What Does Love Feel Like?

Love… This feeling can’t be measured or assessed, it can’t be found, it can be only felt. However, sometimes people confuse it with affection, lust, puppy love. (more…)
Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend for All Occasions

The list of sweet messages below will help you to please your girlfriend in the morning by sending her a morning message, to make her smile with funny cute messages and to congratulate her on a birthday, showing your love and affection. Be original and avoid sending trivial texts, use of the one of the cute messages below. (more…)
Falling in Love Quotes

Falling in love is a wonderful magical feeling. The world seems perfect and you enjoy this state of euphoria. Are you in love now? Do you feel like you can hug the whole world? Are you crazy about your second half and want to express it? Are you falling in love with the spouse every single day? Then these quotes are for you. Though words can convey only a part of what you feel, because love is indescribable, yet these romantic lines can make your lover smile. Though it might be quite hard for a person to confess their love,…
I Miss You Quotes for Him and Her
There are so many romantic ways to say “I miss you”! Sending I Still Miss You Quotes, Missing You Messages and Sayings is among them. What boyfriend or girlfriend will refuse to get one of sad How Much I Miss You Pics or Images with the romantic content? Be sure: nobody will! Unfortunately, some people think that it`s enough to say ordinary “I miss you so much that it hurts” or “My heart is missing you like crazy” to call for positive responses. It`s a big mistake! These banal phrases cannot impress the person you love. Instead of them, you`d…
Catchy Questions to Ask Your Crush

Try picturing this. You’ve finally got the chance to ask your crush out. The last thing you want to happen is to ask something inappropriate, vulgar or too stereotype. Even one word can screw up the whole date. Of course, you can ask the person you like about his/her favorite color or the last film they’ve seen, but these questions are kind of cheesy, don’t you think? Who wants to drop the ball next to a person who you are crazy about? That’s why we offer our help. Read through the most interesting, unusual, and funny questions to ask or…
Cute Texts for Him
A compliment is always uplifting and compliment, made by a favorite person from the whole heart, is able to give boundless joy. Send your boyfriend cute messages about your feelings and thoughts, it will give him to know that you think about him, besides just a nice message will always be a reason for a smile. (more…)
Broken Heart Quotes and Sayings

Perhaps each of us has heard some of these phrases at least once: ‘It’s not about you, it’s about me’, ‘We want different things from life’ etc. But the thing is, no matter how quickly or gentle he/she is trying to tear the Band-Aid off, it still hurts. We hope that these touching quotes about a broken heart will make it easier for you to deal with the pain caused by a breakup. Interesting Quotes on Relationship Love relationships require constant work as well as give and take. Sadly, some people don’t understand this simple formula and run away after…
Moving On Quotes

From the day of one’s birth a person should be ready to face a lot of ups and downs. And it seems that “downs” happen to be more frequent guests in our life. Though no matter what bitter surprises fate has prepared for us, we need to be ready to overcome any of them. There are only two words you need to stick to in order to live a normal life and they are ‘moving on’. As Shinedown sang: ‘Sometimes goodbye is a second chance’. It’s so true. No matter how desperately we want to hold on to the past,…
Relationship Quotes

What is your relationship status? Do you have a soulmate or still searching for your second half? In any case, regardless of the answer, we have some really great quotes and sayings for you. They are universal, actually. These wise sayings will inspire you if you are happy, encourage you if you are trying to get over a breakup and help you understand what you really want if you want to find someone to start a new relationship. Even a great relationship is a rocky road. We all are different, and even if you love your girlfriend or boyfriend most…
Good Morning Quotes for Him and Her

Guess that everyone occasionally has these days when everything seems irritating and annoying and all one can hear is the phrase: “He/she must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.” Being enthusiastic about the upcoming working day might not be easy for some people. That is why it is essential to get into the right mood starting the morning. Different people have various tips on how to make the best out of morning time. Some like to go for a walk or jogging. Others say that if you want to be fresh and full of energy, you…
Sad Love Quotes That Make You Cry

Love is always about deep feelings that touch your heart. Unfortunately, you can’t predict what will happen to your heart. There are two possible outcomes. Your heart will blossom under the influence of heart-touching, mutual love or it will be crushed because of tragic love. Everybody has ever experienced a sad love story. If you haven’t faced this heartbreaking feeling yet, the chances are you will. We don’t want to disappoint you, really, but this is how life works. The main thing here is to know how to put yourself out of your misery and move on after this emotional…
Poems for Mom

So, are you looking for the best poem for your mom? If the answer is yes, then you’ve basically just found it — here we have 40 fantastic cute, beautiful and not too long poems for your mother. We’ve done our best and collected only the best poems that will help you express your feelings. You’ll find everything you need here — so don’t waste your time and check the poems right now! Oh, and by the way, we didn’t add any long poems here. We are sure that 8 or 16 lines are enough when it comes to the…