Some Cool Username Ideas for TikTok

If you’ve been around on the internet for awhile, you probably have a preferred username that you use across all of your interactive platforms. As with every other outlet, your TikTok username is your brand. For many of this, just means that it’s easier for our friends to find us, but if you’re good enough to monetize on the site, or count yourself as a Social Media Influencer, this could be a big deal. But what do you do if your usual username is already taken in TikTok? What if you want to fly under the radar with something a little different? What if you’re just ready for a bold new change? In these cases, you have some thinking to do. It’s tough to come up with cool usernames for TikTok, but don’t worry- I have your back.
Generating TikTok Usernames
Choosing usernames for any game, website, clan or online identity is always a challenge. That’s especially true if you’re late to the party. Just like recess equipment, most of the cooler options will already be in use. In fact, if you have a common name, your real name may already be in use. That means you’re going to have to start an online brawl (messy: not recommended!) or get creative.
If you have set your sights on making money from TikTok, you have to be a little more careful. It needs to describe you, be unique, be marketable and not offensive to anyone in any language. If your username is even slightly risky, no brand or agent will touch you unless you change it. If you’re planning on using TikTok as a Social Media Influencer, you also need to take into consideration what your brand or persona is going to be, and make sure your name aligns with that purpose, making it easier for users to find you, and for brands to buy into your expertise.
Just consider the target audience and future plans for TikTok. If you’re content to use it as a bit of fun and nothing else, you can call yourself whatever you like.
Here are a few ways to come up with cool usernames for TikTok.
Use your own name
Use your own name or a version of it. If your full name is long, unpronounceable or doesn’t look right on an app, shorten it, change it or use a version of it. If it’s short or already taken, add special characters or modify it in another way. Using your real name keeps it familiar to you, plus, your fans will feel closer to you and brands will be more embracing of a real-feeling, real-sounding user.
Let’s say your name is Hecate Taylor. You could try HecateTaylor, or HecateETaylor, or get a little creative. HeyCatTaylor, or HecateTheTaylor can be variations that are a little more fun that just your name.
Collect cool words and names
I like to keep a scratchpad by my computer to collect cool names I see online, words I like the look or sound of and any characters I come across while on the internet or watching TV. That way I have a steady supply of words and information to use when it comes to generating usernames for all kinds of things. Other benefits of collecting words include: Understanding obscure references, winning at crossword puzzles, and enriching your daily vocabulary.
Collecting usernames, words and characters you like the look and sound of as you’re online is a great way to generate a username when you need one. There is no pressure at the time, you have the idea right in front of you and you will quickly grow quite the collection of words and names. Try not to be the jerk that steals someone’s well-used username and online identity, but there are ways to incorporate elements that you like without being a thief. For example, say you see a username somewhere else that involves the words “operaglasses.” Your favorite color is orange, so put it together and become OrangeOperaGlasses.
You do need to plan ahead though so get yourself a pad right now and start right away.
Use hobbies and interests
Your hobbies and interests could provide great fodder for cool usernames- especially if you’re going to be using your influence in that area. Depending on what that hobby is, there could be a lot of scope for using it or any interests you may have. For example, if you’re really into dog training, your username could include references to dogs, specific breeds, specific tricks you train, or even your very best pupper’s name. Look at the wide-spread cultural phenomenon of “Sit, Ubu, Sit.” That could be you and your username!
Use a foreign language
Some languages offer amazing scope for generating usernames. For Americans, Latin-based languages work best, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and others for example. Just makes sure of the translation and spelling and double check it. Don’t just run it through a regular translator- check it out on slang sites like Urban Dictionary, too. You don’t want to come up with a cool sounding name in another language only to find out it’s rude, offensive or lame in that language!
In the dog trainer example, you might want to be careful that you don’t call someone a mother dog in their mother tongue. However, you could go with a translation of “SitStayHeel.” If you’re curious, it’s AssisResteAuPied in French. Yes, this requires a bit of Googling, but hey, what’s a few extra minutes of double-checking when it comes to building your brand?
Use online name generators
If you struggle to come up with cool usernames, you’re not alone. Most of us have this problem at one point or another and come up against the same challenge. Our name is taken or doesn’t fit, our hobbies won’t work and all the cool names we can think of are all taken. It could be a simple creativity block, or frustration from typing in name after name after name, only to find they’re taken.
Jimpix, name-generator.org, Rum and Monkey, SpinXO, Name Generator Fun or Fake Name Generator are all examples of online name generators that offer half decent options. As the example from SpinXO shows, you can add some information to customize your username options, so it’s not just spitting letters and numbers at you.
Random moments
Then again, maybe you are feeling random. Maybe your parents’ initials and the day you moved into your current home are the way to go. There’s a certain air of mystery behind being CCFEMF080808, right? Plus, you’ll never forget those particular digits. You may have also seen internet memes that say something like “the thing to your immediate right is what you’ll use to fight the zombie apocalypse.” What if the thing to your immediate right is your new TikTok username? Welcome to TikTok, OrangePlasticCup!
How to change your TikTok username
Now you have come up with a decent username, it’s time to make the change. If you already have a TikTok account, follow these quick steps:
- Open Tik Tok and log in.
- Select Edit Profile from your profile page.
- Select your username as the field to edit.
- Type your new username into the box.
- Select Save when complete.
If the username is available it will be changed. If the name is already taken, TikTok will tell you and you’ll have to select another.
Selecting a username for any online account is tough. When that account is part of a billion strong online community from across the world, it becomes another level of tough. You’re up to the challenge though and with these ideas you should come up with something awesome in no time!
Got any other ideas for generating cool usernames for TikTok? How do you come up with yours? Tell us about it below!
A List of Clever Instagram Captions

Instagram, the social media platform for sharing pictures and videos with the world, has exploded in popularity, becoming one of the top app contenders in the world with over a billion monthly users. Despite its humble beginnings as a place for friends to share fun images with one another, it has now evolved into a full-fledged social network. Instagram models and influencers are a cultural phenomenon, and an enormous amount of selling is done on the site.
While Instagram takes the world by storm, the basic principals remain the same as the day the app was launched: users upload photos or videos, and add silly and fun captions that relate to their followers. But what if you’ve got a great photo to share, and absolutely no idea how to workshop a caption to give it that witty edge? Fear not – we’re here to help inspire you with some clever and captivating captions.
