The Most Popular Cosplay Character Ideas – 2018

If you’re looking for inspiration for your next fancy dress, Halloween or general party outfit where you get to dress up, inspiration is not usually difficult to come by. If you do find yourself stuck or want to find popular cosplay character ideas that are a little different, more daring or will let you get your teeth into a project, this page is for you. It should hopefully appeal to those wanting to venture into pure cosplay and those looking for movie, comic book or game inspiration for a costume.
I have searched high and low to find some of the best cosplay character ideas on the internet. I have filtered out the trash and have hopefully retained some of the best ideas out there that can provide the inspiration you need to put your costume together. I hope it helps!
Why to people cosplay?
Cosplay, or costume play was at a real high in the 90s when anime first hit the US market. It has dipped a little since those days but is still a lively and varied scene. Anyone can cosplay for any reason, at any time. You will always get those who say it is only for LARPing (Live Action Role Play) or Comic Con or for specific events but you also get those who are happy to use any excuse to dress up!
Cosplay is a bit of fun and a way for us to escape from reality for a little while. Like playing video games or reading a book, cosplay helps us mentally separate ourselves from the world and live in our imagination for a while. Whether that’s at an event surrounded by hundreds of other cosplayers or in our own room. Either way, it’s an expression of our imagination coupled with the imagination of the original character creators.
Popular cosplay character ideas
So let’s get on with the list of popular cosplay character ideas. All of the following websites have collections that are suitable for newbie cosplayers up to experienced ones. There is bound to be something here to spark inspiration!
Cosplay is so popular that even fashionistas from Vogue want in on the action. This page has 33 movie-inspired cosplay ideas ranging from Star Wars to Wonder Woman. The feature includes both male and female characters. Some of them would be relatively simple to do justice to while others would require much more work.
Fansided has a page dedicated to cosplay character ideas for those needing inspiration for Comic Con or comic conventions. Again, the list contains male and female characters. Some will be very straightforward to achieve while others will require more thought and more work.
eBaum’s World
eBaum’s World has this page on cosplay character ideas and some of them are awesome. They are mainly female and some are NSFW. They include people who already have the costume but provide inspiration for ideas. Some of these have been done exceptionally well and if you can pull of something as good, you’re going to get the right kind of attention when you take it out.
I’m not a regular reader of Today but someone pointed me in the direction of this post with 61 costume ideas for Halloween. Many of them could be used as inspiration for cosplay and for other times of year which is why I have included them in this list. Most have been put together by regular people with varying degrees of success. I think it would be simple to take inspiration from one of these and do it ten times better!
MyAnimeList has a page dedicated to anime cosplay character ideas. It is titled ‘Easy Anime Cosplay Ideas for the Broke (and Lazy)’ but is about more than that. There are some very accessible ideas on this page that won’t take too much time or money to pull off. If you’re into anime and are beginning your journey into cosplay, you could do worse that check this page out.
This page on GamesRadar+ has some movie cosplay ideas that would work in many situations. There are 35 ideas here and each of them could be put together at home with varying levels of effort. Some of them are a little lame but some of them are very good indeed. It’s up to you to decide which is which.
Brit+Co is another website unfamiliar to me and was suggested as a place to find inspiration for cosplay. This page has a bunch of movie inspired character ideas that vary in their effectiveness and difficulty. Again, some work better than others but they all provide lots of ideas for your next outfit!
How To Write a Perfect & Funny Dating App Bio?

Humor is most definitely a way to get noticed and not just for those of us who don’t look like George Clooney. It’s a powerful way to attract the opposite sex with women in particular saying they are attracted to men who can make them, or others laugh. So how can you write a funny dating app bio if you’re not naturally funny?
The simple answer is don’t. If you cannot be naturally funny, you’re better off concentrating on what you can do. However, if you don’t want to ignore what is a seriously powerful way to attract the opposite sex, there are a few ways to use humor.
Why are we attracted to humor?
According to Psychology Today, we like funny people because they demonstrate advanced social skills and intelligence. Both things many of us find attractive in a mate. Self-deprecating humor is also a sign of lack of ego and self-confidence which are both also very attractive to many of us.
With all that aside, it is nice to spend time with someone who makes us laugh so we will often take this into account when reading dating app bios. Even if we are looking to hook up rather than a mate for life, humor is a powerful attractant for both sexes.
