Short Funny Quotes & Sayings to Text a Friend

This article is dedicated to all those suffering people, who experience down days and love humor. If humor can make all the difference then you are not alone! We are here to help lift you from depression and get some inspiration from our great collection of the best funny quotes, that we could find on the Internet! One can say that it is not enough, to read some motivational or positive ideas. We completely disagree with such a point of view! Just think: the statistics say that the motivational books are ones of the best-sellers on the market. Who buys motivational…
I Miss My Best Friend Quotes

Real friendship is born in the heart and it remains there forever. Who is the best friend? It is the person, with whom you can be silly, intelligent, funny, serious, calm or nervous, happy or sad, but you always feel comfortable with this person. Your best friend is the first person you call when something good or bad happens. He or she is the person, who will help you despite the circumstances. It doesn’t really matter how far you live, how often you meet or how often you talk, genuine friendship is eternal and nothing can break it. However, when…
The Best ‘Just Thinking of You’ Quotes to Text

Being in love is truly a mesmerizing feeling. Just ask anyone who’s ever experienced it. The accompanying feelings, however, vary greatly. Some are positive, some negative, some are a little bit crazy, others completely insane. Whatever you may be feeling and whatever your thoughts, one thing’s for certain: you want to communicate something important to your significant other. Sure, you can text them with a ‘Hi’ or ‘S’up’, but these “quotes”, if you can call them that, don’t really suffice. You want to tell them that you’re thinking of them without saying: “just thinking of you”. In Love Quotes Telling…
Advance Happy Birthday Wishes to Text a Friend

Birthdays are happy occasions for most of us. Even though we are a year older, wiser, and grayer, it is nonetheless a special day when we hear from friends and family. When it is someone’s birthday, you get to show them that you love them and care about them, that you think of them and are glad they are in your life. For that reason, we all try to make sure that we deliver birthday greetings to our friends, coworkers and family members. There are many times when we need to do this in advance, because the pressures of daily…
Happy 18th Birthday

The most precious thing in the entire world is your own child. Giving a birth to a child is the greatest achievement you can even do. It is so sad that children grow too fast. Today your baby can’t hold his head and already tomorrow he is finishing his school. Even when your child is an adult man or woman, you will always treat them as children. This is the nature of all parents. When your child turns 18 years old, this is such a big occasion. Motivate your child to start his life as an adult without any sign…
Happy Birthday Wishes for Boss

It is true to say, sometimes it is quite hard to find correct birthday wishes for boss. If you hard time writing a proper birthday card, you will find the following birthday wish to your boss quite helpful. Birthdays are very special occasions when we tend to forget all bad things about a person and wish him all the best. Even if you are not super excited about the idea to greet your boss, you should be thankful to him for giving you this job. Show yourself as a respectful and friendly person – this is more than enough. Formal…
Goodbye Quotes

Some people hate long goodbyes by limiting themselves to simple phrases. It doesn’t seem hard to say “goodbye”. But very often it`s not easy! And it doesn`t matter if you`re leaving for a while or forever! (more…)
Hurt Quotes

All people at least once feel hurt. It doesn`t matter what the reason was: a broken heart, problems in the family, quarrels between friends…. There are a lot of things which can make us hurt. Moreover, we can offend other people and don`t notice that someone is hurt because of us! We rarely think about what other people feel, and when it comes to us, we deeply realize how hurtful it can be! If you’re hurt, you are ravaged and hate the whole world…You don’t want to communicate with friends or relatives even if it`s not their fault. Are you…
Family Quotes, Famous Sayings about Family Love

Michael Fox once said, “Family is not important – it is everything”. Even if your family relationships are completely ruined or start to become awful – there is always a chance to revive them. The blood ties are ones of the strongest in the world. In some countries, people pay as much attention to the relatives, as it is possible, without interference in their life. One can say that it is impossible to be a part of someone’s life and do not bother him or her with your own advice and rules. Well, the modern psychology is able to correct…
56 Best Strong Women Quotes for Instagram

If you go on Instagram for any amount of time, you’ll be deluged with love quotes and break-up quotes from your women friends. You’ll see people waxing poetic about their BFFs or their fondness for cake and wine. But there’s more to a woman’s life than her relationships and what she eats, and it’s time for women to show their strong side! Here are some great Instagram captions that will capture your inner Joan of Arc. Strong is Not a Bad Word If my strength intimidates you, I hope you realize that’s a weakness of yours. Strong women only scare…
Poems about Friendship

William Shakespeare once said, “Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find”. William Shakespeare once said: “Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find”. It’s so true! True friends accept you for who you are. They share with you all of your ups and downs. They make you laugh when you aren’t in a mood. On the whole, they are always there for you. It goes without saying that it is so important to let your friends know how much you love them and care about them. There is a slew of meaningful…
Happy Birthday Aunt

Your bond with an aunt is always special because she is as caring as a mother and as faithful as a best friend. The aunt always helps when you need an advice, she keeps your secrets and becomes a witness of your happy and sad moments. She is an indispensable part of your life and her birthday is a great occasion to express that you love and appreciate her. (more…)