Standing out from the crowd on Instagram isn’t easy, but the best way to do it is to post a compelling image along with an interesting caption. Sure, you could scour the internet for hours to find the absolute best caption, or wait for inspiration to strike you. Heck, you can even hire a freelancer if you want. But why not use and abuse these ideas that we have carefully compiled right here?! Just scroll through until you find the perfect caption to give your visual story that perfect edge!
Clever Instagram captions
“Clever” is a good thing. Clever means you know how to turn a phrase, twist a word, and make magic with just a few simple words. Here are some phrases you can use to engage audiences; when paired with the perfect photo, you’ll have Instagram magic!
- The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – that’s all that matters. Oh, and good hair days.
- Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once. On the other hand, some things happen over and over again until you finally tell them to stop, change your phone number, and move to another town.
- I myself never feel that I’m sexy. If people call me cute, I am concerned for their well-being.
- Women drivers rev my engine.
- You know why I trust foodies? Because life is so bland without them!
- Sometimes, all you attract is fuzz and pet hair.
- I must destroy you with hugs and kisses.
- Stop looking for happiness in the same place you just lost it.
- I woke up like this. Then I took a shower, did my hair and make-up, walked around the house to find perfect lighting, and took this picture.
- If only Cher had really discovered how to turn back time…
- Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing. Besides, most people find smiling suspicious.
- Beauty is power, a smile is its sword, and high heels can be used as a weapon.
- This picture is my autobiography.
- I used to have class… then I graduated.
- Don’t take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive.
- Chilling like a gangster. Gangsters wear pyjamas too, right?
- It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. Unless you’re talking about days off work, and then, the more you have, the happier you are.
- Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
- I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.- Thomas Paine
- It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.- Leonardo da Vinci
- Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless. Just ask your boyfriend to run to the store for you, and you’ll see what I mean.
- When I feel a little down, I put on my favorite high heels and dance. Or clean the house. #priorities
- You think this is a game?
- Weekend, please don’t leave me.
- Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not strong enough. Anyone can be strong when you throw a chainsaw into the mix.
- Be who and what you want, period.
- Stay strong, the weekend is coming!
- You play Call of Duty? That’s cute.
- You’re doing it wrong. We’re all doing it wrong. Wait… what were we doing?
- Don’t be like the rest of them, darling. And also don’t be like me… that’s my job.
- I wasn’t lucky, I deserved it.
- Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy… or at least looks good on Instagram.
- The question isn’t can you, it’s will you remember you were supposed to?
- What do you think of the view?
- I liked memes before they were on Instagram.
- That moment when you realize your childhood is over.
- Friday, my second favorite F word.
- I’ll never try to fit in. I was born to STAND OUT!
Lyrical Instagram captions
If you can’t think of something compelling, use the words of others. Song lyrics are always a good choice, because hey, who doesn’t love some solid tunes? Check out these lyrical masterpieces for your Instagram account!
- I’m here for a good time not a long time.- Trooper
- I can’t really see another squad tryna cross us.- Drake
- I’m up right now and you suck right now. -Drake
- No new friends. – DJ Khaled
- Where you movin’? I said onto better things. -Drake
- Know yourself, know your worth.-Drake
- Make the most out of tonight, and worry ‘bout it all tomorrow. -Drake
- I’m way up, I feel blessed. -Big Sean
- I cannot see heaven being much better than this. -Big Sean
- Live for today, plan for tomorrow, party tonight. -Drake
- I’mma sip it ‘til i feel it, I’mma smoke it ‘til it’s done. -Drake
- My excuse is that I’m young. -DJ Khaled
- I live for the nights that I can’t remember with the people that I won’t forget. -Drake
- And you always had it, but you never knew. -The Killers
- Half of the time we’re gone and we don’t know where. – Simon & Garfunkel
- When I look at the television I want to see me, staring right back at me. -Counting Crows
(Do you like music? Check out our list of Instagram captions for concerts!)
Amusing Instagram captions
A sense of humor really makes you stand out. And with Instagram, a sense of humor can go a long way towards encouraging your audience to engage with your posts!
- I think you’ve got a deficiency of Vitamin Me!
- When Instagram was down, I ran around town shouting “like” at flowers, dogs, and expensive brunches.
- Say “Beer Can” with a British accent. I just taught you to say “Bacon” with a Jamaican accent.
- I don’t always do what I ought to, but when I do, I don’t.
- One in a million? So you’re telling me I have a chance…
- Fitness? How about “fitness post into my day when I already have 500 other things I’ve procrastinated on doing?”
- I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens!
- Yea, dating is cool but have you ever had stuffed crust pizza?
- Give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt…
- So, you’re on Instagram? You must be an amazing photographer.
- Onions make me sad. A lot of people don’t realize that.
- Oh you’re a model? What’s your agency, Instagram?
- If a dentist makes their money from unhealthy teeth, why would I trust a product 4/5 of them recommend?
- I didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose me.
- Weekend, please don’t leave me!
- Need an ark? I Noah guy…
- What if I told you, you can eat without posting it on Instagram.
- I need a six month holiday, twice a year.
- If I was funny, I would have written a really good Instagram caption.
- I don’t always surf the internet, but when I do, eyebrows!
- A blind man walks into a bar… And a chair… and a table…
- I had fun once, and now it’s on my permanent record.
(This is just a sampler…see our full list of funny Instagram captions!)
Great movie one-liners for Instagram captions
For the cinephile, using a classic movie quote is a great way to get your love of film across.
- Go ahead, make my day. -Sudden Impact
- Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape.- Planet of the Apes
- Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night! -All About Eve
- You talkin’ to me? -Taxi Driver
- Show me the money! -Jerry McGuire
- Houston, we have a problem. -Apollo 13
- I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. -A Streetcar Named Desire
- Round up the usual suspects. -Casablanca
- I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore! -Network
- I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too! -The Wizard of Oz
- You had me at ‘hello’. -Jerry McGuire
- There’s no crying in baseball! – A League of Their Own
- You can’t handle the truth! -A Few Good Men
- Tell ’em to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper. -Knute Rockne, All American
- Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death! -Auntie Mame
- I’m the king of the world! -Titanic
- Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. -Forrest Gump
- Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. -The Wizard of Oz
- Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. -The Godfather 2
- What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. -Cool Hand Luke
Romantic Instagram captions
Romance tends to be a bit serious, but here are some true love words that are witty enough to share without making your audience roll their eyes at the mushiness!
- There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.
- No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star.
- Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
- We accept the love we think we deserve. Also, an excellent taste in restaurants helps.
- A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul. Personally, I’d be lucky to make The People of Walmart.
- Morning without you is a dwindled dawn… mostly because I don’t know how to work this coffee machine.
- Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
- True love stories never have endings… they just get stuck doing laundry forever.
- We love the things we love for what they are.
- All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
- Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet.
- If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything. But you’re going to have really get her going if you leave the bathroom a mess.
- What is love? It is the morning and the evening star.
- Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. I’m talking about pizza, by the way.
- Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it. Especially if you didn’t bring a jacket.
- If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.
- You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Especially that dream where you’re naked in school, and you didn’t study for an exam, and suddenly there are monkeys… .
- Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
(Check out our list of Instagram boyfriend captions. Or these I-love-you-more-than captions. Or if it didn’t work out, our list of Instagram captions for your ex.)
Sarcastic Instagram captions
Sarcasm often doesn’t translate in text, especially when you’re the wittiest person you know. Take a look at these captions, and be sure to add the /s tag, unless you have an exceptionally brilliant audience!
- Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
- If had a dollar for every smart thing you say, I’d be poor.
- I feel so miserable without you, it’s almost like having you here.
- I have two speeds. If you don’t like this one, you’re definitely not going to like the other one.
- I love sarcasm. It’s like punching people in the face but with words.
- Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand.
- Young people think that money is everything. Old people know that this is correct.
- I can’t come to work today. I have to stare at the ceiling and question every decision I’ve ever made.
- Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.
- If at first you don’t succeed, maybe skydiving isn’t your sport.
- If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
- Thinking I’m a moron gives people something to feel smug about. Why should I disillusion them?
- My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems.
- I don’t take orders. I barely take suggestions.
- People who act like they know everything are very annoying to those of us who do.
- I’m not always a smartass. Sometimes I’m asleep.
- You’d have a big ego too, if you were as great as I am.
Got any other clever Instagram captions you want to share? Post them below!
Short and Sweet Love Poems to Send Through Text

Want to say something but don’t know how? Couldn’t think of a sweet message for Valentine’s or other romantic occasion? Need inspiration to say it with words but cannot find your own? This list of love poems short enough to send through text is here to help.
I have scoured the internet looking for the sweetest, most meaningful short love poems I could find. Each says something in a slightly different way and are brief enough for SMS and can add a little romance into everyone’s life.
Love poems to send through text
These are not my own work, I have just collected what I think are some of the most romantic love poems to send through text.
- You’re the type of person that makes forever seem too short.
- Depending on whether you are with me or away from me, I feel that I have everything or nothing. I love you.
- Our love is like wine. It grows deeper as it ages, adds flavor when paired, tastes intense, and is worth preserving until the end of time.
- Loving you once is not enough. Loving you twice is too tough. Loving you thrice doesn’t seem right. But loving you innumerable times with all my might. Is the perfect thing to do. I am never tired of loving you.
- I’m a lover not a fighter, but I’ll fight for what i love.
- Two bodies one feeling, two minds one thought, two lips one kiss, two hearts one love.
- You put the smile on my face, the sparkle in my eyes and the beat in my heart!
- It’s amazing how one person can make my worst day incredibly perfect! Love you!
- The only regret I have is not knowing you since the day I was born
- I finally got my past, present and future tenses correct today. I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever!
- My love for you is like the raging sea, So powerful and deep it will forever be. Through storm, wind, and heavy rain, It will withstand every pain.
- A million stars up in the sky. One shines brighter – I can’t deny. A love so precious, a love so true, a love that comes from me to you.
- Why are you so beautiful? Why do you take my breath away? How did I get so lucky? How are you perfect in every single way?
- You’re my sun on a cloudy day. You’re my umbrella on a rainy day. You’re my everything what can I say. You’re in my mind each and every day.
- Is the sun following you, by any chance? There’s bright light wherever I see you. You must be the sunshine of my life. I love you.
- She had the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen, and it took only her laugh to realize, that beauty was the least of her.
- You are always ticking inside of me and I dream of you more often than I don’t.
- I keep myself busy with the things I do. But every time I pause, I still think of you.
- A special place for you and me, an undying bond to guide us free. Loneliness blocking the day, our Love lighting the way.
- When I say I love you, please believe it’s true. When I say forever, know I’ll never leave you. When I say goodbye, promise me you won’t cry, because the day I’ll be saying that will be the day I die.
- Beauty isn’t seen by eyes. It’s felt by hearts, recognized by souls, in the presence of love.
- I met you by chance, but I love you by choice. I rest in your eyes, and you have become my voice. You give my heart solace, blurring out all the noise. You have given me a hundred reasons to rejoice.
- You look at me as if I’m the only girl around. You make me feel important and never let me down.
- I just want you to know how much I care, and that you’re always in my thoughts when I can’t be there. As you can clearly see, you mean the world to me.
- When the time comes that I can’t smile anymore, don’t worry, I will know what to do: just think of you. No one else could ever make me as happy as the way you do.
- If only you knew what you mean to me. If only my heart could speak, then it could tell you how much l love you.
- You and me are one of a kind. You and me are a perfect kind. We can’t do everything forever. But I wish we could do everything together.
- I know I have an angel. She was sent from heaven above. To protect me every day. And give me lots of love.
These love poems to send through text can say something special even if you cannot find your own words!
Cute and Flirty Text Messages for Your Crush

Want to say something but cannot find the words? Need inspiration for when words fail you? These cute or flirty text messages are ideal for when you’re tongue-tied or just cannot think of anything to say. Take your relationship to the next level with some of these cute text message!
These aren’t my work. I have searched the internet for the coolest, cutest, flirtiest text messages I could find and brought them here. All so you have all the inspiration you need to say what you need to say!
Tantalizing text messages for your crush
Struggling to find the right words? There should be something on this page that says what you’re feeling!
- The alphabet got it wrong, but the keyboard is right. Take a look at your laptop and you will see that “U” and “I” are placed next to each other. This is the way it always should be.
- You have been living in my dreams for a long time, what about making it real?
- I don’t want a half love with you, I want a complete, intense, whole and indestructible love.
- When I am asleep I dream of you, but when I am awake, I desire you.
- I wanted to text you to tell you about a dream I had last night, but I’m blushing just thinking about it.
- I don’t just want you to remember me, I only need you not to forget me.