Examples of funny dating app bios
To get you started, here are a few funny dating app bios I particularly like. Rumor has it that some of these are fake, but they are funny so who cares?
- ‘Are you a delivery man? Cuz I believe you have a package for me.’
- ‘Let’s have a who’s better in bed contest. I’m hoping to be a sore loser!’
- ‘Carefully written, fact-checked essay in the streets. Unmoderated comment section in the sheets.’
- ‘Let’s be honest I’m on Tinder and my first picture is of me in a bikini, I’m not looking for a relationship or a friend.’
- ‘2.0 – Tinder Edition Updates – Minor Bug Fixes, Improved Selection Algorithm, New Pictures (Bikini pic added), Performance enhancements: summer tan, Multilingual support.’
- ‘I’ve learned that men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If I see you without an erection, I’ll make you a sandwich.’
- ‘One hell of a guy – New York Times, Outstanding gentleman – Washington Post, I wish I could be more like him – The most interesting man in the world, You would be crazy not to swipe right – Miss New York, He is my phone’s background – Mom, My Hero – Spider-Man.’
You get the idea. While some of these are overtly suggestive, not all of them are. How you approach your profile depends on what you’re looking to get out of your dating experience.
Writing your funny dating app bio
Not everyone is comfortable writing about themselves and certainly not trying to make themselves seem attractive on an app. Considering how important the bio is, that’s a stumbling block for a lot of people. Just spend half an hour on Tinder, Bumble or one of the others to see just how many people have trouble writing a good dating profile!
It is possible to write some good ones though as those examples above show. There is a lot of inspiration around too if you cannot come up with something original. Just make sure you tune it specifically to you.
Use the world around you for inspiration
For example, using the theater review method of the final example above is superb. It’s humorous, gets the point across and is guaranteed to get a laugh. Don’t copy it though, just use it for inspiration. Remember, most users will see hundreds or thousands of dating app bios in any given week so you have to be original.
Use famous quotes and make them fit you. Use marketing slogans, TV commercials and so on. As long as the person you’re trying to attract is likely to know what you’re on about, you should be fine.
Keep it short and sweet
Nobody is going to read a wall of text. We don’t online and we won’t in an app. Anything over three sentences long and ten words per sentence is enough. Anything more risks being ignored. Write something. Leave it overnight. Then remove half the words while retaining the meaning. Rinse and repeat until you’re happy and your bio is short and funny.
Short also means using short words. It may be tempting to show off with your lexicon of long words but remember that your potential match will be on their phone and will not get the full benefit. Use short, simple words that skim well and you’ll stand more chance of being read.
If all fails, use emoji
I may not particularly like them but emoji are a powerful form of expression. If you cannot think of anything funny to say, use emoji in a humorous way. Listing your five favorite activities in emoji form is a useful way to get a message across in a scannable way. Just how you make them funny is up to you. Irony may be best here!
Clever, Amusing and Funny Facebook Post Ideas

If you run a small business or a Facebook community, coming up with funny Facebook post ideas can be something of a challenge. When you run a Facebook community, you have to post well and post often which demands you are constantly on the lookout for clever, amusing or funny ideas for Facebook posts.
Fortunately, Techjunkie is here to help. As someone who used to manage a marketing company that included social media marketing, I have a few ideas you can use to help keep fans entertained and coming back for more. They aren’t directly actionable as tastes and themes change all the time. What they can do is form the basis for timely Facebook posts that you can tweak to match your brand and what’s going on in the world at the time.
Ask for answers or advice
The very best type of engagement is gained by asking your audience for something. Some people like to solve problems, some like to help, some like to feel superior and others like to think you owe them something. All personality types can be triggered by asking a question or requesting advice. It is the single most effective way of engaging on social media.
You can make your questions amusing or downright funny, or more serious. Much depends on your brand voice.
Run polls
Running polls are another way to engage with your audience. Some of the funniest Facebook posts have been in the form of polls. They can also be serious or funny and anywhere in between. The more thoughtful you make the poll, the more people will likely answer it.
Don’t forget to share the results of that poll. You can turn it into another Facebook post that reflects the tone of the poll itself. Then perhaps more posts analyzing or discussing the findings further. Much depends on your brand and what you want to achieve.
Set a challenge
The challenge post is probably the most notorious Facebook post idea there is right now. The Ice Bucket Challenge saw over 17 million user videos and over 70 million views generated from that one challenge. It raised over $220 million for The ALS Association and gained worldwide popularity. If you can come up with something as interesting, the potential is huge.
