Mother’s Day Hashtags – For Mom!

Whether it’s looking for a hug after a tough day, a piece of advice when you’re at your wit’s end, or your left sock that mysteriously disappeared a couple of hours ago, the first person you’ll likely go to is- your mother.
Over-encumbered with a wide range of professional and home-bound obligations and often armed with a sizeable arsenal of kitchen utensils (Most of which can be used against you, and quite effectively!), our moms are the everyday heroines that always make sure the house runs like clockwork, even if they have other work to do!
Now, as for the curious question of how on Earth they accomplish to do all of that- nobody quite knows, but let’s just assert here that we’re happy they do. (Otherwise, we’d be hopelessly lost in a nasty loop of bad decisions and poor hygiene!) So, yup, a big thanks to all the moms out there, who soldier on in spite of all the difficulties we manage to present before them day in and day out.
In this article, we’ll talk about Mother’s Day- a holiday that celebrates the gift of motherhood as well as incites the kids to show some respect for their moms and recognize the important role they play in their lives!
More precisely, we’ll talk about Mother’s Day hashtags for Instagram. Using these, you can enrich the caption or a picture you’ve decided to publish and thus create a well-rounded post that will show your appreciation to all the moms out there. (As well as boost your social media presence at the same time.)
The Mother’s Day Hashtags
Moms do so much for us that, come Mother’s Day, it can be difficult to decide on what aspect of motherhood you should make a post about! From cheeky pictures of heavily-armed stern women wielding a ladle to loving pictures of mother lions cleaning their cubs, showing our love for moms in the shape of an Instagram post can assume pretty much any shape.
Therefore, to make things more organized ‘round here (Just like our moms would.), we’ve decided to split the hashtags we’ve amassed in several categories. So, pick ‘n’ choose folks, and make your momma proud!
Addressing the Holiday
If you’re unsure how to approach the noble act of expressing your thanks for your mom’s struggles and all the hardships she went through because of you, simply acknowledging the importance of Mother’s Day can be a great start!
Remember, while there’s certainly plenty to thank our mothers for, this holiday isn’t a nuclear science, ehm, … holiday, so you don’t need to worry about something horrible happening if you don’t create an elaborate caption or a high-res picture straight away. So, for starters, you can use some of these hashtags:
#MothersDay #MomsDay #QueenMom #mothersday2018 #BestMomEver #MomILoveYou
Addressing the Gifts
A big part of Mother’s Day celebration is giving your mother a suitable gift. Whether you’re thinking flowers, chocolate, a new gadget or something else completely (Like a baby caiman or a new badminton set- there are weird families like that, you see.), taking a quick photo of the thing (preferably with mom in the picture) can make for a great Instagram post.
Also, if you’ve managed to surprise your mom in a unique way by throwing some sort of party, as well, all the better! Here are some hashtags to complement this form of a post:
#mothersdaygift #mothersdaypresent #card #gift #giftsformom #giftidea #giftshopping #giftsforher
Addressing the Stressful Daily Routine of a Mom
We imagine that a being a mom must be made up of around 80% constant annoyance and around 20% tranquil times! Or at least something along those lines. (We’re talking about time distribution, of course.) To address this in a proper and sufficiently cheeky way, you can add a wide variety of hashtags that remind one of a tough daily routine and constant labor and almost incessant worrying that moms experience:
#Shesmymomager #Bestmomaward #Momsholdeverythingtogether #YouwererightMom #Momsarealwaysright #Shedidmylaundryforfree #Alwaysmymomforevermyfriend #Mommommommommom! #GreatJobMomITurnedOutAwesome
All things considered, our moms are and have always been the superheroines without a cape. (But perhaps an apron on at times.) Not only do they give us life, but they also suffer through our messy potty ventures, our flues ‘n’ measles, as well as our bad grades and general untidiness.
Moms are, indeed, like managers who are ready to put up with so much excrement coming from you, so to speak, that you just can’t imagine them ever firing you. And that is the truth- no matter how good or bad you are- your mom will always love you!
We hope you found this article helpful and wish you a mighty bout of sheer creative genius come Mother’s Day!
Easter Hashtags – Hashtag the Spring Holiday

‘He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces.’ (Isaiah 25:8)
Thus spoke the sages of yore, their words living for millennia after their demise. After death there cometh salvation. After struggle and pain, there cometh relief and resurrection. How uplifting and hopeful these utterances do cling to an upheaved soul of a mere mortal!
In this article, we’ve got but one question.
Aye, the one that is as contemporary and down-to-earth limited as the life-cycle of one’s phone battery: Why not ruin these holy quotes by adding to them a bunch of incomprehensible hashtags!
If you, an avid Instagram user, don’t find anything holy anymore and fancy imbibing your Instagram feed with some Easter-themed hashtags in the hope a lot of people will see it, you’ve come to the right place, alright! (Joking aside, using hashtags and other means of modern-day communication to further the messages of believing in our traditions and values should certainly be considered a good deed, regardless of the clumsy-looking format of an Instagram hashtags!)
In this article, we’re going to suggest to you some ideas on what hashtags to use when that time of the year comes and we celebrate our Lord’s victory over the forces of evil and death itself!