- I don’t know what to do with you… but neither I know what to do without you.
- Send me a picture so I can send Santa my wish list.
- I thought that I would make the first move by telling you I’ve already imagined what your lips feel like on mine.
- Do you find it sexy when girls make the first move or should I wait for you to do it yourself?
- Do you want me to make the first move, or should I wait for you to be inspired?
- How can you stay away from me? I know you thought of me all night.
- My dog wanted you to know that he misses you.
- No, I don’t have a boyfriend. You can thank me later for reading your mind.
- Save me the trouble of liking all your Instagram pics and send me an original.
- Are you this cute all the time, or did I just catch you on a really good day?
- Are you smiling right now? If you are that’s good. Very. Very. Good.
- I don’t plan to go after you forever, so at some point, you should stop running away from me, don’t you think?
- Multiple choice: A. I should send you a text that just says hello. B. I should tell you that I haven’t stopped thinking of you since I saw you. C. I should just tell you to come over.
- I can’t even remember the last time we spoke. We need to change that.
- I’ll give you 3 chances to guess what I’m thinking about right now.
- Did you smile when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now?
- I just saw the new picture you uploaded. Looking hotter than ever, I see.
- I have Netflix on, but no one to snuggle with. Think you can help me out?
- I’m thinking about deleting Tinder, because I’ve already found the one I want to be with.
- You come, you mess up everything and you leave. This is not love, this is emotional tourism!
- Do you have any plans for this weekend? Because I don’t.
- Be honest. How long have you been waiting for a text from me?
- If you want to make a move, today would be the perfect time to go for it.
- You and I hanging out tonight, just so you know.
- Tell me in 5 emojis how you feel about me.
- My shrink cannot find the reason why I lost my mind. But I know it: I lost it when I saw you for the first time.
- When I saw your smile, I immediately knew that that was the smile I wanted to see every morning for the rest of my life.
- It is impossible not wanting to kiss you every time you smile!
- You already know how I feel about you. So what are you going to do about it?
- Now that I’ve officially texted you, I’m going to be obsessively staring at my phone, waiting for it to beep, so don’t keep me waiting.
- Here’s to the awkward moment when you are spotted staring at the most gorgeous person in the room.
- It does not matter how many times I see you, talk to you or hear your voice. Every time you enter my field of vision, butterflies start to do cartwheels in my stomach.
Next time you want to say something cute or flirty, you have options. Have more suggestions for cute or flirty text messages for your crush? Add them below if you do!
Cool Username Ideas for Fortnite

Fortnite is one of the multiplayer game sensations that have swept through online culture, particularly among younger gamers; Fortnite was released in 2017 and as of March 2019, more than 250 million people have installed the game and tens of millions play it regularly. One of the more compelling features of Fortnite is that you are allowed to choose your own username for your online persona; although you can do this every time you start again with a new persona, most people take the opportunity to pick a username that conveys their awesomeness without coming across as the village idiot or someone who is in elementary school. In this article, I will show you what makes for a great username for a game like Fortnite, and will provide you with a number of ways to create a good name.
The definitions of good (and even of cool) are subjective. We all think different things are cool and the way in which different people make that variation varies by age, culture, gender, upbringing and all kinds of things. What may appear cool to you may not be cool to anyone else. The key to coming up with a cool username for gaming is making the name something that you know is cool (whether other people know or not) or making it something that will be perceived as cool by other users.
You have two options for generating a cool username for Fortnite. You can use a name generator or come up with your own.
Use a name generator for Fortnite
There are name generators all over the Internet, well-suited for creating names for role-playing games, works of fiction, teams, characters – pretty much anything you can imagine. Some generators want you to provide some types of input (like what ethnic groups to draw names from), while other generators just produce names out of the blue. dozens of name generators on the internet that can help you generate a cool username for Fortnite. Some will want some kind of input from you and others can generate things out of the blue. I’ll list some here and you can see which ones you like. This is by no means a comprehensive list.
Fake Name Generator
Fake Name Generator is a very handy website for name generation because it does a lot more than just produce a name. It provides fictitious mailing addresses, phone numbers, and even phony SSNs. You don’t need any of that for Fortnite, so why am I listing it here? Because the best feature of the site is the dropdown for “Name Set”. You can pick names from just about every language and ethnic group on Earth, and many of those names will be look interesting and cool to English speakers. This makes Fake Name Generator very useful for Fortnite, and for many other games where you need a character name or username.
Jimpix is a versatile site for generating username generators from a variety of different categories based on a keyword you provide and a category that you select from a very long list of possibilities. For example, if you wanted a name based on the keyword “Tiger” and the category “emotions”, Jimpix would come back with a very long list of possibilities for you to choose from, for example ‘CockyTiger’ or ‘TigerEnraged’.
Name-generator.org isn’t a name generator, rather, it’s a site that hosts literally dozens of specialized name generators. There are generators for fantasy names, pirate names, superhero names, cat names…the list goes on and on.
Rum and Monkey
Like name-generator.org, Rum and Monkey is a collection of specialized generators, but the generators at Rum and Monkey are strongly themed, as you can see from the screenshot above, which only scratches the surface of the generators available at this versatile site.
SpinXO uses more AI in its approach to name generator, letting you input some or all of a long list of categories of information, then taking that input and using it to generate a list of usernames from your input. You can also choose to totally randomize things by producing random inputs for the generator. SpinXO produces some weird but definitely unique and interesting usernames.
Generating your own username for Fortnite
If none of those name generators delivers for you, why not come up with your own name? It won’t happen instantly so doing it in advance will probably work best. If you plan ahead and give your username due care and attention, you could come up with something genuinely cool.
I tend to keep a pad and pen by my keyboard for taking notes while on the computer. It has all sorts on it, including a bunch of names I saw when on the internet and liked the sound of. I can then use them as inspiration and come up with something unique to me or a play on words that uses the names just in a different way.
Here are some other actionable tips for generating a cool username for Fortnite.
Use something personal
If you have a hobby, nickname, avid interest or are a huge fan of anime, movies, sci-fi or whatever, you can use those as inspiration. The same for sports teams, colors, foods, music, movie stars and so on. Just make it personal to you and try not to copy famous names, brands or be uninspiring.
Avoid nonsense and numbers
L33tsp34k was so overdone and was never that cool in the first place. Avoid it wherever possible when coming up with a username. Avoid substituting numbers for letters. It doesn’t always work and will always look dumb. You can do better than that!