Post links to cat videos
Yes I know cat videos are so last year but they are still getting viewers by the million so there must still be an appetite for them. They are fast, easy to use and offer amusing or funny posts that will get engagement. You just have to trawl through the hundreds of videos to find one that fits your Facebook page.
Use TV themes
Did you ever use the Breaking Bad Name Lab? Millions of people did. Linking Facebook post ideas to topical TV shows or movies is always a winner. If you can develop an angle that fits the show and your page, you could gain a lot of attention from your audience. TV and movie tie-ins have been around since the 1950s and for good reason. They work. Whether they are clever, amusing or downright funny depends on the show and what you want to achieve.
Inspirational posts
Emotional marketing is huge and is used very cleverly by brands to develop emotional attachment to their brand, color, name or even just the font they use. This attachment is a very powerful motivator for someone and has been proven time and again to increase brand loyalty.
Inspirational posts are a big part of emotional marketing. Plus, life is sometimes way too serious and we have a habit of getting caught up in our own little world. Sharing inspirational stories reminds us all that life isn’t just about home and work.
Fill in the blank
A super-simple yet funny Facebook post idea is the fill in the ____ post. Devise a question or three, remove key words and replace them with a blank. You would be amazed at the sheer number and quality of the responses will be. Some will be funny, others clever and most of them will be amusing to some degree. Just monitor the responses very closely for those inevitable replies that go off-piste.
Run contests
Depending on the type of brand you work with, running contests is a very effective way to generate attention for your Facebook page. It could be as simple as coming up with a funny quote for a picture or developing a name for a new product. As long as your contest obeys Facebook rules and you include a decent prize, the rest will take care of itself.
Insider tips or gossip
As long as your insider tip isn’t financial, sharing inside information, gossip or providing a head’s up for an event can be a brilliant way to engage with an audience. If your Facebook page is for a fast moving industry or one with a lot of interest, even better. Offering quality tips or sharable gossip is a great way to build an inclusive community.
Seasonal posts
Offering genuinely useful seasonal posts can be surprisingly effective. Things like ‘the best dog friendly beaches for spring break’ or ‘where to find the latest child’s toy for Christmas at less than sticker price’ are classic seasonal posts that offer genuine value to the reader. It is that value that translates into likes.
Promote other clever, amusing or funny Facebook posts
I used to advise brands to keep the use of other people’s content to less than 5 percent of any social media campaign. That remains true now but shouldn’t stop you cross promoting another brand, person or page to leverage its popularity.
Shop carefully, choose your post or page and then promote it. Do it too often and you will lose fans as they will have seen it all before. Do it sparingly and they will realize that the promotion must have value as you rarely do it.
Tell a personal story
I left this one until last as not everyone is comfortable baring their soul in public. Telling a personal story that inspires, that others can relate to, that lets people know about the person behind the page or something else entirely is very powerful. As I said, not everyone is comfortable doing it but if you can, you will see a spike in engagement as a result.
Those are just a few clever, amusing or funny ideas for Facebook posts. Got any more? Tell us about them below.
How To Generate Creative Username Ideas

Do you have trouble coming up with a descriptive, cool or unique username? Sit for ages in front of the create account screen trying to come up with a username that hasn’t been taken and isn’t lame? I feel your pain as I do that very thing. That’s why I have put together ‘How to generate creative username ideas’. To help all those people like me who have trouble being creative when put on the spot.
When it comes to grabbing a cool username, early adopters have a real advantage. They get to choose all the best usernames while latecomers get dumb ones or have to put numbers at the end of their name. While adding ‘567’ to the end of a cool username may seem a decent workaround, it doesn’t look cool and you won’t like it for long.
That’s where this tutorial will come in handy. You will learn how and where to generate creative username ideas that reflect your personality, are different from the usual and that get you noticed.
Generate creative username ideas
If you need to generate creative username ideas, you can do it one of two ways. You can come up with it entirely on your own using tricks to trigger ideas or you can use some web-based username generators. You can of course use both and take a little from each, it is entirely up to you!
Generate your own usernames
While you may stumble at the account creation screen like I do, if you give yourself a little time, you will come up with something. Here are a few ideas to help. Different tips will work in different places. Some ideas will generate great gamer names but won’t work so well on social media while other work great as a Twitter handle but not so much on Instagram or as an email address. Mix and match as you see fit.