Without further ado, let’s see what we’ve got here.
The Easter Egg Basket o’ Hashtags
While Christmas, for example, is considered to be one of the merriest holidays in the Christian world, Easter is considered to actually be the merriest of them all, since it celebrates Christ’s victory over death, thus introducing the most interesting aspect of Christianity – resurrection.
Now, as far as Instagram is concerned, you can write about the philosophical implications of this proposal, celebrate it with a quote from the Bible, or simply take a picture of some Easter eggs and bunnies, stick a bunch o’ hashtags on it and Bob’s your uncle. In this section, we’ll try to cover all of these approaches, so that you can find the one that suits your view of the whole holiday in the best way. So, here’s the lot.
Addressing the Holiday Itself
This batch should be considered a stock introduction. You can use these to show your awareness of the holiday, which is a good start, in a way. These hashtags can be your way of announcing that you haven’t, in fact, been living under a big ole boulder and are actually interested in holidays and your Christian heritage. (If you’re not Christian but still want to go for those view… ehm, we mean – show the appreciation for the religion, you’re more than welcome to use these, as well!)
#easter #eastersunday #jesuschrist #easterbunny #holiday #God
Addressing the Candy
Perhaps you want to be more kid-friendly and other than showing your appreciation for Christ’s suffering on the cross – also show your appreciation for chocolate bunnies! (Works for adults, as well.) For example, if you plan to post some pictures of chocolate Easter eggs, Rice Krispies, or indeed, the aforementioned chocolate Easter bunnies, adding any of the following hashtags can be a great idea.
#eggs #easteregg #candy #easterbunny #chocolatebunny #chocolateegg #chocolate #nomnom
Addressing the Bunny
If you’re wondering why on Earth it was bunnies that were picked as the egg-hoarding animals instead of, say, pigeons, the folklore has the answer ready! Since bunnies reproduce rather quickly and are generally often seen frolicking in the wild come spring, they were somehow awarded the status of an animal that best symbolizes the holiday of Easter. So, there you have it. They breed quickly and look cute, what else do you want? Here are the hashtags:
#easterbunny #spring #bunnies #eastereggbunny #chocolatebunny #cutebunny #easterbunnies
Addressing the Religious Side
Other than posting a quote from the Bible or a picture of your local parish community, you can also address the religiousness of Easter, so to speak, by concocting a caption of your own. You can speak about hope, the battle between Jesus and death itself, or resurrection in general and then spice it up with some of the following suitable hashtags:
#jesus #bible #resurrection #cross #love #hope #jesuschrist #christianity #god #virginmary
However, you decide to approach your Instagram-based celebration of Easter, using any of these hashtags is bound to enrich the message you’re trying to send to your community of followers. Bottom line, Easter is a holiday of hope and rebirth, so your post should reflect this. The merrier, the better! We hope you found this article helpful and wish you some successful and joyous Instagramming!
Funny Mom Hashtags – Embracing Motherhood with a Sense of Humor

If you think moms are too busy to post on social media, you’re wrong. Motherhood hasn’t stopped groups of mom bloggers and influencers ready to share with the world. From advice and hacks to pictures of their little ones, they’re vocal and they’re not going anywhere.
If you’re a mommy that’s new to hashtags or simply want to refresh your brand, you’ve come to the right place. Being a mom is a badge of honor, but your online presence may need a little more to stand out from the rest.
The right hashtags can make your posts go from one in a billion to one in a thousand. In the context of social media eyes, that’s no small feat. Find out how to share your passion for motherhood with the world and open doors for a new audience, too.
Basic Motherhood Hashtags
Using the hashtag #mom may be your first choice when posting a mom-centric image, but you aren’t the only one. There are currently 34 million #mom posts on Instagram.
If you think that changing it to #mommy would be better, you would be right, but only marginally so. At 13 million posts, the competition is significantly lower than with #mom, but people may not see it before it’s pushed down the list by many other posts.
The problem with using highly competitive hashtags is that you have to compete with other posts with that same hashtag. You can try using mommy alternatives like #mommylove, which only has 629,000 posts on Instagram, as well as #mommydom, which has even fewer at 182,000.
While there’s nothing wrong with using high-competition hashtags, you want to mix them with some low-competition ones. This way, you can help your posts reach more eyes.
General Mom Hashtag Ideas:
#momcommunity, #mommalife, #momlife, #mommygoals, #ohheymama, #honestmomconfessions, #momgoals, #modernmom, #modernmotherhood, #momwin, #momboss, #motherhoodsimplified, #bestofmom, #ohmamamoment, #simplymamahood, #mumsofinstangram, #mommymoments, #momswithcameras, #mumlife
Express Yourself
Next, you also want to pick out hashtags that represent you. Are you a parenting blogger, a brand new mom, or simply someone who likes to post about their children?
There are a variety of hashtags you can use to express who you are. If you’re a blogger, you can use hashtags such as #bloggermom, #momblogger, and #mommydiaries. You can also tweak these frequently used hashtags to create new ones with lower competition.
