The Best ‘Just Thinking of You’ Quotes to Text

Being in love is truly a mesmerizing feeling. Just ask anyone who’s ever experienced it. The accompanying feelings, however, vary greatly. Some are positive, some negative, some are a little bit crazy, others completely insane. Whatever you may be feeling and whatever your thoughts, one thing’s for certain: you want to communicate something important to your significant other.
Sure, you can text them with a ‘Hi’ or ‘S’up’, but these “quotes”, if you can call them that, don’t really suffice. You want to tell them that you’re thinking of them without saying: “just thinking of you”.
In Love Quotes
Telling the person you’re in love with that you’re thinking about them isn’t easy, especially if you don’t want it to come off as insensitive or clichéd. Granted, if you’ve been in a relationship for years, a simple heart emoji will speak more than any sentence could, but new love needs more fuel in order to burn brighter.
- “There aren’t many good things about not being able to see you. The only one I can think of is being able to think of you.”
- “I can think about many things at the same time… unless I’m thinking of you.”
- “Thinking of you makes your absence even harder. Can’t help it, though.”
- “There isn’t a single minute that you don’t cross my mind. I’m constantly thinking of you.”
- “You’ll never realize how hard and painful it is to be thinking of you with such a distance between us.”
- “Thinking of you and nobody else. So lucky to know that it goes both ways.”
Deep Quotes
You may find it clichéd; you may even call it lame, but some of us are true suckers for deep thoughts, especially from a significant other. Sometimes, you want to tell somebody that you’re thinking of them, only by saying much more. These quotes are all about getting in touch with your deeper feelings and making the most out of that sensitive, poetic side of yourself.
- “Even if I was the richest person in the world, I’d have nothing without the thought of having you on my mind.”
- “Nothing heals a heavy heart better than the thought of you. Nothing but the sight of you and your embrace.”
- “I dream of you. You are better than a dream. You’re a reality that’s always there for me, even when I’m by myself.”
- “Thoughts of you seep into every aspect of my life. You’re infecting me with love and I don’t want it to stop.”
- “You give me sleepless, lonely nights. I’d have nothing if I didn’t have you in my thoughts.”
- “You’re my pleasure, my heart, my loneliness, and my thoughts. My mind is empty without you in it.”
Sincere Quotes
Sometimes there’s no room for romance. Sometimes you don’t want to romanticize things. Sometimes, you plainly want to say that you’re thinking of someone. Oh, but the plain old “just thinking of you” is such a cliché. Here’s how to tell someone that they’re on your mind while being sincere and genuine.
- “Woke up today thinking of you. Just realized how much I love you.”
- “Just wondering what the hell I did to deserve you. Someone up there clearly owes me a favor.”
- “My love for you is more than an addiction. I need you on my mind 24/7..”
- “Nothing makes me happier than having you on my mind. Except having you next to me.”
- “Damn this distance. If I didn’t have you on my mind, it would be empty.”
- “I’m having fun here, hanging out with people, networking, but still I can’t get you out of my head. Not that I’d want to, anyway.”
The Many Forms of Thinking of You
Clearly, there are many ways to tell someone that you’re thinking of them. Whether you want to do so with an arrow-through-heart symbol, in a deep, poetic manner, or sincerely and openly, the choice is yours.
What approach would you take? Which of these quotes did you like the best? Why not share your own quotes in the comments section below?
The Best Text Messages to Send in a Long Distance Relationship

Long-distance relationships require many compromises and a lot of patience, but if the other person is the right one for you, you’ll both do whatever it takes to make it last.
When you are in a long-distance relationship, communication becomes more important than ever. Your long-distance calls and text messages bear a lot of weight and you should always be careful with your words.
If you’re looking for inspiration for your messages, read on.
Messages to Show That You Miss Her
One of the challenges of being in a long-distance relationship is dealing with the absence of the other person and practicing patience until you’ll see her again. Reminding her that you miss her is one way to deal with your feelings and prove to her that you can’t wait to see her again.
- We’re pretty good at patience, aren’t we? But then I’m not so good at missing you. I miss you from here to Mexico.
- It’s not the distance that’s our enemy, dearest. And it’s not the days I have to wait to see you again. It’s just this battery running out!
- They say out of sight is out of mind but you’re not here and I always think about you. You > philosophy.
- Where are you now? Wait, I know: in my heart. I miss you a lot, but I’m patience personified.
- Distance separates countries and cities, but not lovers. You’re there, I’m here, but we’re together. Isn’t it amazing?
- There’s one place I really want to see before I die. It’s not the Maldives. And it’s not Japan. It’s where you are.
Romantic Messages for Starry Evenings
When you are in a long-distance relationship, you have plenty of opportunities to stir up the romance. Here are some ideas.
- Even if there are oceans between us, we will never be apart. You are always in my heart and soul. Love will bridge the distance and help us overcome all obstacles. Very soon, we will be together.
- We share the same sky and we breathe the same air. I am not sad. I am only waiting for you.
- It’s not about loving each other when we’re together. It’s about loving each other when we are apart.
- If we are meant to be together, no wait is too long and no distance is too far.
- I know you’re the one because I miss you a lot when you’re not around. But then you’re probably getting prettier every day, so this wait is worth it.
- Hearing your voice and reading your thoughts makes me feel so alive. I wouldn’t exchange your mind for anything in the world. Well, except for you. All of you.
- The clock ticks but I know it’s just time counting the moments until we will be together again. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.
- You stole a piece of my heart when you left. Where did you carry it? In your backpack? I am waiting for you to bring it back. Preferably in one piece.
- Long distance doesn’t make me sad. It makes me happy because I know the best is yet to come.
Short Text Messages for Long-Distance
Short text messages can carry a lot of substance. In just a couple of words, you can pack strong emotions. Some of these texts may inspire you:
- I am here, and you are there. “There” doesn’t know how lucky it is.
- Your arms aren’t here to hug me, but our love keeps me warm.