Consider your favorite hobby, animal, music, movie, color, actor, sports team, random word, adjective, food or whatever. Write a few down and begin putting them together to see what you can come up with.
For example: I like the Dallas Cowboys, hot dogs, the color orange, Inglorious the movie and the word moist. So I could come up with DallasHotDog, Inglorious Cowboy, Dallas Orange, Moist Orange Cowboy and so on. The more effort you put into it the more you get out of it.
Generating your own usernames is often best done in advance when you have a spare hour and have some inspiration. Write them down and keep them safe for use when you need them.
Username generators
The other way to generate creative username ideas is to use a web-based generator. I tend to visit these for gamer tags as I can never come up with anything that describes my playstyle without sounding lame.
Here are some of the ones I use.
Rum and Monkey
I was first drawn to Rum and Monkey purely because of the name. Now I go to it anytime I need a new username for anything. It has categories for different types of name such as Viking, military, Minions and so on. While you certainly don’t have to choose a specific category, you have to pick one to generate a name. Many of the suggestions are actually very good which is why I keep going back.
Fake Name Generator
I tend to recommend the Fake Name Generator for all sorts of uses. This site generates real names, so if you’re setting up a fake email address or social media profile, this is the place to come. It isn’t so good for gamer tags but works very well for character creation for stories or whatever.
Cool Name Generator
The Cool Name Generator is another that will create ‘normal’ names. It is also the only generator site I know of that offers a ‘neutral’ option for gender. Some of the initial suggestions tend to be a bit lame but give it a chance and it can generate some good ones.
Spinxo is another decent way to generate creative usernames. Add details into the top and hit Spin. The app will generate a bunch of names depending on the information you provide. There is also a list of ones already generated underneath. Like the others here, some of those generated just don’t work while others are actually very good indeed. I tend to get more good results from Rum and Monkey but Spinxo is worth a try too.
Got any other suggestions for generating creative usernames? Tell us about it below if you do!
The Most Popular Instagram Hashtags for Likes

Instagram can be used by individuals or companies for marketing. You can promote yourself, your business, your products or your services and could gain thousands of followers if you know how. Part of that is the hashtag. I shall show you how they work and list some of the most popular Instagram hashtags you can use to promote yourself.
Instagram is a great social network that seems to be growing all the time. From a relative nobody to a network with several hundred million users, it is another great way to lose hours of each day.
How Instagram hashtags work
Instagram hashtags work in a similar way as they do on Twitter. They are a way of categorizing the post and act as a way for people to search and your post to appear in that search. The hashtag (#) is used extensively in social media and play a vital role here too.
A hashtag can help your post appear in popular searches. Place a popular hashtag on your post and it will appear whenever someone search for that term. Carefully selected hashtags increase the chances of that post appearing in the search and perhaps higher up the search.
The more your post appears, the more likely it is that your post will be read, your message communicated and yourself or your business promoted.
Instagram has a limit of 30 hashtags per post which gives you a lot of scope to develop them and include the most popular. Any hashtag you use has to be relevant and not mislead the viewer. Not because of any rules but because if you mislead a person once, they will not trust you again. So while including popular hashtags is vitally important, including relevant popular hashtags is the only way to achieve your goals of getting more views or followers.
How to generate popular Instagram hashtags
There are a few online tools that makes it easy to create popular Instagram hashtags. You can come up with them yourself, but these web tools are faster.
Tagblender is a very useful website designed around Instagram. Select the words that best describe your post and add them to the blender. Click a word in the left menu, select the +10 or +30 to add them to the blender. Do this until the maximum of 30 has been reached. Then copy and paste them into your post. Easy!
HashtagsForLikes does much the same thing. It categorizes hashtags into various groups such as most popular, second and third most popular and then genre. Currently the most popular Instagram hashtags according to HashtagsForLikes are:
#love #followback #instagramers #socialenvy #PleaseForgiveMe #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #socialenvyco #follow #colorful #style #swag.
Instagram Tags
If you are promoting a business or product, you may like Instagram Tags. This uses the same premise as above but has a more product-centric view of categories and tags. It will work for personal promotion too, but is more geared towards businesses.