For example, #bloggermom has 507,000 posts on Instagram, but #bloggermoms only has 17,000 posts. This may increase the likelihood that your posts are seen in searches.
Additionally, you may also want to indicate if your post is about parenting. Pick out your favorites, but also keep an eye on hashtags that are trending. This may affect how often your post is seen with certain hashtags.
Parenting Hashtag Ideas:
#parentinghumor, #parenthood_moments, #parentingblogger, #honestlyparents, #parentinglife, #raisingthefuture, #everythingtribe
And what’s a mommy post without images of your children? Combining the right hashtag with your images can increase the number of views you get. It could also spark interaction and get you new follows from likeminded Instagrammers.
Try these children hashtags the next time you post an image of your little one:
#littlefierceones, #writeyouonmyheart, #mytinytribe, #watchthemgrow, #littlepiecesofchildhood, #instakid, #childhoodunplugged, #candidchildhood, #letthembelittle, #wildandfreechildren,
In addition, don’t forget to plug in some artsy and colorful hashtags. As long as it fits your brand, anything goes. Just make sure that it’s appropriate to your niche.
These categories may still be relevant to your post and help expand your potential audience. Try hashtags like:
#myunicornlife, #colorworld, #colorinspiration, #colormyworld, #creativityfound
Lastly, many moms like to hashtag their children’s names. If your children are part of your brand and appear in your posts often, adding their names in hashtag form can add a touch of intimacy to your photos.
Final Thought
Moms are using social media in record numbers and they are speaking a hashtag language all their own.
If you are new to motherhood or need a refresher, you may need to do some research. See what’s trending on Instagram and check out overused hashtags by typing them into the Instagram search bar.
You don’t need to use every single one. Pick out a few that you feel best represent you and then pick out a few more to use for special occasions.
In addition, remember to mix-up your hashtags. Use a combination of low- and high-competition tags so that your posts can attract a wider audience.
Finally, even though Instagram accepts up to 30 hashtags per post, it doesn’t mean that you need to use that many. Most people don’t because it can look spammy to see a block of hashtags. Instead, choose a handful of hashtags that are relevant to your post or image.
Sassy Captions – Add Some Sass to your Instagram

If you’re feeling good in your own skin, you should let the world know. Being confident, sarcastic, and witty is nothing that you should hide. On the contrary, you need to let everyone know that you woke up this morning ready to conquer the world.
By far the best way to do this is through social media. Instagram is the best place to showcase your sassiness by posting amazing pics and adding some sassy quotes to match them. Whether you want to give others a confidence boost or tell your haters to back off, there are plenty of ways to do this.
Everyday Sassy Captions
If you’re comfortable with being yourself, you should spread that message all across social media. You should remind yourself and others of your sassiness as often as possible and show that you’re not someone others should mess with.
There’s a ton of captions that can help you do it. Snap a sassy selfie or a photo with your friends and add some witty captions that will spice the post up even more.
Caption Ideas
- “Don’t confuse my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am. But my attitude? That depends on YOU.”
- “Tell me not to do something and I will do it twice and take pictures.”
- “Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.”
- “I know looks aren’t everything, but I have them just in case.”
- “People will stare. Make it worth their while.”
- “In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic.”
- “I know I’m a handful but that’s why you got two hands”
Post-Breakup Captions
After a breakup, you’re likely to go through stages of grief. Instead of doing that, why not own it and show your ex and the world that you’re doing as amazing as ever? The last thing you want is for people to pity you. Instead, you want to showcase your sassiness more than ever before.
Thankfully, there are many captions that can make this happen for you. After you’ve taken some pics with your head held high, make sure to include them so that your ex sees that they’re not as important as they thought.
Caption Ideas
- “I cared, you didn’t. I cried, you laughed. I was hurt, you smiled. I moved on, you realized. Too late.”
- “I don’t care what you think about me, I don’t think about you at all.”
- “I just saw her picture on Facebook, she looks like something I draw with my left hand.”
- “Are you dating my ex? I thought the five second rule only applied to food I dropped.”
- “Don’t get herpes this summer trying to make me jealous.”
- “I heard you’re a player. Nice to meet you, I’m the coach.”
- “I’m as single as a dollar and I’m not looking for a change.”
Sassy Quote Captions
There are many powerful women (and drag queens) in the world that have said things that still resonate with sassy women. If you don’t have a caption that you can currently relate to, a good quote is your safest bet.
Whether you’re feeling like a boss or are just in a great mood today, these quotes can let you express your feelings is a perfect way. Let’s go over some of the best quote captions that are guaranteed to showcase your confidence.
Caption Ideas
- “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” – Coco Chanel
- “I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” – Marilyn Monroe
- “A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
- “If anyone ever boos you off stage, that is simply applause from ghosts.” – Sharon Needles
- “The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem
- “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” –Katharine Hepburn
The Final Word
As you can see, there’s a ton of ways to show the world that you’re feeling yourself. These captions will help you send the message that you’re not afraid of being yourself. Whether you quote famous powerful women or go with a more original remark, captioning your photos with sassy one-liners is a perfect way to showcase your confidence.