- So many miles away, but somehow you are here with me.
- Can’t get you out of my head.
- As long as I have you, I am always with you.
- The thought of being with you one day is what gets me through today.
- Touch me with your words.
- When shall we kiss again?
- Can’t wait to hold you again.
- If only I was kissing you instead of missing you.
- I hold you in my heart until I hold you in my arms.
- The future waits for us to paint beautiful memories.
- How far can love travel? I guess we need to test it.
Your Go
Did you like our messages? We hope they will prove useful and inspire you to message her more. Texting is a bit of an art, so keep practicing!
If you know any great text messages to send in a long distance relationship, share them with us in the comments. Others may find them useful.
Now, what are you waiting for? Text her already!
The Best Romantic Quotes to Send in a Text

Expressing your feelings is always easier in writing than in person, and text messages are the perfect medium for this. However, sometimes you just can’t find the right words to say (or in this case, write) no matter how hard you try. In situations like these, you can always count on the great wordsmiths of our time and times past to have just the words you’re looking for.
Here you will find 30 quotes about love to share with that special someone in your life.
15 Literary Quotes About Love
- “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this.”
Pablo Neruda – 100 Love Sonnets
- “I love you, in my mind where my thoughts reside, in my heart where my emotions live, and in my soul where my dreams are born. I love you.”
Dee Henderson – The Healer - “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.”
Jodi Picoult – My Sister’s Keeper - “Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.”
Nicole Krauss – The History of Love - “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist - “You are my best friend as well as my lover, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the most. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together.”
Nicholas Sparks – The Notebook - “There is only one page left to write on. I will fill it with words of only one syllable. I love. I have loved. I will love.”
Dodie Smith – I Capture the Castle
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- “To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life.”
Elizabeth Gilbert – Eat, Pray, Love - “Spending time with you showed me what I’ve been missing in my life.”
Nicholas Sparks – The Choice - “If you can love someone with your whole heart, even one person, then there’s salvation in life. Even if you can’t get together with that person.”
Haruki Murakami – 1Q84 - “I give you my name, my earthly possessions, and my eternal love. But of all the things I have, the thing I want most to give you are my eyes, these eyes that see how magnificently beautiful you are.”
Michelle Marcos – Gentlemen Behaving Badly - “Nevertheless, now that I have met you, I know that all that I am and all that I have could not match what you are worth.”
Mercedes Lackey – Beauty and the Werewolf - “You’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood, and seized my heart.”
Maria V. Snyder – Poison Study - “All my happiness seems caught up in one of your smiles.”
Karen Ranney – Upon a Wicked Time - “Your name is a golden bell hung in my heart. I would break my body to pieces to call you once by your name.”
Peter S. Beagle – The Last Unicorn
What 15 Famous People Said About Love
- “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”
Aristotle - “The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.”
Blaise Pascal - “If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.”
Princess Diana - “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
Seuss - “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”
Plato - “When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.”
Arrigo Boito - “When you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand again.”
Albert Einstein
- “Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.”
Elinor Glyn - “There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”
Vincent Van Gogh - “Unless you love someone, nothing else makes sense.”
E. Cummings - “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
Maya Angelou - “Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.”
Emily Dickinson - “One day spent with someone you love can change everything.”
Mitch Albom - “Being with you and not being with you is the only way I have to measure time.”
Jorge Luis Borges - “If I know what love is, it is because of you.”
Herman Hesse
Your Turn
What are your favorite quotes about love, short enough to fit into 200-or-so characters but deep enough to convey all the beauty and complexity of love and romance? Share them with us in the comments below!
Online Dating Scams – What Should You Watch Out For?

Email phishing and online scams have been around for quite some time now. Unfortunately, there will always be those who fall for these, just as there will always be those who will do whatever they can to use them. With the rise of online dating and matchmaking websites and platforms, the scammers seem to have found new breeding grounds for tricking people for personal profit or worse. However, online dating scams are a bit different. Keep reading to find out more.
What’s so Special About Online Dating Scams?
Online dating scams aim to play the user on the desperation card. Let’s be honest. Some people find it difficult to find a perfect match out there, in person, whether it’s due to the lack of confidence, the lack of time to deal with dating, or the lack of luck with previous dates.
. Online dating scams usually aren’t quick, but tend to take the long game route. The online scammer’s MO (modus operandi – method) is getting to know you better, getting under your skin, and behaving like they’re truly interested. The end goal might be anything from money extraction to a belligerent physical encounter.
Who Are the Likely Targets?
In truth, scammers aren’t all that picky. Regardless of your gender, age, sexual orientation, or trivial things such as taste in music, movies, and food, you are always a likely target. The most vulnerable groups to online dating scams are seniors and older people, due to their general lack of technological savvy.
Warning Signs
In order to avoid getting scammed, you need to learn how to spot the scammer. You can never be too careful on online dating platforms, so it’s always better to end a conversation than risk being drawn into a scam. Fortunately, some telltale signs do exist and, if you see one, consider it a red flag.
You should always look at the profile of the person you are chatting with. However, this is something you probably do on dating platforms already, so you should learn how to tell the security risks. For one, scammer profiles usually don’t have too many images that show their true face. They’ll never put their own face on there for obvious reasons. Secondly, if they’re using photos that look too much like stock images, this is a clear sign of a scammer.
Additionally, scam profiles will claim to be looking for matches in your general area, yet they’ll most likely live in a different state or country. Some scammers even claim to be on military deployment in a foreign country. These are all typical red flags.
Yes, continuing the chat on an online dating platform may be annoying for you too, but this is exactly what the scammers will use against you. The online dating app is the safest place for your conversations, at least until you’re certain that your match is not a scammer. Scammers will frequently propose that you move your conversation to Facebook, Skype, WhatsApp, or even SMS. This is because these chatting platforms make for an easier escape route after the scam.