Popular Instagram hashtags as of September 2017
As you can imagine, in an environment as dynamic as social media, popular Instagram hashtags will be changing all the time. If you want the very latest tags, use one of the tools above. Currently, the most popular Instagram hashtags are:
#love, #instagood, #photooftheday, #beautiful, #fashion, #tbt, #happy, #cute, #followme, #like4like, #follow, #me, #picoftheday, #selfie, #instadaily, #summer, #friends, #art, #girl, #repost, #fun, #smile, #nature, #instalike, #style, #food, #family, #tagsforlikes, #likeforlike, #igers, #fitness, #follow4follow, #nofilter, #instamood, #travel, #amazing, #life, #beauty, #vscocam, #sun.
Those are the general popular tags and some or many of them will not be relevant to your post. Many are included in that HashtagsForLikes list but some are different. As the golden rule is to always be relevant, you will need to select those that work and generate more to fill in the gaps of those that don’t.
It isn’t all about the hashtag
Social media isn’t all about posting things to make people follow you. It is an engagement with your audience, a two-way conversation. Don’t just post and forget, post and engage with followers. Answer questions, offer advice, let people into your life as far as you’re comfortable. Hashtags are just the means of getting attention, it is then up to you to keep it.
If you’re stuck for inspiration for popular Instagram hashtags and need a little help, use the sites above or look at your competition. A little competitor analysis is an important part of marketing and can show you a few more hashtags that you could use. Don’t copy them all as you’re just going head to head with that post. Instead, use them as inspiration to go one better.
Got any other ways to generate popular Instagram hashtags? Tell us about them below if you do!
Some Great Instagram Bio Quotes

Looking for an amusing or cool Instagram bio quote? Want to use one on your own account or to use as inspiration? If you said yes, this post is for you. I have collected a variety of Instagram bio quotes that I consider smart, funny, cool, or even all three.
Instagram seemingly came out of nowhere. An image based social network launched only seven years ago now has millions of daily users including some of the biggest names in sports, Hollywood, TV and music.
Like any social space, the bio is your introduction, your elevator pitch of yourself that sums you up in a few words. If you’re anything like me, you may find it difficult to promote yourself or even talk about yourself. Writing a bio becomes impossible if that happens so why not use these Instagram bio quotes as inspiration and create your own?
Instagram bio quotes
I wish these Instagram bio quotes were my own work but they are not. I have collated what I think are some of the best around so you don’t have to go searching.
- In my house I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision maker.
- Some people are alive only, because it’s illegal to kill them.
- I shouldn’t be allowed to go on Snapchat, Facebook or Instagram when I’m drunk!
- Light travels faster than sound… That’s why people appear bright until they speak.
- Never try to teach a pig to sing- it wastes your time and annoys the pig.
- Eat…sleep….regret……repeat.
- A man of mystery and power, whose power is exceeded only by his mystery.
- Insert pretentious stuff about myself here.
- I’m here to avoid friends on Facebook.
- I will win, not immediately but definitely.
- How we live our life is far more important than how we say we live our life.
- Chocolate doesn’t ask questions, chocolate understands.
- Probably the best meat eater in the world.
- My relationship status? Netflix, Oreos and sweatpants.
- Silent people have the loudest minds.
- Oh I’m sorry was my sass too much for you?
- Just another paper cut survivor.
- I only use Instagram to stalk…
- I’m not glad it’s “Friday”, I’m glad it’s “Today”. Love your life – 7 days a week.
- If I delete your number, you’re basically deleted from my life.
- Why would I ever leave the house when there’s Netflix and ice cream waiting for me?
- A Caffeine dependent life-form.
- One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.
- I’ve always thought being popular on Instagram is as about as useless as being rich in monopoly.
- Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me.
- A human. Being.
- If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
- You will never have anything you don’t respect, including lots of money.
- “F#%K It.” – my final thought before making most decisions.
- Phones are better than girlfriends, at least we can switch them off.
- Life is dumb and I want to sleep.
- Whenever I have a problem, I just sing, then I realize my voice is worse than my problem.
- Where the hell am I, and how did I get here?
- Are you a banker because I’d like you to leave me a loan.
- Recommended by 4 out of 5 people that recommend things.
- It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it.
- Recovering ice cream addict.
- If you can’t convince them, confuse them.
- You’re a 10, on the pH scale… Cuz you’re basic.
- I’m not smart. I just wear glasses.
- I’m just having an allergic reaction to the universe.
- I put the hot in psychotic.
- Trying to elevate small talk to medium talk.
- It’s very difficult to be great. Losers prove this point continuously.