Snow Hashtags – Celebrate Winter in Style

Winter is a great time for photography enthusiasts. If you want to make your Instagram profile more popular, why not go for seasonal topics? Snowy vistas and frosted window panes are easy to photograph and the resulting pics are worth sharing with the world.
It’s not all landscapes and ice crystals, though. There are many other snow-related subjects worth exploring.
You can take cheerful snowman selfies or arrange cute winter fashion photo shoots. Kids and pets playing in the snow is always a popular subject for short videos. Winter sports are another beloved Instagram post topic.
Finding the right hashtags is the best way to attract followers. Once you get people hooked on your posts, they’ll stay with you all year round. So what are the best hashtags to use on Instagram this winter?
A Short Note on Hashtags
You can select up to 30 hashtags on each post. Why do you need so many?
Say you tag your video or photo with #snow. This tag has been used on over 73 million posts so far.
This means that your pictures would have extremely tough competition. #winter is even more prominent, as it has been used on over 99 million posts. Around 2 million posts come with the hashtag #snowy.
It’s perfectly fine to use some of these extremely popular tags on your post, but if you want to gain more followers, you should also add less popular hashtags. These will help you stand out in the crowd.
Your best strategy is to pile up a bunch of different hashtags, ranging from the popular to the obscure.
Other Well-Loved Snowy Hashtags
#coldday is an improvement over the above options, as it’s been used on 1.17 million posts so far. Only 24,000 posts have used #coldday with a snowflake emoji added at the end. Remember that emojis are treated like any other character on Instagram, so they change your hashtag completely.
Some Instagrammers enjoy using lone emojis as hashtags. The snowflake emoji has been used 866,000 times so far, which makes it a perfect choice. It is always a good idea to aim for widely-used tags with fewer than a million posts.
#winterwonderland is very evocative but too popular, with over 7 million posts. Adding a snowflake emoji narrows the post number down to around 31,000. If you’re into pop culture references, try #winteriscoming with and without the snowflake.
Hashtag Ideas:
#instawinter, #instaweather, #snowfall, #colddays, #winterdays, #winternights, #winternight, #wintersun, #snowedin, #wintertime, #snowflakes, #coldweather, #snowday, #snowwhite, #snowstorm, #frosty, #frosting, #frosted, #freezing, #snowing, #snowin
Add Locations to Your Winter Posts
If you’re doing nature photography, consider hashtags like #winterlandscape, which has been used 186,000 times so far. You can also opt for #winternature, #winterwildlife, or #winterphotography.
It is always a great idea to get more specific. Your city or general area might have a popular winter hashtag of its own. Using these is a great way to form Instagram connections.
It’s up to you to experiment with hashtags related to your location.
For example, #newyorkwinter is a good option or you could go with #newyorksnow. If the tags relating to your city are too obscure, try using your state instead.
In general, it’s better to put the name of your location at the beginning of the hashtag. For instance, #chicagowinter has 58,000 posts, while #winterchicago only has 817,000.
Hashtag Ideas:
#winterlandscapes, #winterphotoshoot, #winterphotos, #winterphoto, #winteranimals, #winterplants, #snowymountains, #snowycity, #snowylake, #snowyrooftops, #snowystreets, #eastcoastsnow, #eastcoastwinter, #westcoastwinter, #europewinter, #aussiesnow
Lifestyle, Sports, and Pets
Nature photography is always a huge hit on Instagram, but lifestyle photos can be even more successful.
Why not share your #winteroutfits with the world? #winterstyle is another excellent hashtag option, as it has been used 884,000 times.
The #wintermood hashtag encompasses anything from cute moments in the snow to interior decorating ideas. You can also use the #cozywinter, #beautifulsnow, or #winterlover tags to express your feelings.
How about something more dynamic?
#playinginthesnow has been used on around 88,500 posts. Kid pics and pet photos are a popular choice for this hashtag. #snowballs are another tag you should consider. If you opt for #snowbunnies, add a snowflake and a bunny emoji.
#sledding has been used on 693,000 posts, which makes it the perfect hashtag. #skiing is a little too popular, as it’s been used on 6.9 million posts. Consider using the skier emoji instead.
Don’t forget to tag your #winterholidays. Your followers may enjoy posts about your #christmasparty or they’ll want updates from your #snowvacation.
If you like blogging about your pet, this is the perfect time to do it. #snowdog has been used over 1.18 million times. #snowcat also has a respectable number of posts, as people have used it around 97,000 times.
Hashtag Ideas:
#winterlove, #snowbunny, #snowfun, #snowfunny, #snowgames, #snowman, #doyouwanttobuildasnowman, #snowmobile, #snowmobiles, #winterskating, #snowvacation #thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway, #snowdogs, #winterdog, #wintercat
A Final Thought
Winter is a great time to get creative with what you post. For example, the #iceart tag has been used on 43,000 posts and it covers both ice carvings and nature photos. You can also post about the #wintercrafts and #wintermeals that you’ve worked on.
Take the time to explore the hashtags used by other Instagrammers. It’s easy and fun to put a seasonal spin on your usual niche.