The same for random letters and numbers. Every time we see someone with ‘xyz123’ as their username, we know they are either lazy or a gold famer. Neither of which we are going to want to team up with.
See it from the other side
Gamers have a tendency to be insular and not see things from other perspectives. Spend five minutes on any game forum to see the evidence of that! Don’t be one of those. If you come up with a cool username for Fortnite, don’t enter it right away. Think about how it looks, how it portrays you as a player or as a person and whether you would team up with a player that used the name.
If the answers are positive, go with it. If you answer honestly and it isn’t so positive, dump the name and move on.
Keep it Simple Stupid
The Keep it Simple Stupid, KISS method, is a train of thought that says most things in life are better if you keep them simple. This is very true for usernames. Nobody wants to have to type three dozen letters in chat or even speak a complicated username in Discord. Keeping it simple means people will be more likely to use your name and cooperate or otherwise engage.
Make your username too complicated and people will either shorten it or not use it at all!
Want more username resources?
For chatting online and other uses, see our guide to good username ideas for chats and games.
We’ve got some suggested usernames for TikTok as well.
Every Discord server needs a name, so here’s our tutorial on great Discord server names.
Gamers will appreciate our usernames for Apex Legends.
Finally, unleash your own creativity with our guide to creating unique usernames.
The Best Good Morning Memes [June 2019]

Memes are everywhere and if we were to choose anything that summed up this part of the 21st century, I think the meme would be up there. Morning happens every day and for many, it’s not the best part of the day. So what better way to begin a new day with a new good morning meme?
I have found some of the best collections of good morning memes from around the internet and put them all in one place. Rather than collecting a few good memes, I have collated collections of them, so rather than having a dozen or so, there’s a hundred or so instead. You’re welcome.
So without further ado, here are some of the best collections of good morning memes around.
Pinterest is fertile ground for collections of anything and memes are no exception. This page has a collection of some excellent morning memes including some I have never seen before. This page has hundreds of them and are of varying quality but you’ll definitely find something you’re looking for here whether it’s topical, animal, historical or hysterical.
Saying Images
Saying Images, while an odd name, has the best morning memes I have ever seen. The one that made the title image of this piece, ‘9 lives? That’s how many I took this morning.’ The rest of the memes on the page are pretty good too with some I haven’t seen elsewhere and others that obviously get shared a lot. There are 25 decent memes on here and are worth checking out.
You would expect somewhere called Memesbams to have a bunch of good morning memes and you’d be right. The memes on the site are a real mix of the good, the bad and the ugly but the good make up the majority so it’s positive news from here. The thing about this site is that it has memes for all reasons so might be worth keeping around for when you need the next one.
Calling your website Funnymemes.com is setting the bar quite high and this page mostly delivers. There are some lame memes on here but there are also a few amusing ones and a couple that are outright funny. It’s another mixed bunch but you have over a hundred to choose from so you’ll find something you like here.
Your Journee
Your Journee is another strange name for a website but there you go. This page has 34 good morning memes and all have a positive feelgood vibe. There are none of the edgier memes here, this is all wholesome stuff that you could send to your mom or aunt and get a laugh. That makes it worth checking out if you’re looking for something like that.
TechJunkie also has a bunch of good morning memes. Some of them are pretty good too. There’s a mix of good natured, wholesome memes with a couple of edgier ones thrown in for good measure. The page is two years old now but the memes hold their own and are still amusing even today. That’s why they feature here.
Funnybeing.com is another website in the running for the strangest domain name ever. Despite that, it has 70 decent good morning memes, some of which I haven’t seen before. Some are pretty good, some not so much but there is enough here for you to be able to find whatever you’re looking for I’m sure.
Geeks on Coffee
Now a website with a genuinely good name, Geeks on Coffee. This page has over a hundred good morning memes and some of them are pretty good. Lots of them are repeats but there is a decent amount of more original memes on the page so is well worth checking out.
TailPic has 58 good morning memes, mainly of the wholesome variety. There are many here not listed on other websites and makes it well worth checking out. Some are amusing, some thoughtful and some are worth chortling over. There are a couple there I have saved for future use myself too…
Love This Pic
Love This Pic has some of the usual suspects and some newer or rarer good morning memes. Despite having now seen a couple hundred when putting together this list, there are some on this page that I haven’t seen before. Most of them are cutesy but some are also amusing. Either way, there is likely to be something on this page for your needs.
A Few Great Tinder Conversation Starter Ideas

Tinder may have shrunk the world a little and made dating more instant and more accepted but making the first move hasn’t gotten any easier. Sure you can do it on an app so they won’t see you blush but you still have to come up with something interesting to say. That’s where we come in. This list of the best Tinder conversation starters will help you get that date off to a great start.
Icebreakers are useful ways to spark a conversation. Even though dating apps are a numbers game, you also have to work much harder to get attention. Apps can be picked up and put down very easily so you need to work exceptionally hard to hook and engage to make them want to keep chatting and say yes to that date.
Here are three of the best Tinder conversation starters around right now.
Read their profile first
Before you even think of starting a conversation, read the profile. We are all guilty of swiping mainly from profile pics but now you’re going to have to investigate. See what they like, what hobbies they have, what interests, whether they say anything witty or offer something you can use as an ‘in’.
One, reading the profile gives you the information you need to select a conversation starter. Two, it will quickly become obvious to the other person that you took the time to read their profile and pay attention. This will quickly elevate you to the top ten percent of Tinder users so you’re already on your way.
Pick common ground
Having read the profile, is there something in an image or the text that you have common ground with? Have you visited the same beach? Like the same team? Wear the same outfit? Both love a particular type of coffee? Traveled to the same countries? Like the same breed of puppy? You get the idea.
If the profile shows travel, there’s your opener. ‘Hey, I visited Thailand too, I loved Bangkok and Patpong was an assault on the senses. Whereabouts did you go?’
While other people will likely comment on the travel aspect, showing knowledge of the place in question automatically places you ahead of anyone who hasn’t been there. Asking a question then opens the door for a reply.
You can do this with any aspect of the profile. ‘Is that your Spinone puppy? I have a Labradoodle called Dave and I bet they would play together for hours. Want to find out?’
A slightly more forward opener but again using something from their profile that most replies wouldn’t. Plus, most dog owners respond positively to other dog owners, especially cute ones.
