Healthy New Stuff

An Introduction to Tantric Sex and Why You Need to Try It

What is Tantric Sex? According to sex therapist, tantra teacher, and relationship coach Jacqueline Hellyer, Tantra focuses on the sexual practices and philosophies of certain ancient societies including the Indian Tantrics and the Taoists of ancient China, who viewed and studied sex as “both an art and a science.” Hellyer explains that as our limited western views and experiences on sex have started to grow and expand, we’ve realized we’ve been lacking and started seeking out something new and different for ourselves.Tantra fulfills this seeking. Tantric sex relies upon our being present, in this moment, in the here and now…

What Occurs During a Woman’s Monthly Follicular Phase?

What is the “follicular phase” of a woman’s cycle, and why should she care about it? Out of the four phases of the overall menstrual cycle, the follicular phase comes second, after the menstrual phase, and leads directly into ovulation. It normally comprises days 1-14 of an average28-day cycle. Three primary areas comprise the focus of the activity during this phase, which include 1. ovogenesis (translation: generating of the ovum, or producing the egg), 2. production of estrogen, and 3. determination of the length of the rest of the cycle. A follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH, increases in the woman’s blood early in the days…

Conquering the Pigeon Pose

Conquering the Pigeon Pose

Are you interested in conquering the pigeon pose? If you are a fellow yogi or enjoy practicing yoga, you should know the basics of the pigeon pose. The pigeon pose is also known by its Sanskrit name, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. When the pose is done correctly, your hips begin to open up and you will feel a nice, deep stretch. There are several variations of the pigeon pose, including the sleeping pigeon pose, modified versions of the pigeon pose, and grabbing your foot from behind while staying in the pigeon pose. In order to conquer all variations of pigeon pose,…

The Top Health Benefits of the Life-Changing Coffee Enema

  The odd-sounding but health-promoting coffee enema, while new to most of us, is not a new concept at all We’ve previously discussed coffee enemas, which were popularized by Dr. Max Gerson’s cancer-fighting diet regimen of the 1920’s. A method through which toxic bile is eliminated via the liver, coffee enemas have been tested endoscopically and found to produce near immediate results. Simply explained, coffee enemas disrupt the colon walls’ collecting of toxins, which in turn prevents the liver from absorbing the toxins. By activating a sluggish liver this way, the small intestine is alkalinized and digestion is enhanced, while the astringency…

What is a Lentil?

What is a Lentil?

What is a lentil exactly? Lentils vary in color, shape and size. They are pulses, or more specifically there are dried seeds of legumes. Although they are similar to split peas, lentils are more various because they come in several colors and sizes. In fact, lentils can range from the color red to green to even black, all of which are different shapes and sizes. If you are interested in consuming lentils, there are many health benefits like being low in calories and high in nutrition. Lentils are especially beneficial for those of you who are interested in becoming vegetarians.…

Practicing Baby And Me Yoga

Practicing Baby & Me Yoga

Baby yoga usually involves a parent practicing yoga with his or her child. If you are interested in baby yoga, then follow the suggested poses below. Here are some tips and yoga poses to practice with your baby. Of course exercise is important for your overall health, but how can you find time to exercise when you have a little one constantly by your side? Baby yoga is a great to exercise both your mind and body while staying connected with your baby. You are able to bond with your child on a physical and spiritual level while practicing baby…

Crow Pose: Simple Steps and Tips

Crow Pose: Simple Steps and Tips

Are you interested in yoga? Do you want to learn how to conquer the crow pose? Here are some simple steps and tips for accomplishing the crow pose. Also known as the crane pose, crow pose tends to be the first arm balance pose introduced to yoga students. Because the crow pose is a foundational pose for other arm balances, it is important to first learn the basics in order to accomplish other and more difficult poses. The Sanskrit name for the crow (crane) pose is Bakasana. The pose requires strength and balance, and it is known for strengthening the…

Find Morning Sickness Relief With These Remedies

Find Morning Sickness Relief With These Remedies

Are you struggling with morning sickness? You may want to try using some natural morning sickness remedies. These remedies are perfect if nothing else has worked for you. Morning sickness usually occurs in the morning, hence the term. However, feelings of nausea and vomiting can also happen at different times during the day or even at night. Usually, morning sickness is worse during your first pregnancy and during the sixth to twelfth weeks. It tends to be caused by a number of things (though not necessarily all of them at once): hormonal change, low levels of blood sugar, stress or…

Is Sourdough Bread Gluten Free?

Is Sourdough Bread Gluten Free?

For those of your who are trying to reduce your gluten intake, sourdough bread may be an excellent option for you. Sourdough bread is known for helping your gut with beneficial bacteria. Before we discuss the benefits of sourdough bread, let us first look at gluten intolerance and the factors that affect your intolerance. What is gluten? Breaking gluten down by its proteins, it has two categories in grain: the glutelins and the prolamins. However, in wheat the glutelins and the prolamins are glutenin and gliadin. The protein gliadin is commonly known as the main cause of gluten intolerance. Enzymes…

The Core-Strengthening Bridges Workout

    Bridge exercises build a strong core – and that’s great news for everyone, especially those with back problems! If you’re ready for a workout that targets and builds your core strength and stability, then say no more. We’ve got you – and the Bridge exercises we’ve gathered will have you strong and centered in no time! According to the Consumer Health Digest, your whole core benefits from the standard Bridge exercise, including your back and hips, not just the glutes and hamstrings you’d expect. And since the core is vital for holding your organs in place and controlling the limbs,…

How to treat hypothyroidism naturally

Have you ever wondered if maybe you have a slow metabolism, or perhaps hypothyroidism? Well according to Dr. Axe, these types of questions are not rare at all. And if estimates are correct on his website, 13 million sufferers of hypothyroidism are undiagnosed right now. So what can be done? The thyroid gland is located in the center of your lower neck and has a huge list of responsibilities.  Not only does it regulate body temperature and control your metabolic rate, but Dr. Axe states that it also “produces a hormone which impacts every cell, tissue and organ in the body.”…

Should I Get a Yoni Massage?

Could you benefit from a yoni massage? As discussed previously, yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning “womb”, “uterus”, “vagina”, “sacred space,” “sacred temple,” etc, and is associated with the Hindu Goddess Shakti and the Divine Feminine. A yoni massage, as recognized in the tantra, regards the female genitalia as a sacred temple. Yoni massage can be conducted for several reasons, including healing and releasing tension and stress held in the yoni, cervix and uterus from either trauma or suppressed sexuality or sexual energy, or for learning about owning one’s sexuality  Other reasons can include creating pleasure, learning how to orgasm, healing pain or…

Healthy Tips