The 90 Best Wedding Captions for Instagram

Few moments in life are sweeter than the moment when your beloved asks you to be their spouse, or the moment when your beloved says yes to your offer of marriage. Deciding that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is a deeply significant event, and from the moment someone says “yes”, your lives change forever. The coming months will be full of preparation and work, as you choose a venue, a date, and plan the event. It’s no surprise that many of us want to memorialize this special time in our social…
135 Great Selfie Captions for Pictures of Yourself on Instagram

Selfies are huge in the social media world. Back in the days when cameras used film, our albums were filled with staged group shots and individual portraits, intended to create a memory of a social gathering. These days, however, the ubiquitous smartphone has made it so easy and fun to take candid snapshots of ourselves that spontaneity has become an art form in itself. Of course, the meticulously planned portraits are still very much reality, and hardly more so than when it comes to the selfie. People love to share selfies on social media apps like Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat,…
The Best Instagram Captions for Your Mom’s Birthday

Your mother will be touched to receive a card with one of the following sincere birthday quotes from her daughter. Do you agree that a daughter is a smaller, younger version of her mother? You can be sure that your mom dreams of seeing you as a successful and happy woman. If you send your mom a birthday quote, this will bring her so much joy and happiness. Needless to say that your mother needs to feel your love, so do not be shy to prove it to her. Mothers have a very strong attachment to their children and they…
Funny Instagram Captions and Quotes – Make Your Friends Laugh!

Instagram has become a spectacularly successful app because people are passionate about taking and sharing photos of themselves and their world. And why not? From sharing unique experiences, to keeping in touch with friends and family, a picture is worth a thousand words, so why not share and share alike? Instagram has a huge variety of content; some people focus on providing high-quality, even artistic, images of the world around us, while other people post pictures of themselves participating in questionable rites of passage (that collegiate keg stand, for example). Deep or superficial, serious or hilarious, those Instagram snaps are…
90 Instagram Picture Captions for your Swimming & Pool Adventures

Planning to spend more time in (or near) the water this year? Well, then, you’re going to be having a lot of fun taking pictures of yourself and your friends at pool and beachside! And of course those hot snaps are going to need some hot captions to go with them. After all, how will you show your friends how much fun and sun you’re getting if you don’t post a few well-captioned pics? Consider one of the following to match your summer swimming style. On the Beach Great vibes on the tides. The land of endless summer. I need…
The Best Instagram Quotes for Friends Leaving

When somebody who has an important place in your life is moving away, your entire world feels like it is collapsing—especially if this person is your best friend! It’s difficult to accept the fact that the person who has been with you for a long time, is leaving your life. Of course, your duty as a friend is to celebrate your friend, and the best way to do that is with an Instagram post. Your friendship is a very valuable and delicate thing, so you have no right to ignore the memories of the time you spend together! Whether you’re posting…
Instagram Captions for Couples

Instagram is for many things. Obviously, it’s a great place for pictures of cats… and other pets, sure. It’s great for collecting killer selfies, too. Vacation pictures make for some excellent posts, as well. But no one who has been in a relationship can resist posting some cute pictures of lovebirds doing lovebird things. Whether you see those pictures and smile, laugh, get sad, or want to throw up, you know they’re a thing. Happy couples always seem to jump at the opportunity to share photos of themselves with the world, whether it’s to share happiness with their followers or…
103 Great Instagram Captions For Your Ex Boyfriend or Girlfriend

It’s never been easy to break up, and it’s gotten even worse in the social media era. Everything that happens in our lives goes public, sometimes whether we like it or not. The songs tell us that breaking up is hard to do – and now you get to do it while your ex is posting their incessant status updates about new friends and new partners. The temptation can be very strong to crawl under a rock, pull up the blankets and binge-watch romance movies on Netflix. However, it might be healthier to engage with social media instead of shunning…
100 Cat Captions for Instagram – Meow

There was a time when the Internet was used to share research results between university scientists and to send e-mail, but one day someone discovered the True Purpose of this global network of telecommunications equipment: The Internet is for CATS. LOLCats, Keyboard Cat, Nyan Cat… even I Can Has Cheeseburger was launched by a cat. Then came celebrity cats: Grumpy Cat and Lil’ Bub (may they rest in peace), Monty, Venus, and so many more. It turns out, the general population has a thirst for cats that only the internet can feed! These days, people do most of their picture…
The Best Beach Captions for Instagram

Is there anywhere better than the beach? In the dog days of summer, or even in mid-winter if you’re lucky in your climate choices, locals and visitors both find themselves attracted to this wonderful intersection of sand, sky, and sea. Swimming pools have their own charm, but there’s just something about setting up that big picnic towel on a stretch of sand and soaking in the sun. You can bet that come summertime, thousands of people will flock to the same beach spots, looking for a place to swim away from their troubles and get some relaxation time in. If…
134 Instagram Captions for the Zoo

There’s only one destination that has it all: a wild side, a mild side, some major laughs, and a lot of learning. Where is this magical place? The zoo, of course! Tourists and locals alike flock to the zoo to learn more about their favorite wild creatures, to support conservation efforts, to get some exercise in the fresh air, and of course, to take plenty of pictures. Who doesn’t want to flood Instagram with lions and elephants? The zoo is a good place spend some time outside with friends and family, and taking pictures of the animals is always fun.…
105 Musical Instagram Captions to Rock Out at Your Favorite Concert

Everybody loves to rock out to some live music, whether that means diving into a mosh pit at the club or singing along to your favorite folk artist at the outdoor amphitheater. When you’re a music fan, nothing is better than spending time with your fellow fans at a show listening to your favorite artists perform. There is nothing like living in that moment and, of course, you’re going to want to take some snaps and videos to immortalize your experience…and then you’re going to want a perfect caption to put the final touch on what you’re sharing on Instagram.…