Short Love Poems

Poetry is the language that was designed to express feelings. Humans are capable of so many feelings, too. From happiness, to anger, or from sadness to hopefulness, we all process the events in our lives with a plethora of emotions. And then, of course, there’s love. Ah, love. Poets since the beginning of time have been trying to capture the emotions love can bring. It can be a difficult emotion, born of the violent thrashing of a storm, or it can be mellow and comfortable, like a calm pond. Love can be compared to the ocean– a vast, moody view…
I Miss My Best Friend Quotes

Real friendship is born in the heart and it remains there forever. Who is the best friend? It is the person, with whom you can be silly, intelligent, funny, serious, calm or nervous, happy or sad, but you always feel comfortable with this person. Your best friend is the first person you call when something good or bad happens. He or she is the person, who will help you despite the circumstances. It doesn’t really matter how far you live, how often you meet or how often you talk, genuine friendship is eternal and nothing can break it. However, when…
The Best ‘Just Thinking of You’ Quotes to Text

Being in love is truly a mesmerizing feeling. Just ask anyone who’s ever experienced it. The accompanying feelings, however, vary greatly. Some are positive, some negative, some are a little bit crazy, others completely insane. Whatever you may be feeling and whatever your thoughts, one thing’s for certain: you want to communicate something important to your significant other. Sure, you can text them with a ‘Hi’ or ‘S’up’, but these “quotes”, if you can call them that, don’t really suffice. You want to tell them that you’re thinking of them without saying: “just thinking of you”. In Love Quotes Telling…
Funny and Cheesy Pick Up Lines for Guys To Use in Bumble or Tinder

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.” It’s a stereotype but one with a great deal of truth to it. However, just because it’s often true doesn’t mean it’s always true. Guys like hearing their praises sung just like women do, and women enjoy a nice shot of beefcake once in a while. We aren’t here just to teach you how to compliment men and women, though. Instead we offer a wide variety of funny, cute and sometimes even dirty pick-up lines for girls to hit on guys and vice versa. If you’re having a hard…
The Best Romantic Quotes to Send in a Text

Expressing your feelings is always easier in writing than in person, and text messages are the perfect medium for this. However, sometimes you just can’t find the right words to say (or in this case, write) no matter how hard you try. In situations like these, you can always count on the great wordsmiths of our time and times past to have just the words you’re looking for. Here you will find 30 quotes about love to share with that special someone in your life. 15 Literary Quotes About Love “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from…
The Best Mountain Captions for Instagram

You know what they say – a picture speaks a thousand words. But, when it comes to Instagram, posting a good picture on its own is not enough. You might oftentimes need the help of a good caption. Not only will an adequate caption make your followers pay more attention to your post, but it could also bring you more Likes. However, coming up with fresh new captions each time you post on Instagram is not that easy, especially if your photo is not a regular selfie. Therefore, this article will provide you with a few interesting mountain captions that…
River Captions – Float and Show Off on Instagram

People came from water, and it is no wonder that we’re impressed by larger bodies of it. Although it is fairly safe to say that most humans would love to live near the ocean, or at least at the seaside, the sad truth is that the majority of people on this planet do not have a body of water that large to enjoy. Every country, on the other hand, and every populated location, has a river to boast. These beautiful slender lines of water wind between the hills and mountains and offer sights, views, and landscapes so various and diverse,…
Advance Happy Birthday Wishes to Text a Friend

Birthdays are happy occasions for most of us. Even though we are a year older, wiser, and grayer, it is nonetheless a special day when we hear from friends and family. When it is someone’s birthday, you get to show them that you love them and care about them, that you think of them and are glad they are in your life. For that reason, we all try to make sure that we deliver birthday greetings to our friends, coworkers and family members. There are many times when we need to do this in advance, because the pressures of daily…
Romantic Text Message Ideas for Her

Do you send an occasional message to your wife to tell her how important she is to you? If you don’t, you should – small acts of appreciation go a long way. When you get lost in your daily routines, a text to your wife can move both of you and remind you how much you mean to each other. In this article, you will find romantic text messages you can send to your better half to let her know that she still rocks your world. Romantic Text Messages for Your Wife I have made many mistakes in my life,…
Hard Work Quotes to Text & Appreciate your SO

Have you ever read a story about two mice that got into a trap in a jug with milk? Well, let us remind you it. One day two little mice accidentally got inside of a jug full of milk. One mouse gave up right from the start and drown. The other mouse kept fighting for its life by swimming. This little mouse was swimming and swimming until milk turned into butter. Then the mouse got out from the jug and was really happy to be alive. We guess the lesson this story teaches us is simple – success doesn’t come…
Happy Birthday Text Message Ideas to Send your Friends

Forget someone’s birthday? Didn’t send them a birthday card in time? Want to offer birthday wishes through SMS rather than in person? We have all been there and will all likely do it again. That’s why I have collated this selection of birthday text messages. For those times when you need inspiration. These birthday text messages have been collected from around the internet. They are not my work. I have just selected the best of what’s out there and put them all in one place. There should be something here for everyone. Use them as you see fit! Birthday wish…
Love Poems For Her to Send Through Message or Text

Is there anything you want to say to a loved one but don’t know how? Do you want to express your love, commitment, and gratitude, but every time you try to do it, words just escape you? Great poetry has the power to convey all those sentiments hidden deep inside you in a beautiful and seemingly effortless way. If you’re looking to put a smile on your partner’s face and show them how much you love them, you can make their day much better by sending them a poem via a text message. In this article, you’ll find 15 short…