- Save water, drink beer.
- 1f you c4n r34d 7h15, you r34lly n33d 2 g37 l41d.
- Sometimes one middle finger isn’t enough to let someone know how you feel.
- I will go into survival mode if tickled.
- Sometimes I just want to give it all up and become a handsome billionaire.
- When I’m on my death bed, I want my final words to be “I left one million dollars in the…
- I’m not sure how many problems I have because math is one of them.
- I only rap caucasionally.
- Good Samaritan, washed-up athlete, especially gifted napper.
- You’re right. I’m NOT perfect. But I’m unique!
- A lie is just a great story ruined by truth.
- Don’t get a woman, get a dog… They are loyal and they die sooner.
- I talk like a baby and I never pay for drinks.
- I’m so poor that I can’t pay attention in class.
- I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle… He’s dreaming too.
- Never judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. By that time, they’ll be a mile away and barefoot.
- This is my last Instagram bio ever.
- I prefer my puns intended.
- I work for money, for loyalty hire a dog.
- I’m in desperate need of a 6 month vacation… Twice a year.
- I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted pay checks.
- The strawberry shampoo doesn’t taste as good as it smells.
- Not all men are fools, some stay single.
- If I could sum up my life in one line I would die of embarrassment.
- Don’t hit kids!!! No, seriously, they have guns now.
- The only reason I am fat is because a tiny body couldn’t store all this personality.
- Exercise, ex..er..cise, ex…ar..cise, eggs are sides, for BACON!
- I was addicted to hokey pokey but I turned myself around.
- I ran into my ex today… Put it in reverse and did it again!!!
- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.
- My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right.
- I’m not crazy, my reality is just different than yours
- I always learn from mistakes of others who take my advice
- Currently starring in my own reality show titled, A Modern Cinderella; One Girl’s Search for Love and Shoe.
- Camping is intents.
- Save paper, don’t do homework.
- Nice guys finish lunch.
- My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Born to express not to impress.
- I always learn from mistake of others who take my advice.
- Born at a very young age.
- I still miss my ex – but guess what? My aim is getting better.
- Never argue with an idiot they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you through experience.
- The road to success is always under construction.
- I haven’t been myself ever since I was born.
- The only person on Instagram who doesn’t claim to be a social media guru.
- I can’t remember who I stole my bio from or why.
- Living vicariously through myself.
- I have this new theory that human adolescence doesn’t end until your early thirties.
- Some people need to open their small minds instead of their big mouths.
- I’m real and I hope some of my followers are too.
- If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me, and we can make fun of people together.
- We are all part of the ultimate statistic – ten out of ten die.
- If people are talking behind your back, be happy that you are the one in front.
- Someday, there’s going to be an updated version of me.
- You can’t fix stupid, no matter how much duct tape you use over their mouth!
- Time is precious, waste it wisely.
- I’m starting to like Instagram, which is weird because I hate pictures.
- We live in a society were pizza gets to your house before police.
- Hey, you are reading my bio again?!
- God bless this hot mess.
- Everybody is so happy… I hate that.
- The best of me is yet to come.
- You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
- I’m actually not funny. I’m just really mean and people think I am joking.
- A book-store is only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.
- Words cannot express my love & passion for Fridays!
- Life is short… Smile while you still have teeth.
- Be yourself, there’s no one better.
- Every path has obstacles, but it is up to you to continue to smile and walk that path.
- Weekend, please don’t leave me.
- When I feel a little down, I put on my favorite high heels and dance.
- I wasn’t lucky, I deserved it.
- Don’t follow me because I don’t even know where I’m going
- At last I graduated…….Now thermometer is not the only thing in the world having degrees without brains
- Spreading smiles like they’re herpes
- A Nomad in search for the perfect burger. Do not judge me before you know me, but just to inform you, you won’t like me
- Contributing To Entropy Since 1992.
- Everyone on this earth is self-centered, the difference is the radius.
- Professional procrastinator
- Analogue at birth, digital by design
- God bless this hot mess
Of the thousands of Instagram bio quotes out there, these are the funniest or at least most amusing I can find. Got any others to suggest? You know what to do.
200 Cool & Funny WhatsApp Group Names for When you Need Inspiration

If you’re trying to launch a WhatsApp group but cannot come up with a catchy or cool name, you’re not alone. With millions of users and hundreds of thousands of groups, it is difficult at the best of times to come up with something catchy or unique. That’s why I put this post together, to provide a few cool WhatsApp group names for when you need inspiration.