At the same time, this is the perfect chance to broaden your horizons. Try taking snow-themed photos outside of your usual style. Don’t hesitate to post a #snowselfie when you’re in the mood for it.
This is the season for New Year’s resolutions and bold new beginnings, so why not work on your Instagram presence, too? Start striking up conversations and put some extra thought into your hashtags.
Dog Hashtags – For your Furry Best Friend

If you happen to be a proud owner of the man’s best friend, you’re bound to understand the meaning of love, commitment, and unwavering loyalty very well, indeed! (Also, the concept of scooping up dog poop in public places shouldn’t be too foreign to you, either.)
Indeed, the tales of courage and devotion like no other quite often tend to include a dog- and this is certainly no coincidence!
From the famous Alsatian called Nemo A534 who took a bullet to the eye and snout for his owner during the war in Vietnam, thus saving his life, and then survived the incident to merrily bark for many more years, to the legend of a dog named Rex who allegedly saved Drug Tito, the Yugoslav president (meaning- Comrade Tito in rough translation), there seems to be no shortage of plucky canines in the historical records of humanity.
(Though, to be fair, no one can be quite sure if the whole ordeal with Tito really happened. You know how it is with these communist leaders- the stories can get quite outrageous at times.)
Anyway, dogs are a quite special kind of animal that deserves both our respect and admiration. Therefore, we have decided to make an article about what else- Instagram hashtags! (about dogs, in case you’re wondering).
Right then, without further ado, let’s dive straight into the lot!
The K9 Hashtags- A Whole Litter o’ Them!
Other than being tough, smart, and brave enough to bite the bullet for their owner in Vietnam, the man’s best friend also happens to be quite photogenic! Now, if you’ve got a doggo of your own and plan to spam cute (or, indeed, intimidating) photos of it on Instagram- you’ve come to the right place. In order to keep this list o’ hashtags all neat and clean, we’ve divided them up in several categories. Here’s what we’ve got for ya:
General Hashtags about Dogs
If it’s just a regular photo of your furry buddy you want to post, or perhaps a touching caption about the friendship between humans and dogs, using a stock dog-related hashtag can be a great way to start. Of course, you can always build upon these basics to make them even more interesting, unique, and friendly to the search engines.
#dogsofinsta #mustlovedogs #dogsrule #dogsofinstagram #dogchild #puppy #bestwoof #ILoveMyDog #dogsarethebest #floppyears
Outdoors-Related Hashtags
Nothing like a well-taken photo of a dog catching a Frisbee in mid-air. Or perhaps even better- a photo of a dog trying but failingto catch a Frisbee in mid-air! As we stated earlier, dogs are ridiculously photogenic, so as long as you’re not taking the picture with a calculator and the quality’s alright, you don’t need to worry if you’ll catch the right moment. So, if you do decide to take a picture of you and your dog having a blast in some outdoorsy activity or the other, add some of the following hashtags to spice it up even more:
#hikingwithdogs #walkies #happypup #dogsonadventures #getoutdoors #happydogs #Frisbeetime
Dog Training Hashtags
Training a dog can be one of the most fun experiences you two will have together, and unless the day’s training went really badly (The dog wouldn’t cooperate and kept the ball for itself.) it’d certainly be worthy of an Instagram post! Heck, even if did go badly it may still be interesting or chuckle-worthy to your followers. That’s the beauty of putting dogs on Instagram, really. Provided the animal is healthy and happy, you simply can’t possibly go wrong if you post a photo of it! Here are some hashtags in case you wanted to present what you two have learned and want some context for it:
#dogtraining #dogadventures #letsbefriends #properpup #atdogs #morningslikethese #thehappynow
Cheeky Dog Hashtags
If you fancy keeping it light ‘n’ funny, you can always post a photo of your dog caught in a bad position or otherwise munching on a slipper or something. The opportunities for a shot like this abound, so do exploit it fully! Once you’ve found the right photo for a post, complement it further with some of these hashtags:
#squishyfacecrew #awwfeed #ruffpost #woof #teamfloppyears #weeklyfluff #snortmonster
All in all, if dogs are talented for one thing, it’s Instagram, apparently. AND saving lives. So, Instagram and saving lives- there you have it. Whether you’d like to boast to your audience your latest training session with your furry pal or just want to make everyone chuckle by uploading a photo of a pug looking guilty, Instagram is a great place to do it.
Using the hashtags we offered, on the other hand, will make it possible for more people to see them! We hope you found this article helpful and wish you many cheeky and proud Instagram posts with your pet doggo!
Sibling Captions for Instagram – Celebrate your Brother or Sister

Having a sibling or siblings is one of the biggest blessings you can have in your life. Especially while you’re still a kid.
Disclaimer: Experience may vary depending on if you’re the older, the younger, or the one somewhere in the middle.
To clarify, the differences are but minute later on in life, but during the period where you’re anywhere from about 1 to, say, 15-ish is where they really count. For example, if you’re the younger kid, you may have to soldier on through some of the following mishaps (typically brought about by your older sibling):
- Constantly losing in roughhousing scuffles,
- Getting the blunt end of the stick when sharing candy,
- Having the aforementioned candy mysteriously disappear when you’re gone (Do suspect foul play here!),
- Getting only the rubbish-tasting candy from a multi-flavored bag o’ candy, and last but not least
- Being told you’re adopted.