Video Chat
Surely enough, the scammer will send you fake pictures, but videos are much more difficult to fake. If your match doesn’t want to partake in a video chat or send you a video, most likely, you are the designated scam target. If they don’t want to send you a video, ask them to take a clear picture of a newspaper with today’s date on it. This is called a “timestamp” and it isn’t easy to fake.
Third-Party Links
Do not open them! Just avoid opening any links that your match sends you until you’re certain that they’re ok, unless you want to become a victim of phishing or identity fraud.
Money Requests and Transactions
If they’re asking for money, be very skeptical. Such requests should raise an eyebrow and are a telltale sign you’re dealing with a scammer. Alternatively, if they’re asking you to help them with financial transactions, you may be participating in deals that go as far as money laundering. Be careful with all online financial deals, especially on matchmaking platforms.
Be Careful
You can never be too careful online. Knowing how to detect online dating scams is essential in making sure that you have a safe and smooth online dating experience. Look for the red flags and avoid everyone who behaves in a suspicious manner. A block and a report will generally suffice in these instances.
Have you ever been a victim of an online dating scam? Tell us your story in the comments section below.
How to Make a Great Tinder Profile for Men

Everyone wants to have a little bit of excitement in their lives. If you’re looking to get the sparks flying and meeting some lovely ladies on Tinder, you’re going to have to put the work in. The app has been downloaded over one hundred million times on Android phones alone, which means that you are literally just one fish in a big ocean.
So, what can you do to make your profile stand out from the crowd? How can you get potential matches to swipe right with a smile, rather than left while rolling their eyes?
First Impressions Are Key
Imagine a session of swiping on Tinder as being like when you first walk into a packed bar when you’re single. Your eyes will roam the room, stopping on faces briefly to judge whether or not they look interesting or attractive enough to actually catch your full attention. When you find someone you like the look of, you’ll look more closely, try to assess them a bit, and then maybe even think about how to approach them.
This process is very similar to how Tinder works. One of the reasons it exploded in popularity is that it doesn’t pretend to match you with a soulmate based on a form you filled in. If you aren’t drawn to someone physically, if they don’t pop out at you from the crowd of faces, then you’re unlikely to want to engage them.
This is unfortunate of course, because most of us aren’t models. Having compatible personalities is important for the long-term success of a relationship, but if you’re not putting your best foot forward with an attractive photo, you’ll never even get the chance to display your winning personality.
Choose Your Pictures Wisely
A picture speaks a thousand words, as the old saying goes, and this is certainly true in the high-speed dating world of Tinder. The first picture on your profile is all that most of the women who look at it will ever see, as women are far less likely to swipe right than men are on any given profile. Most women will first look at your eyes and your smile, so try to choose a photo that shows these at their best.
The first picture on your profile is how you sell the brand that is you. Steer away from obviously professionally shot photos, don’t look too serious, and keep in mind that what is going on in the picture can potentially tell the person looking at it something about who you are. Consider what it is you want your picture to say about you.
If you love reading, you could use a picture where you’re looking up from a book and smiling. If you’re an avid hiker, a candid shot of you half-turned, looking back at the camera while grinning will showcase this side of your life. Sure, those travel shots are fascinating, and show your adventurous side, but what are you like day to day? Potential matches appreciate seeing you doing things that are a normal part of your life, and most people appreciate having a full body picture to go by.
One Good Picture Isn’t Enough
A good picture can be a fluke, as anyone who has a friend that likes to take photos on drunken nights out can attest. For every soft-lit, flatteringly angled image that makes you look like a glittering Adonis, there can be ten of you dripping sweat, half-way through spilling your drink on a passer-by, while singing “Take Me Home, Country Roads.”
Pick out the best pictures of you that you can, and try to imagine the person looking at it. Would the kind of girl you’d like to meet want to be at your side in that picture? Does it show you at your best?
A Man of Your Word
A lot of left or right swipes are made on the basis of pictures alone, for better or worse. Even so, having an interesting, witty, or downright mad Bio on your Tinder profile can be the clincher one way or another. This is an opportunity to let your personality shine, but can also see you sinking back into obscurity.
There are myriad approaches you can take to writing your Bio. You can take the short and punchy approach with a clever one-liner, your most hilariously cheesy pick-up line, or even a quote that’s an obscure reference to something you love. Most people don’t have the time or interest in reading a wall of text, so keeping it brief can definitely work in your favor Also, laughter is a powerful aphrodisiac.
If you’re looking for a bit more depth to your potential relationships, you can always go for a bit of a longer bio. Perhaps tell a good anecdote about something you love to do, like the hilarious thing that happened at your last swim meet rather than just saying “I like swimming.” Or you could give a list of things that you enjoy and include some surprising, bizarre, or untrue things you think will catch people’s attention.
Don’t Just Be Another Brick in the Wall
The important thing is to present yourself at your best, while sharing a bit about what makes you tick. Looking all broody and mysterious can be great for a picture or two, but if that’s all you have in your arsenal, it doesn’t matter how sexy you think that pout makes you. And don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to get anywhere. After all, women are four times less likely to swipe right than men are.
Just keep at it, keep refining, and if you’re really struggling, maybe ask a female friend to cast an eye over your pictures and Bio, to see if it comes across as you’re hoping it does.
The Best Mountain Captions for Instagram

You know what they say – a picture speaks a thousand words. But, when it comes to Instagram, posting a good picture on its own is not enough. You might oftentimes need the help of a good caption. Not only will an adequate caption make your followers pay more attention to your post, but it could also bring you more Likes. However, coming up with fresh new captions each time you post on Instagram is not that easy, especially if your photo is not a regular selfie. Therefore, this article will provide you with a few interesting mountain captions that can spice up your next post.
Best Mountain Captions for Instagram
If you’ve climbed on top of a mountain, you most likely have a picture to prove it. And if you want to post that picture on Instagram, you need to find a good caption to go along with it.
We’ve organized some of our favorite mountain captions into groups to make your search easier. You can put any of the following captions under your next post or use them as inspiration for coming up with your own.