Use humor
You don’t have to be completely serious in an icebreaker. Although, fair warning, you should only use humor if you’re any good at it. If being funny doesn’t come naturally you may be better off leaving well alone until the jokes flow and you’re comfortable. Again, use something in the profile and go with that.
Be careful with humor as not everyone has the same sense of humor. If you can come up with something self-deprecating that doesn’t sound lame, that is the best way to go. Then it’s about you being the butt of the joke instead of them.
Make it about you
Sometimes you will come across a Tinder profile with some exceptionally cute pics but very little information in the bio. This happens more often than it should so is something you need to prepare for. Look closely at all the pics and choose one to work with.
For example a pic of the person in a coffee shop with a huge cup of coffee could lead to, ‘Hey, I’m in a coffee shop on 5th right now. First time in LA, I see you like coffee and live here too, did I choose right?’
Yes it’s an obvious opener but you’re both on Tinder so it won’t be unexpected. This skirts the problem of not having anything in a bio to work with but still engages. Asking a question is always good and asking an opinion of a local is even better. It obviously doesn’t have to be a coffee, it could be a vegan burger, sushi or whatever you see in the profile pics or what little bio there is.
It’s never easy making the first move but one of the things dating apps have done is allow us to spread the net wide. If you’re lucky, you will get enough matches to master the icebreaker. Until then, this page should get you started however long you stay on Tinder.
Got any other Tinder conversation starters that work? Suggest them below if you do!
70 Questions to Ask a Girl over Text Message

Asking questions of anyone shows them you’re interested in them and want to know more. It isn’t just cops that ask questions, everyone does it as it’s an effective form of social communication. They are also great ways to break the ice with a girl you like or want to get to know better. That’s why we put this list of questions to ask a girl over text.
This list isn’t mine. I have collated the best questions I could find from across the internet and pulled them into this single page. All so you have the questions you need to be able to hook the girl and show her you’re interested in her.
70 questions
These questions are ideal for if you’re getting to know each other and are uncertain of her sense of humor or tolerance for banter and should work in most situations.
- What kinds of things really make you laugh?
- What’s your favorite place in the entire world and why?
- If you were a guy, what would you have asked me right now?
- What’s your favorite movie of all time?
- What’s your goal in life right now?
- Who is the funniest person according to you?
- What’s your “go to” video or gif for a laugh?
- Where’s your favorite place to get take away or delivery from?
- Have you ever tried anything else to replace your current hobby?
- How good are you at keeping secrets?
- Who haven’t you seen or talked to in a long time and hope they are doing okay?
- What song do you play most often?
- How did you meet your bestie?
- What’s the best comeback you’ve ever heard?
- What’s your favorite movie quote?
- Have you ever met a famous person?
- What do you do if you suddenly wake up at 3 am?
- What’s the silliest thing you are passionate about?
- What’s the weirdest text you’ve ever gotten?
- What is the most interesting thing you have on you or near you right now? Send me a pic of it.
- What art or painting has had a big impact on you?
- What app on your phone do you think I should get?
- What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?
- What’s your favorite show on Netflix?
- What’s the worst text that you accidentally sent?
- If you could do anything right now, what would it be?
- What was your worst job?
- You look stunning in every photo, what’s the secret?
- Are you obsessed with anything right now?
- What are some of your unwritten rules I should know about?
- What was the best gift you’ve ever given to someone?
- What do you do when you are sad?
- What fact are you really surprised that more people don’t know about?
- What happens in real life but rarely gets portrayed in movies?
- What isn’t real but you desperately wish it was?
- Where is your dream vacation destination?
- If the best compliment came from your rival, how would you take it?
- What is something you feel hilarious about you, but people mostly don’t like?
- What makes you unique?
- If you could put your brain in a robot and live indefinitely, would you?
- Do you believe that men and women are equal?
- What always sounds like a good idea at the time but rarely is?
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- What’s a secret hardly anyone knows about you?
- If someone else steals your opportunity, how would you react?
- How do you treat people who annoy you for no reason?
- What’s something you miss most about your childhood?
- Which thing do you always keep with you?
- How quickly do you jump to conclusions about people?
- Who’s the worst guest you’ve had to dinner and what did they do?
- Spa or music, which relaxes you most?
- Describe yourself using only three words
- Are you excited for the future, or scared?
- What is your favorite part of your house?
- What is an ideal first date?
- In which subject none can defeat you?
- What is the most embarrassing that happened to you in school?
- If you could jump into a pool full of something, what would it be?
- What are your secret skills?
- You can broadcast one sentence to every TV channel and radio in the world and have it translated to each country’s language. What would you say?
- What would you grab if your house was on fire?
- If you could pick one food to have every day forever, what would it be?
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- Is there something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
- What random stranger has had the biggest impact on your life?
- What period in history had the best fashion?
- What would be your strategy for surviving the apocalypse?
- What’s the worst and best thing about being female?
- If you could change something in the world, what would it be?
- How do you feel about aliens?
There are enough questions here for many endless nights of texting your girl back and forth and learning more about her. Hope they work for you!
How To Text a Guy you Like

Making the first move is never easy. It doesn’t matter how confident you are or how well you get on with people, that initial contact is tough. If you have exchanged numbers but aren’t in a position to set up a date yet, a text or two could set the scene perfectly for when you do. So how do you text a guy you like without seeming desperate or lame?
You want things to get off to a great start but also have to consider the medium you’re using. Without being able to look him in the eye and convey meaning, you’re going to have to be very careful what you say. At least until you have a level of understanding where he will get what you mean even if you don’t say it exactly right.
There are a couple of approaches you could use depending on you, the guy and the situation between you. Here are some tips for making that first move over text.
Know your audience
Consider what little you know about this guy. Would he respond best to humor, flirting, self-deprecation, intelligence or something else? Is he sensitive? Confident? Really into you? Considering who you’re texting can frame everything else you consider when making that first move.
Be yourself
You may be tempted to try to be funny when you’re usually not. Flirt when you’re usually more reserved or take a risk when you normally wouldn’t. There is a good reason why every dating expert and dating column says be yourself, because it works. If the guy is into you already or has given you his number, he must already like you to some degree. Why hide what he already likes with something you don’t know he likes at all?
Being yourself is the key to making relationships work. It sounds a little harsh to say you’re building something on a lie if you don’t but it’s true. He already likes something about you, don’t go changing that for something else.