Now, as bad as some of these may sound (especially the number 4!) these cheeky obstacles make a younger sibling a tough and scrappy person later on in life, so it’s all good at the end of the day. As for the older ones, the goal is to try NOT to be a horrible person further on into their adulthood.
(When it comes to sibling situations with more than two, the story can get just as unjust and messy!)
The bottom line here is – regardless of the years of teasing, torture, and raging rivalry, siblings are always there for each other and it’s their love that always wins after all! Well then, if you’d like to show your love for your siblings and particularly do it by engaging in the ancient art of writing captions on Instagram, you’ve come to the right place!
In this article, we’ll present to you a couple of examples of short but powerful sentences that beautifully illustrate this inseparable bond!
The Cheeky and Heartwarming Captions about Siblings
1. ‘Older siblings… The only people who will pick on you for their own entertainment and beat up anyone else who tries.’
Pretty self-explanatory, really. It’s just teasing, though – mostly verbal stuff. Though sometimes you can completely accidentally tell your younger brother a stove is about to explode in 60 seconds because mom put the timer on and she isn’t that fond of us.
2. ‘We are sisters. If I am mad at someone, you’re mad at them too. End of story.’
When sisters are in question, the evil pacts against the target person are as strong as the pluck of 100 enraged badgers! Should a boy once fancied become a figure of resentment for a girl, for example, and she happens to have sisters, the lad should understand the predicament he’s gotten himself into very well, indeed.
She’s got 5 sisters, does she? It’s 5 more stink eyes you’ll get at school, boy! (10! We meant 10 more stink eyes.)
3. ‘Yes, you were adopted! Mom told me.’
Ah, the oldest trick in the book! Soul-crushing and devastating for the younger sibling, and wondrous and evil laughter-inducing for the older one. (The magic lasts only until the mom finds out though. Then the aforementioned emotions tend to revert for the sibling involved.)
4.‘Having lots of siblings is like having built-in best friends.’ – Kim Kardashian
Turns out, every once in a full moon, Kim Kardashian tends to open her mouth and produce something meaningful. Having been blessed with a bunch of sisters, the plump-bottomed celebrity surely knows what it means to have their support and love from the age she learned how to walk! (For the record, this statement still counts even if you don’t have a lot of siblings. Just a few should do the trick.)
5. ‘Sibling relationships are complicated. All family relationships are. Just look at Hamlet.’ – Maurice Saatchi
Spoiler alert! As you may probably know, Shakespeare’s Hamlet didn’t exactly end well for, well pretty much everyone involved, and the majority of the characters were related. Now, we don’t propose you further messages of disagreement and fighting between the brothers and sisters, but squabbles do tend to happen every once in a while.
To turn this regular occurrence into a hefty Instagram caption, use the afore-cited cheeky quote from mister Saatchi himself! Bonus points for making people think you’ve read Hamlet! (Good on you if you actually did.)
Bottom line – ‘All’s well that ends well!’- to quote the great bard we mentioned above. Even though they squabble, argue, and otherwise make each other’s lives miserable, at the end of the day, siblings love each other and will do so till the end of their days!
We hope these captions inspired you to upload something smart or funny to your Instagram account. So, good luck with your views, charts, and whatnot, and cheers!
Snapchat Ideas to Keep Your Streak Alive

Social media platforms have seen a major shift in popularity in recent years. While Facebook has become obsolete for most millennials and Instagram is still somewhat holding on, Snapchat seems to hit the sweet spot among younger generations. It does so by providing its young audiences with unique features which older folks either don’t get or simply don’t care about.
All About the Snapstreak
There are many ways you can be cool on Snapchat, but apparently you will be extremely popular if you earn yourself a Snapstreak. In order to do so, you and one of your friends need to send each other snaps at least once a day for three days straight. Keep in mind that chatting doesn’t count. When you do that, both of you will be awarded with a fire emoji placed right next to your names.
If the streak continues, there will be a number added next to the fire emoji, signifying the length of your streak. When you are four hours from losing the streak, an hourglass emoji will appear next to your names. If either one of you fails to send the other one a snap within 24 hours of your last exchange, you will both lose your streaks.
If you’re looking for ways to keep your streak alive, here are a few methods that could help.
Method 1 – Put Your Snapstreak Friends on Top
This may not be the easiest method, but is definitely one that will provide results. As you may know, Snapchat has a “Best Friends” feature that tracks your activity and puts the people you most frequently snap with at the top of your “My Friends” and “Send To” lists.
When you’re trying to keep multiple streaks alive, you need to be aware of the fact that not all of your friends will be trying the same and that at least a few will not be sharing your enthusiasm. In order to make it all work, friends whom you’re trying to keep your streaks with need to be separated from those who are sorted as your Best Friends.
This will save you a lot of time and you will not have to keep sifting through your friend lists looking for those you want to keep your streak alive with.
This method involves renaming all those friends that have an ongoing streak with you.