Inspiring Mountain Captions
Pictures of mountains and nature in general, are a fantastic opportunity to motivate your followers. There’s simply something calming about looking at wonderful landscapes and blue skies from a mountaintop. You can enhance that effect by using inspiring captions below.
- It took some time to climb, but the view is more than worth it.
- Just like in life, the best views come with the hardest climbs.
- We should all look up to the mountains. They stay grounded and keep their heads high.
- You shouldn’t see yourself anywhere but at the top.
- Feel free to go where you feel most alive.
- Only by making a big effort will you get to the top.
- Take a few minutes each day to breathe in the fresh air.
- There’s always a higher mountain, but don’t forget the ones that you’ve already climbed.
- The road uphill may be difficult, but it leads to a wonderful destination.
- It’s never too late to achieve a new goal, just like it’s never too late to climb a higher mountain.
- Don’t climb a mountain for the world to see you. Climb a mountain so that you can see the world.
Funny Mountain Captions
One laugh a day keeps the doctor away. Or at least that’s what we’ve been told.
So, if you care about your followers’ health you can make your contribution by writing a funny caption under your next post. Believe it or not, funny captions can be found even under mountain pictures. Here’s our selection.
- Camping hair but I don’t care.
- On cloud nine. Or was it ten? The sky is pretty open so I it is hard to keep count.
- Took me [number of hours] to climb this mountain only to realize that I’m on the wrong one. #ShouldHaveUsedGoogleMaps
- Climbed the top to get sun-kissed, but it started raining… Don’t you just love the weather forecast?
- Flower power rocks!
- Tree-t yourself right! Get it, tree T [tree emoji]? Nothing? I’ll leave.
- What do you guys think? How many calories did I burn today?
- After climbing this mountain I realized what time it is – time for a large pepperoni pizza.
- No polluted air, traffic noise, angry neighbors. Might move here for good.
Mountain Captions about Beauty
Do you sometimes feel the need to appreciate the beauty that you’ve been lucky to witness? With the following captions, you can show your gratitude for the beauty before your eyes.
- Mountain [mountain name] – a true heaven on Earth.
- So grateful I could afford this one day in paradise.
- The Earth below, and the clear sky above. Is there anything better in life?
- Shut down the noise and enjoy nature’s beauty in silence.
- This is all the therapy I need! Recommended to everyone.
- Might even be the most beautiful mountain I’ve climbed so far!
- What a view people. What a view…
- The mountains are our lungs. Therefore, they deserve our protection.
Make Your Mountain Instagram Captions Memorable
With the suggestions listed above, you can definitely find the perfect caption for your next mountain picture. You can be creative and use them as inspiration for creating some unique captions.
Which caption did you like the most? Maybe you have an even better suggestion? Tell us in the comments below.
The Best Dating Apps for Women

Did you know that about 20% of today’s relationships start online? With over a thousand dating apps available, you have the power to put your love life on the palm of your hand.
Since using online dating apps has always been tougher for women, this article will focus on hand-picked dating apps that the prettier sex can rely on. The following apps are not only safe but also offer excellent features that can spice up your love life.
Bumble is one of the most popular dating apps that allows women to have the upper hand. It was founded by Whitney Wolfe Herd in 2014 after her departure from the Tinder team. The app was an instant success and it is still growing.
After her tenure at Tinder, Wolfe wanted to start her own project. She wanted to change the rules of online dating and make them friendlier to women. Judging by the number of people that use Bumble on a regular basis, she has definitely managed to do so.
On Bumble, only women are allowed to message first. So, if you have a match with someone, you can send them a message and make your move. If you don’t get a response in 24 hours, your message will disappear.
What makes Bumble stand out from the crowd even more, is its top-notch Photo Verification system. In essence, this system ensures that the person behind their Buble profile is exactly who they say they are. That eliminates the most common risk in online dating – the risk of getting catfished.
On top of all that, Bumble is free to use. However, if you want to use the app’s premium features, you’ll have to pay $10 per month.
If you don’t subscribe to the popular proverb that the opposites attract, then MeetMindful is the perfect dating app for you.
The idea behind MeetMindful is that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. In other words, you shouldn’t pick a partner based only on their looks. That’s why the app doesn’t work on the regular swipe principle. Instead, users are able to search for potential dates by checking their common interests, such as traveling, sports, reading, healthy food, etc.
The signup process is very easy. Once you sign up, you’ll be able to set your MeetMindful profile in minutes and start searching for matches. The app will scan your geographical location and show you a list of nearby MeetMindful users.
You can, of course, search for users outside of your geographical area.
First two days on MeetMindful are completely free. You’ll have all of its features at your disposal and then decide whether paying a monthly fee of $29 is worth it.
For a long time, lesbian and bisexual women and queer people in general, have been marginalized on the most popular dating apps. With HER, things are starting to change for the better.
The app currently has around 3 million users around the world. Many of them believe that HER is one of the safest apps for online dating today. The reason for that is that HER moderators are on the job 24/7 making sure that the platform is safe for everyone to use.
The HER app has definitely brought back the fun side of dating for most queer people and non-heterosexual women through its exciting features. One of the platform’s most popular features allows users to see upcoming HER-hosted events. That way, you can connect with other HER users in real-life and have a chat in person. It is also important to point out that cisgender men are not allowed on the platform.
Unfortunately, the app isn’t free to use. If you decide that HER is the right app for you, you’ll have to pay a monthly fee of $39.99.
Dating has never been easy for plus-sized men and especially women. Luckily, the WooPlus app is here to level the playing field.
This app is a safe space for everyone who wants to enjoy dating without being weight shamed.
There are currently around 500,000 active users and by the looks of it, the membership will only continue to grow.
The WooPlus app is perfect for people serious about dating. It works on the Swipe principle. To Like a certain profile, swipe right. If the user swipes right on you, you have a match!
At the moment of this writing, subscription costs $4.99 a month.
