I Am Sorry Quotes to Text or DM Your Girlfriend

Saying sorry is not very easy. However, relationships are not always easy to manage. From time to time, there will be those difficult moments when you argue and make mistakes. If you want the relationship to work, you’ll likely want to make sure you apologize as soon as possible. Ideally, doing that in person is the best thing to do; however it is not always possible. Good thing new technology allows us to communicate more easily these days. If you are a guy who knows you’ve messed up and hurt the feelings of the girl you love, send her an…
Stay Strong Quotes to Text Someone Who Needs Inspiration

«How to stay strong despite different problems and difficulties» is the question, and unfortunately, there’s no simple answer. All of us, at least once face some challenges in one way or another. (more…)
Quotes about Being Happy for the Perfect Caption

Who doesn`t want to be happy? Everybody wants! All people are eager to experience this feeling. You don`t think about problems, and you see all the beauty of the world. You just enjoy every minute of your life, and it`s enough for feeling happy! Isn`t a perfect state for everyone? Happiness is a philosophical notion to some extent because different people have their reasons for being happy. Do you feel tired from the daily routine? Are you waiting for an appropriate moment to become happy? Stop and look around you! Happiness always follows you. The problem is your perception of…
Broken Heart Quotes and Sayings

Perhaps each of us has heard some of these phrases at least once: ‘It’s not about you, it’s about me’, ‘We want different things from life’ etc. But the thing is, no matter how quickly or gentle he/she is trying to tear the Band-Aid off, it still hurts. We hope that these touching quotes about a broken heart will make it easier for you to deal with the pain caused by a breakup. Interesting Quotes on Relationship Love relationships require constant work as well as give and take. Sadly, some people don’t understand this simple formula and run away after…
Moving On Quotes

From the day of one’s birth a person should be ready to face a lot of ups and downs. And it seems that “downs” happen to be more frequent guests in our life. Though no matter what bitter surprises fate has prepared for us, we need to be ready to overcome any of them. There are only two words you need to stick to in order to live a normal life and they are ‘moving on’. As Shinedown sang: ‘Sometimes goodbye is a second chance’. It’s so true. No matter how desperately we want to hold on to the past,…
56 Best Strong Women Quotes for Instagram

If you go on Instagram for any amount of time, you’ll be deluged with love quotes and break-up quotes from your women friends. You’ll see people waxing poetic about their BFFs or their fondness for cake and wine. But there’s more to a woman’s life than her relationships and what she eats, and it’s time for women to show their strong side! Here are some great Instagram captions that will capture your inner Joan of Arc. Strong is Not a Bad Word If my strength intimidates you, I hope you realize that’s a weakness of yours. Strong women only scare…
Depression Quotes and Sayings

If not so long ago you felt unbelievably alive, had a smile that went from ear to ear, and considered yourself to be a happy person, but everything has changed dramatically, there is a chance that you faced one of the most dangerous states of being which is called depression. Unfortunately, sometimes society just does not take it seriously, thinking that it is a bad mood, that is all. But people who suffered from it know that there is nothing more serious than that. However, if everything seems really bad and you do not see the light at the end…
Breakup Quotes

Deep down inside all people dream about finding true love and having romantic relationships that will never end. Unfortunately, not all dreams can come true. Some relationships have their end. It’s difficult to break up with someone you love, especially when you’ve spent a lot of time together and have happy memories. It’s really hard to get through the post break up period without deep scars in your heart. However, at least you have to try being strong after a break up with the help of breakup posts and captions! It doesn’t matter how deep your heart injury is, you…
Happy Birthday Quotes and Images to Someone in Heaven

This is a truly tremendous loss to be deprived of the person close to your heart! Very often people hope that they can change everything, improve the situation, apologize and make peace. But what if you know that your beloved one will never come again to you; he or she will never hear your sincere Happy Birthday Wishes? How to pass your genuine feelings? The pain of loss and suffering is much stronger when this person’s day of a birthday or another important for you event comes! How to say “Happy Birthday” to these people? When somebody dies, we think…