
- Do you know when I realized that I love you? When I saw you as the woman with whom I will spend forever and eternity.
- Allow me to be romantic and tell you that a starry sky is empty without you, the sun does not warm, and nothing pleases me, only you fill my life with sense.
- Beloved, my love for you is unconditional, it grows from the depths of my heart, and without your affection and warmth my heart stops beating, all I ask for is you by my side forever.
- Do you know what the best girlfriend in the world deserves? She needs a caring, intelligent and affectionate man. My congratulations, you got me!
- Your cute smile melted my icy heart. Thanks for all the happiness that you gave me, I love you.
- Dear World: Thank you so much for the amazing partner. I couldn’t dream of a more romantic, sensual, caring and sweet second half.
- You are the queen of my heart and the mistress of my fate. The best moment of my life was when I first laid eyes on you, my sweet girl!
- I would have given you the most beautiful flowers as a sign of my deep love for you, but they pale in comparison to your beauty. I would compare you to a star, but the most brilliant of stars is dim compared to your dazzling eyes. So I’ll just tell you, in my plain humble way, that your love is the most precious thing in my life.
- I have always thought that a person can only experience happiness once in a lifetime, but with you I realized that happiness for me is every minute, every second, every romantic day that I spend with you.
- You know, the world can be saved only by love, but my love for you is so strong that it can heal millions of broken hearts. You are my everything, I love you.
- When you meet the woman of your dreams, you feel like there’s no way your life could ever get better. But then comes the moment when that amazing woman becomes a beloved wife. I love you, darling.
- You are my dream come true. I haven’t met anyone cuter, more intelligent, romantic, sweet, or understanding than you. I still cannot understand why I deserve such happiness, but I am so thankful that our lives collided.
- I hope the bliss we feel today will never end. Come what may, know that I love you madly! I live for you!
- Your image is imprinted in my mind. My heart whispers your name, and when I close my eyes, I see your face. You are the best part of me, and I love you more than I ever thought possible.
- You know, with you, I realized what it means to live life to the fullest and to enjoy every breath. You helped me to see the world with happy eyes, my love, my sweet girl. I am crazy about you.
- There is nothing more cute and romantic in this world than to see your sleepy eyes every morning and to hug you. If you promise me another 60 years, then I need nothing more in this world.
- Only fools believe that love makes a person vulnerable; love makes a person strong and courageous. Your love made me a better person. Because of you, I have grown into the person whom I always wanted to be.
- Stars, seas, oceans, all the wonders of the world – I’ll throw at your feet for the sake of your beautiful smile.
- When I met you for the first time, I craved your attention, but I could not even imagine that you would change my life so radically. You have become the most important person in my life, and I cannot live without you.
- If I was rich, I would give everything away for the sake of your sweet affection. I would throw away all gold in the world for your smile. Alas, I cannot, so I give you the most valuable thing in my life – my heart.
- You are my first, last and only love. My only dream is to share with you all of the sunrises and sunsets for the rest of my life.
- You lift my spirits when I feel down. You share joy with me when I’m over the moon. You are with me in good and bad times, and you are a reminder of how wonderful life can be.
- Only one single phrase makes my heart beat faster – it is your name and the word “forever,” joined together.
- In the next life, I will face the storms and arrows of life to find you faster, so I can spend every second of my life with you, my beloved.
- You cutie pie! I swear, moments with you are pure magic. I soar to new heights of of happiness, love and passion when you are with me. For me, it is better not to live at all than to live without you.
Short Romantic Love SMS:
- My sweet: you are a rare combination of a sharp mind, a kind heart, and a sexy body. You are the best girlfriend!
- Only with you, I learned to breathe! Love you.
- I’m smitten with you! You’re my number one!
- Your touches warm me better than the sun! I’m crazy in love with you!
- You’re the queen of my heart.
- Forever isn’t long enough with you.
- I can’t bear to be apart from you. You are my heart, my lungs, my everything.
Cute Romantic Text Messages:
- Each time we part, my heart calls out for you! I’m totally into you, sweetheart!
- Only one thing in the world can make me happy – it is to see your eyes every morning for the next 50 years! You are my life, my love.
- Wherever I am and whatever I do, I always yearn for you. My life is empty without you.
- When I look at you, I realize that beauty truly will save the world! At least, your outer and inner beauty saved my heart!