Re-read the text before sending
We are all guilty of firing off a superfast text without reading it first only to realize spellchecker changed a key word or what we said sounds dumb. In those initial stages of getting to know someone, don’t do that. Take your time, phrase your text carefully and re-read it before you hit send.
What to text a guy you like
Knowing what to text is as important as how you text. There are a few approaches that work. What you use should depend on you, the guy and what you have between you right now. Then choose an approach you think fits both of you.
Humor is a superb way to build relationships of all kinds and a little teasing or poking fun is a great way to start. It shows him you’re not a shrinking violet and that you can hold your own which he will respect. Be careful to not take it too far and be mindful of his responses. A little light teasing about hobbies, sports, music or something easy is a safe place to begin.
Self-deprecating humor
Sticking with humor for a minute, a good dose of self-deprecation is always a winner. As long as you don’t take it too far and know when to stop, it’s always going to succeed. It shows someone who is confident, who doesn’t take themselves too seriously and that you’re happy to let your guard down so they can too.
Spark desire or his imagination
If you think he’s ready for it, don’t be afraid to flirt a little or spark his imagination. Playing the ‘what are you wearing’ game or something else is a great game to play over text. Using visual language can really get him going too. Don’t give him too much too soon, but a flirt is one of the most powerful hooks there is.
Rather than ‘I can’t want to see you’, try ‘I really want to kiss you right now and feel your arms around me’. While they mean much the same thing, the effect of that second message is way more powerful than the first.
Play games
There are loads of games you can play on text in the early stages of a relationship. Games like guess the answer, kiss, marry avoid, 20 questions, truth or dare, trivia challenge, would you rather and many others are all great ways to interact with someone while having fun and getting to know them at the same time.
Just remember that these games are finite and they shouldn’t go on for hours unless you both want them to!
Making the first move is never easy. Text makes it easier than in real life as you’re safe in your room or somewhere else. Text also makes it more difficult because you have to consider the message more to avoid confusion or miscommunication. It’s all part of the fun though. Good luck with it!
How To Text a Girl you Like

If you’re struggling trying to come up with an icebreaker to send a girl you like, you’re not alone. While it doesn’t help your situation, most people have trouble coming up with those early text messages when reaching out to someone they like. It’s something we all go through and something everyone struggles with. That’s why we put together this quick guide on how to text a girl you like.
If you got her number, you’re already partway there. All you need to do now is make her fall for you and think you’re the greatest. Easy huh?
The limitations of text
Texting is natural but it does have its limitations. You have to be very clear about your meaning when you text as you cannot read expressions or convey meaning with a look. Clear communication is essential, especially in the early days when you’re getting to know each other. Misunderstandings are all too easy and can be difficult to salvage.
Appreciate the limitation of text whenever you’re messaging a girl you like. Make sure your meaning is clear and think about how they will read it without being able to see your face or know you that well. If the meaning is clear, hit Send. If it isn’t crystal, rephrase it until it is.
Edit, check, send
Read your text before sending. Then re-read it, edit it if you need to, check it again and only then hit send. Nothing turns a girl off like a spelling mistake or where spellcheck takes over and ruins your message. Avoiding these mistakes early on can be a real bonus.
Then, use these tips for texting that girl you like.
Time it right
We lead busy lives and don’t have the spare time we used to. Timing is everything when making a move as you need her to be receptive and able to reply. Text her when she’s at dinner or out with her friends and she may not be able to reply for hours and nobody wants that!
Evening or into the night is generally a good time to text a girl. If you know she is an early riser then don’t text too late. Otherwise, an evening text could lead to a long conversation when you’re both in bed and that can be fun!
Timing is also about time between replies. If she takes 20 minutes to reply and you reply instantly, that comes across as a little needy. Until she knows you better, keep your cool. A good rule of thumb is to reply after the same kind of time as she does. So if she takes 20 minutes to reply, you take 20 minutes to reply and go from there. You will likely find at as the conversation progresses, that delay will grow shorter and shorter.
Use humor
Apparently we are psychologically predisposed to like people who make us laugh. Avoid this if you’re not naturally funny but if you can be amusing, be amusing. Tell jokes, be self-deprecating, tease and keep things light and humorous. Know your audience though and know when to stop. You want to make her laugh and not take herself or you too seriously but not be put off by dumb one liners or harsh sarcasm.
Be positive
‘Nobody wants to hear about your aches and pains’ is a quote I hear often from my grandfather. That advice is useful here too. Your initial messages should be upbeat and positive and not go on about how bad your day was. You’re building a relationship not venting about your boss or the traffic. Be positive, be upbeat and be someone she really wants to chat to.
Play get to know you games
Most people like games and there is a lot of scope to play them over text. If those games also let you get to know someone at the same time, all the better. The classics include guess the answer, kiss, marry avoid, 20 questions, truth or dare, trivia challenge and would you rather.
Use some of these or all of them over time to engage with her and get to know her at the same time. These games are the perfect opportunity to show your fun side too so it’s a double win if you can get her involved!
Use mirroring
Mirroring is used a lot in business to build relationships. In this context, it means mirroring her text length, emoji use, time of texting, tone of texts and general behavior. If she always texts late at night, do the same. If she texts in short bursts, do the same. If she prefers longer messages, send her longer messages too. If she uses a lot of emojis, or no emoji, do the same. You get the idea.
Mirroring is a subconscious thing that not many people detect but is an excellent way to build a relationship.
Knowing what and how to text a girl you like isn’t easy. If it was, everyone would do it. However it’s essential knowledge now the phone is such a part of our lives and mastering this art of remote seduction could make your life much more interesting!
Happy Birthday Text Message Ideas to Send your Friends

Forget someone’s birthday? Didn’t send them a birthday card in time? Want to offer birthday wishes through SMS rather than in person? We have all been there and will all likely do it again. That’s why I have collated this selection of birthday text messages. For those times when you need inspiration.
These birthday text messages have been collected from around the internet. They are not my work. I have just selected the best of what’s out there and put them all in one place. There should be something here for everyone. Use them as you see fit!
Birthday wish text messages
- Best friends are supposed to share everything with each other, so I am celebrating and sharing your birthday with you like it’s my own. I celebrate the beautiful friendship we share! Happy Birthday!
- May your birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer.
- Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one. Happy birthday!
- On this special day, i wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come… Happy Birthday!!!!
- Well, you are another year older and you haven’t changed a bit. That’s great because you are perfect just the way you are. Happy Birthday.