Good Luck Finding Your Perfect Match
The apps we’ve mentioned above are great for women looking for a significant other. Although they aren’t completely free to use, advanced features and a strong focus on safety more than make up for it.
Which app will you try first? Is there another platform you would like to suggest? Tell us in the comments below.
The Best Ice Breakers for Tinder

People are actively using technology to make everything easier, and for the most part, they are succeeding. One such notable aspect is dating. However, just like its real-life counterpart, online dating still requires you to make a good first impression.
It doesn’t come as a surprise that starting a conversation with a simple “Hey,” a cheesy pickup line, or an overly aggressive one-liner usually won’t take you far. That said, coming up with a good ice breaker is hard, but you can always use one of the following and hope that your potential date hasn’t heard about any of them before.
Use a GIF
Is there a funny animated GIF that you really like? If so, you’re in for a treat, because this is a tested and proven method for increasing the response rate. Everybody likes playful people, and what a better way to show that you’re one of them than with a well-chosen GIF?
Another great thing about GIFs is how versatile they are. You can use them to further complement your text messages, follow up with a question, or just use a funny greeting GIF to attract attention.
Ask a Question Related to a Craving
Most people love traveling, so waking this craving is seldom a bad idea. There’s a lot of noise regarding this method for a reason, as it’s a very good way to get a conversation going.
Some examples would include asking the other person what they would do if they would win a free trip or go on a prolonged weekend. Not only does this require a longer, thought-out answer, it also lets you begin getting to know the person right off the bat. Better yet, this goes both ways if they ask you the same.
Speaking of cravings, another nearly universal one is tasty food. That said, asking the person to choose a type of food from a list is a proven one as well. It’s as good as a travel-related question, if not better, because it opens even more possibilities for additional questions, comebacks and ways to continue into other themes.
Check Their Profile
As long as a person’s profile and/or bio are not completely empty, checking those is one of the best, yet easiest ways to come up with a nice opener line. Needless to say, you can make the first step with this method in numerous ways. You’re only limited by your imagination.
Add Another Message
We all hate it when we don’t get a reply to our first Tinder match message. However, all is not lost. With the right timing, approach, and a bit of luck, you can even use this unfortunate event to your advantage.
The best average waiting time is about four hours. In other words, depending on the situation, it might be a good idea to add a GIF or add a remark to your first message if you don’t get any response after four hours. If you have no idea what to send in your second message, try a GIF about awkward silence.
Keep in mind that sending two messages isn’t only a viable option in case of a lack of response. This is a known method of increasing the response rate in general. Of course, you should make it a priority not to come across as creepy by sending too many messages in a row.
Additional Tips
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just about sending the right message. Sure, it’s quite possibly the most important factor, but it’s still not the only one. Make sure to include the following as well to increase the response rate even further.
Use Your Match’s First Name
The general principle is to use the chat partner’s first name, but try not to overdo it. This is a way of showing interest, but you can go even further and center your ice breaker on it. The best example is connecting the other person’s name with a celebrity name and coming up with a funny comment.
Another one includes following up the name with an exclamation mark and going all for broke. Using such a risky approach when you encounter an empty profile is a good idea.
Check Your Spelling and Grammar
It goes without saying that bad spelling and grammar are big turnoffs. This is very important when making the first impression, so make sure to double-check your messages in the beginning. This especially goes for first names, as your match might be insulted if you spell their first name wrong.
Send Messages in the Evening
You’re most likely to get a response in the evening, and for a reason. Because of all the things that people do, it’s not very likely they’re on Tinder at 10 AM. Because of this, it’s best to send your messages in the evening. Additionally, sending them too early might be considered weird by some.
Keep Asking Questions
When starting a chat on Tinder, one of the main goals is to get to know the person better, so it’s important for you to keep asking questions. More specifically, it’s important to keep asking good questions.
Having great questions guarantees that you’ll get answers with more than consist of more than a single word. They also increase your chances of getting asked questions in return and, eventually, the chances of getting the number or a date.
Starting Conversations
At the end of the day, different people prefer different approaches, so expect failures along the way. It all comes down to numbers, but also your willingness to make risks. The saying “high risk, high reward” is really true here.
Would you add anything to your list? What are some of the best and worst ice breakers you’ve heard or used? Let us know about your Tinder experiences in the comments below.
Dubai Captions for Instagram – The City of Gold

Dubai is a city built on money. With one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the City of Gold thrives on international finance, with many transactions literally focusing on buying and selling gold. This shows, as the city is littered with grandiose structures, from hotels to corporate headquarters to the world’s tallest building.
With such opulence on clear show, there are a wealth of sights to be seen and recorded by intrepid photographers. And if you want to share the experience fully with the world, giving those pictures the right caption can be fundamental to getting your image to shine its brightest.
We’ve put together a selection of some of the most striking things to see around the city along with a few caption ideas to get your cogs turning.
The Buildings
The government of the Emirate of Dubai have been focussing on tourism in recent years, and many weird and wonderfully exotic hotels have sprung up around the city since then. This, combined with the ever-competitive construction of taller and taller buildings has helped create a city rife with fascinating examples of modern Islamic architecture. It also shows in the skyline, which makes for impressive images day or night, thanks to the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest tower at 2,722ft.
This massive edifice’s three-lobed design was inspired by a flower from the nearby desert, and this organic influence is felt elsewhere in the city’s architecture. Your captions can highlight these sources of inspiration, and help to shed light on what the buildings’ forms represent.
Architectural Caption Ideas
- “Atlantis is a fitting name for this hotel, as it seems as if the sunken kingdom has risen again in all its glory atop a man-made palm.”
- “The Khalifa Tower pierces Dubai’s skyline like a tapering thorn thrust at the sky.”
- “Soaring high over the city is a luxury not restricted to helicopter owners and Dubai’s many birds.”
- “The curves of the Burj Al Arab intentionally evoke the sails of the ships plying the waters nearby, billowing in the breeze.”