- I am so happy to have you in my life! I am ready to spend each breath telling you how much I love you.
Romantic Texts for Her
Honestly, sometimes you just can’t get too mushy. Whether you’re currently miles apart, fresh off of a… shall we say “collaborative disagreement,” or just haven’t done anything particularly romantic lately, there’s no time like the present to send a short line of love to her text inbox to remind her of the passion you felt when your love was brand new.
- The best feeling on Earth is to hold you in my arms and bloom, nourished by your love. You are the love of my life.
- When we’re together and you hold my hand, I’m so happy that I cannot tell where I end and you begin.
- If I was asked where I want to spend eternity, the answer would be simple – in your arms.
- You are the answer to my prayers, the most beautiful gift! I love you from the bottom of my heart!
- Only with you can I be everything I want to be and need to be. I think you’re the one.
Sweet Romantic Messages
Of course, text messages aren’t the only place a gal might like to see a surprise love message. While too much of a good thing can be way too much, try sliding into her DMs or Messenger with one of these little notes.
- Do you know why the moon doesn’t shine during the day? Because the brilliance of your beautiful eyes illuminates all around! You are incredible!
- When I’m with you, the only thing I want to do is to hold you tight, keep you warm and never let you go!
- Give your heart to me and I’ll give you all the joys of the world! There is no other for me.
- I know that our love is strong enough to last forever! I love you more than life.
- Darling, without you everything is meaningless, only you stir my soul.
Romantic Text Messages for Her
Honestly, it’s about time you walked away from “Yo. You’re cute.” If you’re a little more pragmatic, maybe blending a little science and poetry will set her heart a-flutter.
- If you were a flower, I would never let you wither, because I could never lose you! You take my breath away!
- I used to think that the Northern Lights are the most beautiful thing in the world, but your smile dazzles me more than all the lights of heaven and Earth. I am under your spell.
- I would rather choose a moment on Earth with you than an eternity in paradise without you. I love you.
- I think of you eight days a week, 25 hours a day! I am all about you!
- I could spend forever domesticated in the captivity of your eyes and lips. You are awesome!
Most Romantic Things to Text Your Girlfriend
Seriously, there’s a reason our ancestors went forth and multiplied: they had poetry in their souls. Go Old School with some truly romantic words.
- I am proud to call you mine. There is no more beautiful, understanding and astonishing girl in the world! You are my everything.
- I can’t even conceive of life without you. You are my heart, my moon, my sun, my stars, and I am drunk with love for you, my beloved!
- If I were the world’s greatest artist, I could not find a way to portray your beautiful features. If I were a writer, I could not find the words to describe my love for you. You are my perfect match!
- When I met you, I lost my peace, sleep, and my heart. Meeting with you is the most beautiful thing that happened to me in life.
- Do you know what can make me the happiest person in the world? Knowing you are always by my side. My life is empty without you.
- You keep me sane and calm my soul. When I met you my world finally clicked into place and I am thankful every day for it.
If you liked these texts, keep the mood going. You know, she might get a soft spot for a little fine-tuned romance!
Check out the best goodnight texts for her.
Read our collection of Cute Good Night Text Messages for Her.
Show her much you care with the I Love My Wife Meme.
Keep her beauty in mind with out You’re Beautiful Quotes.
Don’t forget to share all your feelings with I Love You Messages.
Want to capture the magic of dating forever? Check out our Cute I Love You Meme.
And of course the great source of all these themes will always be the Romantic I Love You Poems for Her.
Funny Angry Memes [November 2019]

Learning how to express our anger without harming other people is part of growing into maturity and adulthood. We all have different ways of dealing with anger, but one thing is for sure: the adaptations we make in life to our emotional states is a major factor in how we end up adapting to the larger world. Sometimes the world just really ticks us off, and that’s good practice.
One way to deal with anger: humor. If we can laugh at our feeling, then it’s not in control of us, and few things are as effective at managing anger than humor. For that reason, we have collected together on this page a group of Angry Memes. These are great ways to express anger without hurting people, to share our feelings in a constructive way. It’s part of how we can communicate that we might be hurt. Some of these memes might even make our list of the best memes of all time.
Without further ado – on to the angry memes!
Angry Memes
Funny Angry Person Meme
Angry Face Meme

Pissed Off Memes
Grumpy Face Meme
Angry No Meme
Angry Animal Meme
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