Step1– Swipe right to access your contacts.
Step 2 – Tap on the search button to search for friends.
Step3 – Edit each friend’s name by adding “Aaa” at the beginning of the name.
This way, your Snapstreak friends’ names will be first in alphabetical order and will thus appear at the top of your Friends list whenever you want to send a snap.
Method 2 – Make Snapstreak Part of Your Morning Routine
You can keep a nice streak by being nice to your friends! How about setting an alarm, waking up early, and then sending a nice, personalized message as a sweet way of saying “Good morning”?
First of all, if you do so, you won’t have to think about keeping the streak alive again until the next morning. On top of this, your friend will probably be motivated to snap back immediately, as it is rather nice to start a day like that.
This is probably the easiest method, but you should still try to be as creative as possible because redundant and half-witted messages don’t usually prompt a response.
Method 3 – Ask Snapchat to Double-Check Your Snapstreak
This last method will only work if you are completely sure that you’ve sent a snap within the last 24 hours, but lost your streak regardless. It requires a bit more effort since you’ll have to get in touch with Snapchat support. Here’s how to do it:
Step 1 – When this occurs, you need to go to the Snapchat Support page and select “My Snapchat isn’t working”.
Step 2 – On the next page, select the option labeled “Snapstreaks”.
Step 3 – Carefully read the guidelines on the next page and click on “Yes” next to the “Still need help?” option.
Step 4 – Fill out the form that will include your username, the username of a friend you share your streak with, and the length of your last streak. Submit the form and the Support will contact you within a day. If everything works out fine, your last streak will be restored.
As you can see, keeping your streak alive on Snapchat isn’t an easy task, but the methods described in this article can help you simplify it. Also, if you lose your streak despite regularly exchanging snaps with your Snapstreak friend, you might be able to restore it if you get in touch with Snapchat support.
Snapchat Ideas to Send to Your Girl

In every relationship, little things can make a big difference. With today’s technology it is easier than ever to stay connected to our loved ones. Moreover, we can express our emotions through social media.
There are many apps out there that allow us to do this. One of the most widely used is Snapchat. With Snapchat, you can share moments of your day with your loved ones in a fun and creative way.
Here we’re going to focus on fun and romantic snaps that you can send to your girlfriend. Every girl likes to know that she’s on someone else’s mind, and what better way to show your girl that she’s on your mind than surprising her inbox with creative snaps?
If you don’t have any ideas about this, we’ve got you covered. Here are some great ideas that you can use:
1. Let Her Know That You’re Thinking About Her
Randomly letting your girl know that you’re thinking about her is one of the best ways to make her smile. Especially if she’s having a bad day, this is guaranteed to cheer her up. It takes just a moment of your time but it can make her entire day.
Snapchat gives you a number of different ways to show your girl that she’s on your mind. You can use all kinds of filters that she’ll love, so feel free to experiment with them.
Using BitMoji is a great way to personalize your messages if you’re not big on taking selfies. It lets you create avatar that you can share in your snaps. You can express all kinds of emotions with it, so it’s definitely a useful addition to the snaps that you send to your girl.
2. Invite Her to a Game of Truth or Dare.
Truth or dare?
This is a fun way to spend time with your girl if you’re not together at the moment. This game allows you to choose a question, or a dare, and send it to your girl. When she sees it, she has to take a photo or a video of herself answering the question, or doing the dare.
There are all kinds of different questions and dares to choose from, so there’s no doubt that you’ll have a ton of fun doing this, and you might even find out something new about each other. Aside from this, there are also other games that you can play that will keep you and your girl connected.
3. Send Her Photos From Your Trips
Being away from each other can be hard for both you and your girlfriend. In these situations, letting her know that you miss her is important. What you should do is take a nice picture and then add some stickers or write a caption saying that you wish she was with you.
This way, you’ll raise her mood and miss each other less. So whenever you’re separated for a longer time, make sure to let she know that you’re thinking about her while you’re away.
4. Create a Selfie Mix
A selfie mix is another neat Snapchat feature that will allow you to create memories your girl will love. It allows you to take selfies with a theme that is written at the bottom of each frame and create a collage of your pictures.
You can use different themes and captions and add your avatars or selfies. There are many creative ways that you can use this feature, so go for the ones that you know your girl will like. This way, you can have pictures with different expressions and in different situations so it’s a great way to capture your favorite moments.
5. Invite Her Over for Breakfast
A majority of girls like it when their guy cooks for them. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just a simple breakfast will do the trick. If you can’t cook at all, you can also find some of her favorite breakfast foods and buy them. Whatever the case may be, there’s no doubt that she’ll love the breakfast invitation.
It shows that you think about her, and this kind of small surprise is much appreciated. This snap will give her day a great start and she won’t be able to resist coming over.
6. Wish Her Good Night
After a long day, there are very few things that are as good as a good night snap at showing that you think about your girl. If she’s not sleeping at your place, this snap can be perfect for wishing your girl good night. Snapchat lets you choose among many filters and stickers that you can use for this, so there are many possibilities.