The Seafronts
Dubai is a city that has reclaimed land from both desert and sea. Surrounded by the sand dunes of the Arabian Desert and flanked by the Persian Gulf, the city presents a number of striking contrasts to the camera’s lens. Sand, sea, and soaring buildings together make for fascinating points of focus.
There are many exquisitely up-kept beaches in the area thanks to the proliferation of hotels along the coast, though it is all man-made beauty rather than natural spectacle. Your captions could show off the awesome effort and impressive results gained in the grand and ever-growing project that is the city of Dubai. It also wouldn’t hurt to draw attention to the conspicuous affluence on display.
Seafront Caption Ideas
- “Carefully arranged loungers await the carefully coiffed tourists to come.”
- “Sand meets sea in a spectacular display of mankind’s willingness to build what they want, where they want.”
- “It’s incredible to watch the sun glittering off the Persian Gulf from a beach that used to not exist.”
- “Dubai’s beachfront hotels are expensive for a reason: each one has its own parcel of land carved out of the sea.”
Dubai Marina
In most cities, the local marina is a relatively small area in which more affluential residents can park their boats. That’s not the case with Dubai Marina, which is so large it makes up an entire district of the city. Still under construction, the project will be the world’s largest man-made marina when it is completed, but even now the artificial canal-city is a sight to behold.
If islands like the Palm Jumeriah show off what happens when land is claimed back from the sea, then the Marina is an incredible example of the sea being brought into the land. Traditional wooden dhows and abras ply the waterways alongside much more modern vessels, and there have been many sightings of sea life in the waters.
Marina Caption Ideas
- “This whale shark looks almost as amazed to be in Dubai’s Marina as I am.”
- “Tradition clashes with the luxurious present on the Marina’s waters.”
- “Inviting the waters of the Gulf to lap at the toes of the city.”
- “The towering Venice of the desert sands.”
The Mosques
If you stay in Dubai for any longer than a quick stopover at the airport, you will soon become familiar with the strains of the call to prayer. Five times, day and night, Muslims around the city will congregate at their mosque to give praise. While some are quite austere, others display some incredible artistry in their construction and adornment.
Striking a respectful tone is always a wise choice for religious subjects, whatever you personally believe. After all, Dubai itself is one of the most religiously tolerant cities in the world, with freedom of religion enshrined in the constitution.
Mosque Caption Ideas
- “The dawn breaking over the silhouette of the mosque is a sight to behold.”
- “An injunction against drawings didn’t stop the architects from creating incredible works of art.”
- “The beating religious heart of the city…”
Goodbye, Dubai
The right captions can help immortalize your time in the City of Gold. With a huge range of luxurious scenes to choose from, you’ll surely come away with some fantastic memories.
Got an awesome picture of Dubai with an equally great caption to go with it? Share it with us in the comments below.
Snapchat Caption Ideas

Snapchat is a great app that can do you a lot of favors if you’re separated from old friends. Whether you’re away at college and missing your pals from high school, or you’re in your twenties and losing touch with those same college friends who welcomed you with open arms, Snapchat is a perfect way to keep in touch with your friends and family no matter where they are—and where life takes you. In fact, the casual attitude of Snapchat makes it the perfect place to join with your friends in sharing laughs and memories. Hanging out on Snapchat with your friends can be a lot of fun. You can spend countless hours snapping back and forth. Sometimes, however, it might be hard to come up with the right caption for your snaps because the creative juices just won’t flow the way they usually do. So what to do when that happens?
In case you’re struggling with your next snap, take a look at our favorite Snapchat caption ideas. If you need something edgy or funny, you’ll likely find it here. Likewise, if you need something romantic or motivational, this list has got it, too. Also, if you’re looking for the right selfie caption, this list has got you covered, as well.
Captions About Life
- Why fear perfection, it’s not like you’ll ever reach it.
- Surround yourself with people who want the best for you.
- Life is too short to wear a frown.
- Every ending is just a new beginning.
- You can’t start a new chapter until you’ve closed the old one.
- Tell me what you love and I’ll tell you who you are.
- Why wait for something to happen? Make it happen. Now!
- You only have one life, there is no time for tears.
- In the end, all will be alright. If it’s not, it is not the end.
- Stand for something. Otherwise, you’ll fall for anything.
- When the clouds cover the sky, you need to be your own sunshine.
- Money can’t buy you happiness.
- All the best things in life are free.
Edgy Captions
- You better not mistake my kindness for a sign of weakness.
- I’m not here to please anyone.
- I can forgive, but I never forget.
- Born different. Deal with it.
- On the list of my favorite “F” words, Friday only takes the second place.
- Born to raise hell!
- I don’t care!
- Either you rule or you are ruled.
- If you don’t own what’s yours, someone else will.
- Destroy that which destroys you.
- I’m bad. That’s what I’m best at.
- Always outnumbered, never outgunned.
- Are you talkin’ to me?
- Rules are made to be broken.
- You can’t judge me. You don’t know my story.
Funny Captions
- Hand over those cupcakes and no one gets hurt.
- After so many years on this planet, I still don’t get humans.
- Why so tedious?
- I’m so good in bed. I can sleep for 24 hours straight.
- They say there’s no excuse for being lazy. I’m still searching.
- If only life came with a Read Me file.
- May the fork be with you.
- This is just a preview. Snap back for more.
- I live on coffee and sarcasm.
- When life gives you lemons… punch the sucker in the eye.
- One glass? There’s no such thing.
- That’s it! I’m turning the page. Tomorrow. Maybe.
- Love me at your own risk.
- What doesn’t kill us… makes us stranger.
- I hit rock bottom. At least that’s a solid foundation.
Motivational Captions
- Dare to be powerful beyond measure.
- Seize the day… by the throat.
- What do you want to do with your life?
- An indomitable will is your strongest weapon.
- A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
- Rise and conquer.
- Be water, my friend.
- The weights won’t lift themselves.
- Someday is not a day of the week.
- It is better to fail than never try.
- Stop hiding with the sheep, start running with the wolves.
