Cute Love Paragraphs for Him to Wake Up to

If you want a lasting relationship, you should work hard every day; you should give and take as well as express the way you feel towards your passion. As for the first two pieces of advice, it’s only up to you, but we can help you with the last one. Get inspired by the best collection of cute love paragraphs for him to wake up to and note down the ones you liked best. What do you say in a paragraph to your boyfriend? Encouraging and Cute Paragraphs for Him to Wake Up to Sometimes it’s hard to even open…
Romantic Short Love Quotes for Him and Her

Ah, LOVE. The sweetest state of being. Often known as a many-splendored thing, love can lift us up where we belong, or love can make a fool out of us all. Through all of love’s highs and lows, it’s not a bad idea to have a batch of handy quotes on hand, so you can emote properly at all times. After all, love is patient… but not when it’s waiting for a DM reply. (more…)
Funny Best Friend Memes [November 2019]

Not everyone is lucky enough to have best friends by their side. If you’re among those fortunate enough to have met someone who clicks with them on every level, friendship can be a fragile item. Like any relationship, platonic or otherwise, it’s something you have to work on day and and day out in order to keep it strong and healthy. That can be exhausting to a point, but thankfully in the internet age, sometimes all you need is a quick reminder of how important someone is to you. With the potent combination of memes and social networking, just a…
Short and Sweet Love Poems to Send Through Text

Want to say something but don’t know how? Couldn’t think of a sweet message for Valentine’s or other romantic occasion? Need inspiration to say it with words but cannot find your own? This list of love poems short enough to send through text is here to help. I have scoured the internet looking for the sweetest, most meaningful short love poems I could find. Each says something in a slightly different way and are brief enough for SMS and can add a little romance into everyone’s life. Love poems to send through text These are not my own work, I…
Cute and Flirty Text Messages for Your Crush

Want to say something but cannot find the words? Need inspiration for when words fail you? These cute or flirty text messages are ideal for when you’re tongue-tied or just cannot think of anything to say. Take your relationship to the next level with some of these cute text message! These aren’t my work. I have searched the internet for the coolest, cutest, flirtiest text messages I could find and brought them here. All so you have all the inspiration you need to say what you need to say! Tantalizing text messages for your crush Struggling to find the right…
Cute Paragraphs for Her to Wake Up To

Mornings can be tough for some people, especially if they aren’t early birds. The reasons for this are various. For one thing, the sound of an alarm clock is far from something that one enjoys listening to at the beginning of the day. Others can’t stand mornings due to an upcoming hard working day. Others just don’t get enough sleep at night. Believe it or not, there are a bunch of things that can make waking up much easier. Apart from common habits like morning exercise, a good breakfast, or positive thinking, there’s something that you can do for your…
Beautiful Happy Sunday Quotes for the Perfect Instagram Caption

Sunday is known as a day of rest, and for those of us who work Monday through Friday, it’s often a nice day when you can relieve stress and create memories for the whole week. It is often associated with laugh, rest, ease, joy and all the positive feelings that come from having a day off of work. Share your optimism with close people and send virtual wishes, blessings and kind words on your Instagram posts to set the mood for a positive and happy Sunday. (more…)
The Best “I’m Sorry” Quotes to Send Over Text

We all make mistakes and sometimes inadvertently hurt the ones we love. A simple “sorry” is often all it takes to make things right. But as we all know, saying sorry is never easy, especially when you have to tell it to someone’s eyes. Even if you’re courageous enough to give it a try, your nerves can get the best of you, you may start speaking incoherently, and your apology won’t come out the way you planned it. In situations like these, a heartfelt, carefully worded text message might be a better solution. If you’ve hurt a loved one and…
Romantic Love Letter Ideas to Text or Email Him

Back in the day, love letters weren’t thought of as something out of the ordinary. Men confessed their love through handwritten letters. Women sent letters to their beloved ones while waiting for them to come back from a war. The digital era has changed the way we communicate forever. When was the last time you actually used a pen and paper to write to someone? Frankly, it’s much more convenient to type an e-mail or a text message and send it in one click. However, there’s something deep and charming about handwritten letters, paragraphs, and love notes that can’t be…
The Best Text Messages for Sad Girlfriends

Is your loved one going through a rough patch? Whether it’s a recent problem or has been going on for a while, being there for her can help you cheer her up and, in more serious cases, save your relationship. At this point, many lose patience or fail to understand the emotional instability of their loved one. Don’t be like that. If your girlfriend is suffering and you are not near, the best way to show support is through a message. The right words can make her feel better. But keep something in mind – when dealing with sadness or…
Short Funny Quotes & Sayings to Text a Friend

This article is dedicated to all those suffering people, who experience down days and love humor. If humor can make all the difference then you are not alone! We are here to help lift you from depression and get some inspiration from our great collection of the best funny quotes, that we could find on the Internet! One can say that it is not enough, to read some motivational or positive ideas. We completely disagree with such a point of view! Just think: the statistics say that the motivational books are ones of the best-sellers on the market. Who buys motivational…
Thursday Quotes, Sayings, and Captions for Instagram

Thursday is probably the most controversial day of the week. On the one hand, it is really close to the weekend and amazing Friday, and has taken up residence on the calendars of the Happy Hour crowd with the festive moniker of “Thirsty Thursday.” On the other hand, the “glass half empty” crowd may see is as the most useless day, as you awaken on Thursday morning with the relaxation of the weekend in sight, but not quite there. Thursday doesn’t change anything – it is a workday, just as Friday is a workday. Then, of course, there are the…