If you want to attract people to your group, it’s all in the name. It has to appeal to the type of person you want to join, describe accurately what the group is about and stand head and shoulders above the thousands of other group names already on WhatsApp. If your group name can do all that, it will be popular.
I have taken some of the best WhatsApp group names I have seen online and collected them into a single post. You can then adapt one to suit your needs or take it over if the original group has expired. Your call.
WhatsApp group names
This list is my own work but the names are not. I have collected them from across the internet to save you time and effort. Hope it helps.
- We Talk A Lot
- Non-Stop Notifications
- Enter at your own risk
- Game Changers
- Silence Isn’t Golden Here
- Smartness overloaded
- Hangover
- Fantastic 4some
- Rock & Rollers
- 404! Group name does not exist
- Teenagers
- Chatter Box
- Rumor Mongers
- Maniac Messengers
- House Of Hunters
- Music Maniacs
- My Amigos
- Nonsense group
- We Tie Until We Die
- Warriors
- Don’t join if you’re delicate
- Hackers
- Only singles
- Chatter Box
- Check my DP
- Talk to Mock
- Recycle Bin
- Designated Drinkers
- Chaos Theory
- Play your way
- Wandering Minds
- Friends Forever
- Silent killers
- No more singles
- Atomic Reactors
- Life for friends
- Type Till You Ripe
- Trash
- 404-Not found
- Time waste
- Kingdom
- Fabulous five
- Bachelor’s Party
- Mountain Movers
- The Alpha & Omega
- The insomniacs
- Keep typing…
- Don’t spoil it
- So-called Engineers
- Status King
- Sports lovers
- The Herd
- Country’s future weapons
- Full On
- Playing my way
- All you need to do is Talk, Talk and talk.
- Rock stars
- The Spartans
- Crazy people
- Xplosion
- Date4you
- Jalapeno Hotties
- Punch above your weight
- Hotness overloaded
- Online Hangover
- Sweaty people
- Honest Path
- Lake Lovers
- Dating and Relationships Meetups
- Eternal triangle
- Sexy girl
- Online meetup
- Freaky Fun Room
- WhatsApp dating
- Classy dress
- DateHookup
- Intrusive thoughts
- Friends Laboratory
- Dull decisions
- Pink Pearls
- Be made for each other
- Fabulous Fairies
- Gorgeous subjective
- Cubiclenama
- Cubicle Paradise
- Office Office
- Best in Business
- Bloody Business
- The Corporate Cowboys
- The Three Piece Suits
- Over Achievers
- Empty Coffee Cups
- Black Box Testers
- Professional Pirates
- Wage Slaves
- Appraisal Is Coming(?)
- A Pitcher On My Mind
- Compilation Error
- The Elite Group
- Best Among The Best
- Markets on the Rise
- Tycoons of the Company Name
- To-Be Entrepreneurs
- The “Yes” Men
- We work hard, We party harder
- You Know the Drill
- White Collar Crew
- Mission Planners
- Rise of the Developers
- Wandering Travelers
- Top Dawgs
- Layman Brothers
- Fifty Shades of Grey’s Anatomy
- Natural Disasters
- Serial Winners
- Wise Crackers
- Universally Challenged
- Schindler’s Linked List
- Google United
- Les Quizerables
- Wiki Leaks, We Don’t
- Just do it
- Blockheads
- No Spamming
- Smile please
- Open Book
- Chat Lounge
- Feel free to write
- Avengers
- Unfired
- Tech Ninjas
- Crazy world
- Staunch Ladies
- Hopeless group
- The Unknowns
- All Us Single Ladies
- Funky Guyz
- Game Changers
- Back Benchers
- Innocent girls
- Free Wi-Fi
- No girls
- Best Dudes
- When is the Party
- Life Suckers
- Let’s Party Guys
- Love is Life
- We Are One
- Cool Boys
- Free Birds
- Super Heroes
- We are Hulks
- Body Builders
- Bachelors
- Crazy people
- Hungry for Trouble
- The Rowdy Buggers
- Full House
- The Gift of Gab
- Pin drop nonsense
- Truths beyond eyes
- Vicious and Delicious
- Lips don’t lie
- Bad Intentions
- Bird’s eye
- Dream Killers
- Food lovers
- The Cereal Killers
- Gangnam Style
- The Don
- Blessing in disguise
- Soup Dragons
- Smoking Aces
- Cunning People
- Lost & found
- Pimp My Side
- Area 51 – Strictly Private
- Grilling
- The Chamber of Secrets
- Grim Reapers
- Teens for Truth
- Tenacious Turtles
- Growing up
- The Adventures Of Texting
- Protectors of Superman
- The Awakening
- No Porn
- Let’s utilize precious time
- The Alter Egos
- The Untouchables
- Scared Hitless
- Barking up the wrong tree
- The Mighty Midgets
- Don’t check status until I ask.