- Wake up. Destroy. Sleep. Repeat.
- Limits are there for those who see them.
- Fear is a liar.
- Eagle flies alone, while pigeons flock together.
- The sweat is just weakness crying for mercy.
- Go hard or go home.
- Make the fear afraid of you.
- Succeed and prove them wrong.
Selfie Captions
- Born this way.
- Make love to the camera, baby!
- Just chilling.
- Good morning, Sunshine!
- Life is short. Smile, love, be happy.
- Be yourself.
- Turn your weakness into your strength.
- Little moments like this make life worth living.
- Never give up on your dreams.
- Sending positive vibes!
- Being so hot is a hard job, but someone’s gotta do it.
- Wake me up when the weekend begins.
- Don’t stop believing.
Romantic Captions
- How I wish you were here.
- The mornings would be so much better if, instead of coffee, they started with you.
- I can conquer the world with one hand if you’re holding the other.
- I wish I could turn back time.
- I want to cuddle with you.
- I miss you like the deserts miss the rain
- No one fits me better than you.
- You are my only weakness.
- Your smile brightens my day.
- The sun doesn’t shine when you’re not by my side.
- Let’s listen to the rain together.
- You give me reason to live.
The Final Caption
Having the right caption can make a difference between a good snap and a bad one. While no one’s going to remember a bad snap, you want to make sure the photos and videos you send are memorable, since Snapchat memories don’t last forever. It’s always important to always have an ace or two up your sleeve should you lose your inspiration. With these cool Snapchat caption ideas, your snaps will never feel stale and you’ll never run out of fresh ideas again, and you can remain the talk of your Snapchat groups. Plus, they’ll make it that much easier to send streaks every morning without writing the same blank content over and over again.
For more captions content, keep it locked to TechJunkie!
Vancouver Captions for Instagram – Hollywood North

One of the most beautiful coastal seaport cities in the world, and definitely one of the most diverse cities in entire Canada, Vancouver offers a wide variety of places to enjoy and sights to see. This is exactly what makes this seaport city perfect for taking amazing, breathtaking photos.
A cool caption can turn a good photo into a great one, but coming up with a captivating caption is not always as easy and as effortless as it may seem. Whether you’re a Vancouver native, an expatriate, or a tourist, this list of cool captions will help you make the most out of your photos.
Stanley Park Seawall
A typical stroll alongside the shore of a body of water might not sound all that impressive on paper, but the Stanley Park Seawall is one of those things that make Vancouver a truly special place. Mighty rocks and boulders on the one side and the vastness of the ocean on another, this seawall is a location where you can turn almost any photo into a true work of art.
Serenity, calmness, and fresh air are the main vibes for Stanley Park Seawall captions, so close your eyes, breathe in some fresh air, and take a look at this list of suggestions and examples.
Stanley Park Seawall Caption Ideas
- “Lo and behold: the most serene place in Canada…”
- “Rural Canada on the one side, the Pacific Ocean on the other.”
- “Coniferous forest and the ocean make for a weirdly perfect blend.”
- “It’s a long and a literally breathtaking stroll, but it’s more than worth it.”
- “Where the vast forest meets the vaster ocean.”
Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
Sure, the Stanley Park Seawall is a gorgeous, breathtaking place, but there is no better yet weirder stroll in the entire city of Vancouver than the one you can take on the Capilano suspension bridge. Stretching over 460 ft 230 ft above the water, this simple suspension bridge takes you on a stroll above the Capilano River and is, simply put, astonishing.
Rather expectedly so, this is a perfect spot to take amazing photos of the very top of a fascinating, perpetually-green forest. The nature, the river, and simply Canada are the main things to keep in mind while coming up with captions for this amazing location.
Capilano Suspension Bridge Park Caption Ideas
- “Took a stroll. Scary at first. Amazing later.”
- “Not a trace of technology here.”
- “…and here’s a real-life Mountie taking a stroll on a suspension bridge in Canada. That is all.”
- “Oh, Canada, oh Canada. It doesn’t get much more Canada than this.”
Lions Gate Bridge
Everyone’s heard of the Golden Gate Bridge in Frisco, but have you heard about the Lions Gate Bridge? As another suspension bridge, yet a completely different kind, the Lions Gate is a reference to a pair of mountain peaks a bit north of Vancouver.
The Lions Gate Bridge may not be nearly as long as the Golden Gate, and may not be as picturesque and exotic, but it is still gorgeous during the night and day. The northbound traffic heads directly towards the mentioned mountain peaks, so mountains, skies, and clouds are excellent points to serve as a reference here.
Lions Gate Bridge Caption Ideas
- “Like the intro shots of Twin Peaks, only more majestic.”
- “It’s almost as if nature itself built the bridge.”
- “The best sunset in the world.”
- “Trees, bridge, trees, mountain. Canada in a nutshell. Beautiful.”
Vancouver Public Library
It may not soundlike much, but the Vancouver Public Library is more than Instagram-worthy. The whole shape of the building is somewhat spiral and it is just as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside. The library itself looks ancient and modern at the same time, and its architect was one of the rare artists to manage to achieve this.
Learning and architecture are the main buzzwords to take note of here, so think education and cool shapes when coming up with captions for this Vancouver landmark.
Vancouver Public Library Caption Ideas
- “This is the weirdest, most beautiful spiral library that I’ve ever seen.”
- “How they managed to hit the perfect note between modern and ancient is beyond me.”
- “Celine Dion’s book. Inside the Canadian Public Library. That goes in circles.”
- “To say ‘beautiful’ for this piece of architectural wonder would be a huge understatement.”
Oh, Vancouver
The vast culture and the amazing locations in the city could never fit here in their entirety. Although truly amazing, the two suspension bridges, the park, and the library don’t even begin to paint the true beautiful picture that is modern-day Canada.
When thinking about Vancouver captions in general, focus on nature and gorgeous architecture. How are you planning to caption your photos from a recent trip to Vancouver? Share your ideas and examples in the comment section below.