- Take a day off to celebrate you birthday. Take a year off and tell people you are younger. Happy Birthday.
- When the world works right, good things happen to and for good people and you are definitely good people. Happy Birthday!
- Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.
- Youth is a real treasure. Make it exciting and wonderful enough to spend your old age without regrets. Happy birthday!
- Birthday and New Year are very similar: whether it’s a man’s age or the Earth’s they both count it. The good news is that you will always be younger than the planet. Happy birthday!
- Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. Happy birthday!
- A wish for you on your birthday, whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek may you find, whatever you wish may it be fulfilled on your birthday and always. Happy birthday!
- Count not the candles…see the lights they give. Count not the years, but the life you live. Wishing you a wonderful time ahead. Happy birthday
- Happy birthday! May your Facebook wall be filled with messages from people you never talk to.
- You’re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, happy birthday!
- Don’t get all weird about getting older! Our age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying us!
- Is it just me, or do you seem older? Oh, right. You are older. Happy Birthday!
- Life is short. Embark on as many adventures as you want, as long as you can. Happy birthday.
- Happy Birthday to the friend who has been there through it all. I don’t know where I would be without you. This is your special day, so let’s make it memorable!
- Jump in, head first, whenever you can. Life should be an adventure. Happy birthday.
- Our friendship is made of gold and it will never rust, will stay precious until the world turns to dust. Happy Birthday and may your every wish come true!
- Happy birthday to a champion who knows what real victory is all about.
- Happy Birthday. Wishing you more glorious and wonderful years on the surface of the earth – or wherever you might be.
- Happy birthday to you. From good friends and true, from old friends and new, may good luck go with you and happiness too!
- Happy birthday to one of my best friends. Here’s to another year of laughing at our own jokes and keeping each other sane! Love you and happy birthday!
- I can always count on my best friend for a shoulder to lean on, so for your birthday, let’s get some drinks and celebrate. In return, I will be your shoulder to lean on at the end of the night.
- Happy birthday to my best friend: the one who laughs at my jokes and cries with me during my heartaches. I love you, and will always be here for you.
- Don’t worry … What Happens at the Party, Stays at the Party!
- Don’t think of yourself as getting another year older… you are, of course, but it’s better not to think about it! Happy Birthday!
- The difference between you and my other friends is that they know me as a person, and you understand me as an individual. Happy birthday to my best buddy.
- You have a birthday twinkle in your eye so have fun and know we love you fairy, fairy much. Happy Birthday.
- The word “friend” cannot fully express how I feel about you. For me, you are a source of strength, happiness and success. Thank you. Happy birthday to you!
Best Easter Captions – A Bunny Celebration

With Easter almost upon us, now is a good time to spread some good cheer and thoughtful messages. Whether you’re sending them via social media or adding them to a card, these Easter captions are suitable for all kinds of audiences.
These are not my work but have been painstakingly collected from across the internet over a period of weeks to create one of the most up to date lists of Easter captions around. Use them well!
Easter captions for 2019
These Easter captions can be used anywhere, SMS, Instagram, twitter, Facebook, Snapchat or wherever you like.
- Winter may be coming but it’s Easter in the here and now!
- I just popped into your inbox, to wish the sweetest person in this world loads of Easter eggs, just as sweet as you. Happy Easter.
- In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it, you’ll be the finest lady in the Easter Parade!
- Bunnies are cuddly. The large and the small. But I like chocolate ones. The best of them all.
- Having a bad hare day.
- The amount of egg puns today is an absolute yolk.
- Somebunny loves you.
- Somebunny wants you to have the best Easter ever.
- Easter eggs hunts: Proof your child can find things when they really want to.
- You’re never too old for an Easter Egg hunt.
- There are two food groups in the world: The one you put cheese on, and the one you put chocolate on.
- I’m so egg-cited!
- I carrot even.
- Let your joy burst forth like flowers in the spring.
- I’ll celebrate anyone who can turn water into wine.
- I hope you have an egg-cellent Easter weekend.
- Be egg-cellent to each other.
- I found the eggs, and you found me
- Every bunny needs some bunny to love.
- I’m very good at hiding chocolate, too… in my belly!
- Never underestimate the power of chocolate
- Be a good egg on Easter Sunday.
- How do I like my eggs? Uhm, in chocolate form.
- Show me the bunny!
- With some bunny special.
- Follow the bunny, he has the chocolate.
- Wishing you an Easter filled with solid chocolate bunnies.
- Chocolate is the answer, who cares what the question is!
- I love Easter! When else can you bite someone’s head off and have it be chocolate?
- Don’t worry, be hoppy.
- Every bunny was kung fu fighting.
- I have eggs-ray vision.
- Happy to spend Easter with all my favorite chicks.
- I believe in chocolate for breakfast.
- Bunny kisses and Easter wishes.
- Here’s to an egg-stra special Easter!
- Get egg-cited, its Easter!
- Is it just me, or are these eggs egg-stra hard to find?
- Think you’re going to find more eggs than me? You crack me up!
- Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.
- Don’t forget to spend time with some bunny special.
- Sweet eggs-cape.
- Cute chick.
- You crack me up!
- I’m an eggspert egg hunter.
- Old yolks can still have fun!
- Quit yolking around. We’ve got eggs to find!
- Chick magnet.
- Cracking up on Easter with my best friends.
- That’s all, yolks.
- Over-easy, like Sunday morning.
- When life gives you lemons, throw it back and ask for chocolate.
- I feel hollow inside. Like this chocolate egg.
- A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.
- No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.
- How old is *too* old to participate in the egg hunt? Asking for a friend.
- Chocolate for breakfast? Sign me up.
- Easter always puts a little spring in my step.
Easter caption Quotes
Sometimes the best quotes have already been said. The following are a few of the better ones attributed to famous people.
- There are always flowers for those who want to see them. – Henri Matisse
- April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. – William Shakespeare
- You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming. —Pablo Neruda
- Easter is the only time of year when it is safe to put all your eggs in one basket. – Evan Esar
- In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it. – Irving Berlin
- There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate. – Linda Grayson
- Where flowers bloom, so does hope. – Lady Bird Johnson
- A kind word is like a spring day. – Proverb
- The promise of spring’s arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter. – Jen Selinsky
Those are some of the better Easter quotes to use on your card, SMS, Instagram or wherever you want. Got any other Easter quotes you would like to share? Tell us about them below if you do!