- The Amusement Park
- Kung-fu-pandu
- What kunfu ‘dat
- Busy like bees
- Game of phones
- Sleepers Cells
I would suggest taking one or more of these names and mixing them up to create your own. As this list is compiled from online sources, other WhatsApp groups with the same names will likely be in constant use. Taking a couple of the cooler names and mixing it up a little should generate something unique and uniquely descriptive for your group!
Where to Find Some Genuinely Funny Birthday Memes

Memes are cool. It doesn’t matter what your age, gender or nationality, they are a universal way to convey a little humor. While some may be very regional, the majority work across cultures. It is one of the reasons they are so popular. This post will show you some of the best places to find some genuinely funny birthday memes.
There are millions of memes out there but some are better than others. Rather than you having to sort through them to find something decent, I have done it for you. All the sites listed below have some funny birthday memes that I think are definitely worth checking out.
Most of these websites are made in countries where English is a foreign language purely as clickbait. Despite that, they are well worth checking out. Just ignore most of the page content apart from the memes!
My Happy Birthday Wishes
My Happy Birthday Wishes is an entire site based around birthdays and while there is a lot of stuff you can safely ignore, the page on funny birthday memes is worth a look. Some are lame, some are dumb but there are a few genuinely funny ones in there.
2HappyBirthday is a clickbait site built around birthdays but in amongst the dross is an amusing page full of birthday memes. Again, some are just lame but there are some that are quite funny. There are also a few on here that I haven’t seen anywhere else which is quite unusual.
Birthdaynights is another cookie-cutter clickbait site like the one above but also manages to find some genuinely funny birthday memes. Again, there are a couple here that I haven’t seen elsewhere so either they made a few themselves or have some great sources. Either way, there is a little bit of everything here so there is definitely something you can use here.
Some Ecards
Some Ecards has a bunch of birthday memes but this time in cartoon form. Some are actually very good and there are hundreds to choose from. As an added bonus, this site lets you send a meme as an Ecard, although you do have to provide email addresses to an unknown website presumably there to collect them. Despite that some of these are very good.
Every Wishes
Every Wishes, like the others, is a clickbait site that has a few pages of birthday memes. Again, some lame ones but also some that are quite funny. Fewer animal-based memes on this page which is in its favor. The Trump one is particular timely as is the image above.
Funny Birthday Wishes
Funny Birthday Wishes has also managed to find a few memes that I have yet to see elsewhere. It has the usual celebrity, movie and animal images but still manages to be funny. A couple of them very funny indeed actually.
Hub Names
The Hub Names birthday memes page is huge. With over 200 of them on the page, there is bound to be at least a couple here worth checking out. This is another website that manages to find a few memes that I haven’t seen anywhere else and even though the usual animal faces appear time and again, there are plenty of others to raise a smile.
Make your own funny birthday memes
If you have scrolled through the thousands of memes linked above and still haven’t found what you’re looking for, maybe you should make your own. Fortunately, there are a few websites dedicated to enabling you to do just that.
Imgflip Happy Birthday Meme Generator
The Imgflip Happy Birthday Meme Generator is one such site. Use one of their library images or upload your own. Add some text and save it as a file. It couldn’t be easier really. If you get stuck thinking of something to say, there are some suggestions on the page to help you along.
Image Chef
Image Chef has a meme generator that does much the same thing. Use one of the many library images or upload your own. Add text, play with it until you’re happy and then save it as a file. This site requires you to register in order to save the image but all you need do is create the image and then use the Snipping Tool or Grab to save the image yourself.
I usually avoid internet trends but the meme is one I have embraced. Given how many I see while online, it seems most web users have also embraced them. If you think an eCard or normal birthday card is so last century, one of the birthday memes on this page should do the trick.
Got any other good birthday meme sites to suggest? Tell us about them below if you do!