San Francisco Captions for Instagram – The City of the Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco is the fourth-biggest city in California and 13th in the entire country. It has a rich and long history, some of the biggest architectural marvels in the United States, and a unique atmosphere. It is the perfect place to snap some cool selfies and decorate them with great captions.
Golden Gate Bridge Captions
The famous Golden Gate Bridge is, quite probably, the most recognizable landmark of San Francisco. Moreover, it also ranks among the top 10 US landmarks. Located between San Francisco and Marin County, this is a one mile long and 746 feet tall beast of a bridge.
If you’re going to the City, as the locals call it, don’t miss a chance to snap a selfie or two on or near the bridge. Pick the perfect caption and the right angle and snap some of the most impressive selfies your followers will ever see. You should go with a caption that conveys the cool factor of the bridge, its worldwide renown, and beauty.
Here are some ideas for the Golden Gate Bridge captions:
- “Golden Gate, Golden State, US. That’s my address now.”
- “Wind in your hair, sunset, and the most beautiful bridge in the world. What more do you need?”
- “One for the bucket list.”
- “Behold the most beautiful bridge in the world.”
Alcatraz Captions
The Federal Penitentiary on the island was operational between 1934 and 1963 and housed some of America’s most notorious criminals of the era. Al Capone, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Alvin Creepy Karpis, and Robert Franklin Stroud were among the most prominent residents of the federal prison. The famous 1962 escape of three inmates (Clarence and John Anglin and Frank Morris) was the main reason the prison got closed the following year.
As one of the most notorious places in the country, Alcatraz demands some cool and gritty captions. Ditch the soul-searching and romance, and remember that you’re snapping pictures at a place where some of the roughest and meanest gangsters in history took residence. Bring out your inner gangster and pepper some tough captions over your selfies.
Here’s what our captions dealer offers:
- “I escaped 181 and lived to tell the tale.”
- “Alive and on the loose, America beware!”
- “Maximum security they say? No prison can hold me.”
- “America’s roughest and meanest lived and died here.”
Coit Tower Captions
If you’re in the city and have a taste for pre-war architecture, you might want to visit the famous Coit Tower. It was built in the early 1930s and is located in the north-eastern part of the city, on the Telegraph Hill. It is 210 feet tall and offers splendid views of the city and the nearby bay. The interior of the tower is painted with fresco murals done by 25 artists. Two more artists have produced paintings that were added subsequently.
As the best place to take panoramic photos in San Fran, the Coit Tower is bound to move your soul. Captions on your photos taken here should reflect your impressions of the city and the bay. Take a deep breath and just let your fingers type what your heart dictates. This is the perfect opportunity to let your captions show your sensitive side.
Here are some Coit Tower caption ideas:
- “You haven’t seen the Bay until you’ve seen it from the Coit Tower.”
- “A breathtaking view. This has to be experienced to be believed.”
- “They don’t call San Fran Paris of the West for nothing.”
- “Frisco Bay at night is pure magic.”
Cable Cars Captions
San Francisco is also famous for its vintage cable cars that run up and down its many hills. A ride on one of those is an absolute must for all romantic souls and those who really want to get to know the city. The cable car system was established in the late 19th century (1873-1890) and is the last one in the world that’s still operated manually.
A cable car ride up and down the Fog City’s hills is one of the most romantic things to do while here, so make sure to convey your feelings through your captions. A well-timed photo of your partner’s smile or a cute selfie with him or her will surely melt hearts all over Instagram.
Here are some cute and romantic caption ideas for your cable car photos. These were all approved by Cupid himself:
- “Geez, that smile just makes me bite my lip every time. Love you so much!”
- “Taking a cable car ride in Frisco with my sweetie. Here’s a kiss for you all.”
- “Getting to know the heart of this beautiful city together.”
Music Captions
While New York gave birth to the American punk rock scene and Motor City made the legendary Motown sound an integral part of America’s musical heritage, San Francisco is the unofficial US capital of metal music. If you love heavy music, make sure to check out the clubs where Megadeth, Slayer, and Metallica played their early shows. Kabuki Theatre, The Fillmore, The Stone, and The Omni are waiting for you.
If you’re searching for a rocking caption for your selfies, let your instincts guide you and unleash your inner headbanger. Teach your followers and friends on social networks how metalheads relax and kick back.
Here are some rapid-fire caption ideas:
- “Following in the footsteps of our metal fathers.”
- “Bless me father, for I have thrashed.”
- “Hot riffs and cold beer. That’s all a metalhead needs.”
- “Raise your horns, brothers and sisters!”
- “Drink up and bang your heads!”
Pride Captions
The city is famous both nationwide and worldwide for the level of tolerance and inclusion it has achieved and continues to be a shining example everyone should follow. San Francisco Pride is among the biggest, most colorful, as well as oldest in the US. Starting with the first one in 1972, all subsequent parades had s specific theme. The 2013 edition had more than 1.5 million participants, going down in history as one of the biggest LGBT events ever.
No matter where it’s held, a pride parade is about love, understanding, and acceptance. It is about celebrating diversity and tolerance. If you decide to attend the parade, make sure you’re wearing your rainbow glasses and sprinkle some flashy captions over your selfies.
Here are some captions ideas to get you started:
- “Celebrating love and acceptance!”
- “All colors unite!”
- “No place for hate in this city.”
- “This parade is the best party I’ve ever been to!”
- “Wake up world! Wake up and put on your rainbow glasses!”
A Selfie Without a Caption Is Like Christmas Without “Die Hard”
A selfie without a cool caption is similar to a Christmas without “Die Hard.” It can happen, but it’s not nearly as cool. San Francisco, with its numerous landmarks and vivid neighborhoods, is bound to get your creative juices flowing.
Have you ever been to the City by the Bay? Did you enjoy your stay there? Do you have some cool caption ideas for people traveling to Frisco? If so, share them in the comments below. While at it, tell us about your favorite sites and venues around the city.