Seriously, is there any doubt that your girl will appreciate the gesture? You can also take a selfie and let her know that you wish she was with you now. Whichever way you decide to go, this is one of the best Snapchat ideas that you can send to your girl.
The Final Word
There are many great ways on Snapchat to let your girl know that you’re thinking about her. Of course, there are a lot more features that you can use and these are only some of the foolproof ideas that will put a smile on her face.
Snapchat continuously adds new features that let you express yourself, so the number of possibilities will only go up. There will be many more ideas to experiment with, so get creative and keep thinking about ways to keep your girl happy.
Cute Captions for Your Instagram Photos

Need to boost your following? If you’re seeing a slump in “likes” and followers, it may be your captions that are the culprit. Because even though Instagram’s main creative expression is photos, the caption may still make or break your postings.
If posting cute captions for your photos is your thing, check out these tips to give your copy a facelift. Think of it as a refresher course to fine-tune your captions and stimulate your creativity.
1. “Draft” is Not a Bad Word
Whether you write copy for a living, or casually post ideas as they occur, you should know that writing drafts is always a good idea. It doesn’t have to be an all-day process, but you may find that the clever tidbit you were going to include is not so clever when you put it down on paper.
Rather than racing to post, sit on your caption for a little bit instead. Let it percolate, and then come back to it in a few minutes. That extra time could save you from posting a caption that you thought was cute but end up falling despairingly flat.
2. Keep it Short
There’s a time to write wordy narratives, but sometimes your captions aren’t it. Try to be short and concise if possible. If you’re branding yourself with a “cute” voice, your followers may not want to read long accounts explaining your photo. On the other hand, don’t be so short that they can read your entire caption in their feed either.
3. Be Personable and Engaging
You are a unique person, so let it shine through your words. It may seem like there is a great divide between you and your followers, so close that distance. Let them see you as a real human. Relatability may be the way to keep people coming back for more.
How do you engage Instagram users? Share stories, or ask questions. Create a community dialogue between you and your readers.
4. Be Consistent
Whether you realize it or not, you are creating a brand. This persona is what gets people to read, like, share, and follow you. So, figure out who you are on social media and run with it. Your persona will make you stand out from everyone else and leave your audience coming back for more.
Do you have to pick one brand and stick with it? In a sense, you do. But brands are multi-layered so it’s okay to incorporate different personality facets into your brand. Just remember to be consistent when you’re posting or you may alienate some followers who were attracted to your brand in the first place.
5. Call Them Out Using CTAs
Did you know that including a call-to-action is a great way to get people to engage? It can be as simple as a “tag! you’re it! tag someone else” action. Or, asking them a question. What you really want to do is invite them into your Instagram space. Anything that gets users to do something after reading your captions works.
Do you have to include these calls for every caption? No, and it could get tedious. However, including different types of calls-to-action like these can inspire your followers to interact with you and each other more often:
- Tag a friend
- Answer a question
- Clicking your bio
- Comment on a subject
- Enter a contest
6. Use Emojis
Are you using emojis in your captions? If you’re not, you may want to start. Aside from the fact that everyone loves them, they also add a bit of personality to your captions. Consider replacing words or ideas with an emoji instead. Or, break up longer captions with a little splash of emoji color.
You can also use emojis to draw attention to certain parts of your caption. Do you want your followers to do something? Make your call-to-action stand out with an emoji.
7. To Quote, or Not to Quote
Do you post quotes for your Instagram? Popular opinions about posting quotes are divided. They can boost engagement if used strategically, but some people flat out don’t like them.
How do you know if you should use them? There’s no easy answer to that. If you like them, you should use them, but be smart about it. Make sure your quotes further your brand or mission goal. Are you positive and inspirational? Are you ironic and witty? Followers like your brand voice already, so try to be consistent, even with quotes.
In addition, try to take the right photo to go with the quote. That’s right, take the photo yourself if possible. It adds a certain personal element that’s lacking in all-too-perfect stock photos.
8. Do you Hashtag?
If you aren’t already including hashtags, you really should start. Check out the top Instagram hashtags that already have an engaged community behind it. Finding niche hashtags may yield you more engaged users, too.
In addition, don’t save your hashtags for the end of your caption. You can integrate them anywhere in the post, so use that to your advantage. Because hashtags are a different color, you may also want to use them as a highlight to bring emphasis to certain parts of your caption.
Just remember not to include too many of them. You don’t want to look spammy and scare off users.
9. Add Mentions
Social media is all about community, so boost your activity by mentioning other Instagram users. Adding mentions can create instant love from each other’s audiences and open each other up for new followers. As an added bonus, it creates a sense of validation for users to receive a mention. After all, who doesn’t want to be recognized?
10.Keep the Important Stuff Up Front
Finally, keep the most important information near the front of your caption. User feeds cut off after a few lines of text, so you want your important info listed first. Have a contest? Want to play tag? Mention that near the beginning of your text so users are intrigued and need to click “more”.
Writing Instagram captions has become a serious business, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun. Just remember the simple tips when writing, and let your brand shine through. And when in doubt, sit on that draft for a little while. You may find a cuter cleverer way of getting your idea across if you give yourself some time.